Stinger’s Detoxifying Mouthwash

The best product to help you pass a saliva drug test - Stinger’s Detoxifying Mouthwash will destroy any toxins in the sample insuring negative test results!
Stinger’s Detoxifying Mouthwash will destroy any toxins in the sample insuring negative test results! Any toxins, like alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, opiates, etc., will be out of your saliva for the next 30 minutes! Stinger’s Detoxifying Mouthwash is alcohol free – it won’t burn or dry your mouth; you can either spit it out or consume it once you’re done rinsing. Works within minutes and has a pleasant taste along with a strong formula that guarantees you successfully passing the test!
- Shake the bottle.
- Take the Stinger’s Detoxifying Mouthwash by small sips and swish in mouth for at least one minute.
- You can spit out or drink it after you’re done swishing.
- Go for your test immediately – the ultimate time to submit your sample is within thirty minutes after you used it.
Useful Tips:
- Avoid all unwanted toxins for 24-48 hours;
- Do not smoke or chew tobacco after the use of this product before test;
- Do not eat or drink after the use of this product before test.
To significantly reduce the level of toxins in your body prior to your personal deadline we would like to suggest MASTER TEA or PRE-TOX MASTER CONCENTRATED CAPSULES