We get a lot of calls from very anxious customers who are very afraid they cannot pass their hair drug test. The first thing we tell them is to relax; we then review our hair shampoo for drug tests. If they are taking a saliva drug test or urine drug we will review what detox products to use to pass a drug test.
Pre-treatment before a hair follicle drug test is very important and vital to passing your drug test. The pre-treatment process should be done multiple times before the test and should conclude with using Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser and/or ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and conditioner the day of the hair test. Using Neutrogena T/Sal Shampoo and plain household vinegar is the key. Many of our successful customers prefer to use Apple cider vinegar because it has a more bearable smell. The Neutrogena T/Sal Shampoo has 3% salicylic acid in it and the vinegar is a mild acid as well. This helps in stripping the toxins away that are on the outside of the hair strand and helps to open up the hair for the detox shampoo. See our Macujo / GMAN method blog post (August 15th, 2012) for detailed instructions on properly preparing for a hair follicle drug test.
Our experience has shown that pre-treatment followed by the combination of two different hair detox shampoos, makes the best hair follicle test shampoo to pass a drug test. The Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser used with the ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner is our strongest 1 – 2 punch products to pass hair drug test. Hair drug tests are primarily designed to find hard drugs like Oxycontin, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines. These drugs bond very tightly to hair and are easily detected. Marijuana on the other hand does not bond easily with hair and hair follicle drug test is the easiest drug test to beat if you use marijuana. This is only guaranteed pass drug test if you use our hair test shampoo.
Not properly preparing for a hair drug test can result in a THC positive drug test result. So speak with one of our trained detox professionals prior to ordering hair shampoo for drug test. Just call 866-600-8820. This will insure you get the right hair detox products that guarantee you pass your hair follicle drug test.