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Vale's Artichoke Extra

Vale's Artichoke Extra

Vale's Artichoke Extra is a concentrated artichoke and turmeric supplement designed to help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels naturally.

$19.95 Buy now

Vale's Artichoke Extra is a concentrated artichoke and turmeric supplement designed to help maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels naturally. A poor diet high in saturated fats coupled with lack of exercise stresses the body and can result in poor health and disease. While you may be too busy to exercise regularly or completely change your diet, Vale's Artichoke Extra is an easy addition to your daily regimen that can help your body manage fatty foods and improve your sense of well-being.

Take 1 capsule with each meal or 3 before bed.

Artichoke Extract, Tumeric

Consult your doctor whenever making decisions about your health. Individuals with special health needs and women who are nursing or pregnant should consult a health professional before using any supplement program.

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