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Category: How to pass

  • Did You Study For Your Test? (Part 6)

    Posted on November 30th, 2012 How to pass

    Alright we have covered the single panel test strips but if you believe there is more than just THC or cocaine in your system then you might want to explore the use of the 5 Panel Home Urine Test Strip.  Some people call us and are terrified that they have to take a urine drug test.  They mistakenly believe that they will test positive after just smoking marijuana that the lab will run five separate and increasingly analytical tests to determine the amount of THC in their system.  This is not what a 5 Panel Home Urine Drug Test Strip does.  The 5 panels represent five different substances that the lab is testing for.  The same holds true for ten panel tests strips, twelve panel test strips, etc.  With a 5 panel Home Drug test Strip you can determine if you are going to test positive for these five substances: marijuana (THC), amphetamines, Morphine / opiates, methamphetamines and cocaine.  These are the five most common substances that are abused among the general population according to The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  The cutoff levels for these drugs are the same as the single panel tests strips.  Marijuana (THC) has a cutoff level of 50 ng/ml, amphetamines has a cutoff level of 1000 ng/ml, morphine / opiates has a cutoff level of 2000 ng/ml, methamphetamines has a cutoff level of 500 ng/ml and cocaine has a cutoff level of 300 ng /ml.

  • What’s the big difference?

    Posted on November 29th, 2012 How to pass

    Urine drug testing is not as easy as it may seem. The testing labs accuracy is not the same as dip stick tests, and if you think you can fool a test at home by diluting your urine, the same trick may not work in a lab setting. But do not freak out – not every urine test goes through a lab. If you want to find out whether or not to use a detox product that will guarantee you to pass a test, you may want to do some research on the type of test you will have.

    -         Hi, I have a urine test coming up, and it is for a real good job, so I want to make sure that I pass it. I wanted to buy this detox drink, but I wanted to know first – what is the difference between this cranberry flavored drink, and just a regular cranberry juice. I got a couple of instant drug tests to check it out at home, and it looks like it is working – I am not getting any lines at all when I drink whole bunch of cranberry juice and test myself after that.

    -         First of all, if you are not getting any lines it means that the test is invalid. For the test to show negative, you need two solid lines to show. Secondly, detox drink is a specialized product that was blended together with herbs and vitamins so that does not dilute your urine, but keeps it normal while flushing out all toxins. So if you want to make sure you pass a drug test, you may want to spend a little for it.

    -         Wow, I guess you right, I had a suspicion that I was reading those tests wrong. Thanks a lot!

  • Exercise is important

    Posted on November 28th, 2012 How to pass

    Say you have stopped ingesting drugs and have a drug test in a few weeks.  You really want to rid your body totally of drug toxins and metabolites. First thing is to drink plenty of water in conjunction with one of our premium detox kits. The most important thing you can do is to SWEAT it out, especially if your drug of choice is marijuana/THC.


    The detectable byproducts of drug use are called metabolites and they are stored in the fatty tissues of the human body.  We all know there is no magic pill to rid the body of fat cells. Only dieting and exercise can break down fat cells. THC metabolites are the most stubborn and require a three pronged plan of attack to successfully detoxify the body. The most important part is exercise followed by dieting and use of the premium 7 day detox kit.


    You will need to get at least an hour’s worth of exercise everyday during your detox period. This allows your body to burn fat cell and therefore release the metabolites. The detox pills will then flush the toxins out of your system. The type of exercise you do is not that important as long as you do it at least an hour a day, every day while detoxifying. Simply taking a long vigorous walk can be sufficient. It is a low impact exercise and not too hard on the knees.  I also think it’s more entertaining than any stationary exercises. Generally I find a nice park and choose an area you are somewhat familiar with.  Also, somewhere there is little to no car traffic. If you have the means, a long sit in the sauna or a hot tub after a rigorous work out will to you well too. Again, we have to sweat the metabolites loose to get them out. Diet is the next important factor. You don’t want to add fatty tissues and you will want to reduce or avoid altogether fatty foods and sweetened foods. You do want to eat plenty of whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
    The premium detox 7 day kit will help expel all THC, drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size. The Herbal Clean Master Tea is a great compliment to the premium detox 7 day kit and a delicious drink that has been known for ages as natural antioxidant, diuretic and energizer. This detox tea gives you a real chance to speed up the flow of urine in your body and cleanse it. This detox tea is powered by the finest natural herbs, widely recognized to have cleansing qualities.


    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day detox drinks and detox pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of detox drink and detox pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.


  • The ABC’s of GC-MS Drug Testing (Part 2)

    Posted on November 27th, 2012 How to pass

    After the compounds are separated then they pass through the mass spectrometer, or the MS part of the test.  During this part of the test the materials are destroyed in by a strong magnetic field.  The various fragments of the material are then analyzed by their molecular weight.  The molecular weight of the fragments is then compared to databases which represent the statistical likelihood of certain compounds to separate into fragments in specific ways.  No direct analysis of the material is ever done and the accuracy of the results depends upon the precision of the database being used.  This is where many false positive results are reported.  For example, a false positive for opiates can be given if the individual is taking certain antibiotics because the fragmentation patterns of the antibiotics that the person was taking were cot recorded in the database that was used in the test so the software that the testing equipment was using automatically defaulted to the next likely match.  Most drug testing labs are operated by chemists who lack the experience to analyze compounds outside of the database being used.  Unknown compounds are not grouped in with the compounds found in the database.  In order to correctly identify unknown compounds it requires the chemist to study four years at the graduate level of analytical chemistry and another two years of medical school training in toxicology to discern unknown compounds through the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry drug testing method.  Most drug testing labs are staffed by highly trained and experienced technicians supervised by a chemist or engineer but false positives should still be questioned because no lab is infallible.

  • Why did it work?

    Posted on November 26th, 2012 How to pass

    Preparation for a urine drug test requires considerate effort. It is not easy to find a guaranteed way to pass a drug testing, especially when there is so much contradicting information out there. Your best friend says that he passed the test with the same thing your brother failed, and you are not sure how that same product would work for you. Someone else insists that nothing works except for home remedies. So where is the truth? The reason why people have different experiences using the same detox product to pass the test is because the toxin levels may have been different, and their bodies may have reacted in a different way to the same product.

    -         Hi, I want to inquire about the product I used. I had a urine drug testing come up unexpectedly, and I was completely unprepared for it – it was not supposed to be scheduled until the following month, but the offer came sooner, and I had to go. Anyways, I got this bottle of juice from a friend of mine, he just happened to have one – he always keeps some kind of detox around just in case. So anyhow, he said that it did not really work for him when he used it, but I kind of had no choice and had to take that detox drink, and I passed the test. Which I am happy with, I am not complaining, I just want to know why it worked for me, but not for him.

    -         How long did you and your friend stay clean before each test?

    -         Well, I stayed clean for over a week – I quit as soon as I found out I may get tested, and him – I do not know, he never stops smoking. Well, I guess, I just answered my own question!

  • Black Friday .. Time to SHOP

    Posted on November 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    We hope you are enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday. A great dinner followed by fabulous after parties are a mainstay tradition of this great American holiday. Food, Fun, and Fellowship! The marijuana/hemp plant was also introduced to the English settlers by the native Americans. The Hemp plant crop was also an integral part of the early United States’ economy.  Quite a few of our fellow Americans will take this opportunity to enjoy and give thanks by indulging the “Peace pipe pow wow”.


    This can have dire consequences for many because employers know that holidays are a “High Time” for many of their staff and may conduct random drug screenings after the holiday. If by chance you do pow wow with the peace pipe this Thanksgiving holiday then DON’T PANIC ….


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is best used for employment pee tests and excellent for passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. We also recommend our same day detox drinks and detox pills. These are great fast acting urine cleansers and are not FAKE urine. These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug tests and provides clean urine for three to five hours.


    Don’t make the mistake of thinking “Oh I just had a little bit” … even a single hit can register as a positive many days after using. It’s probably not worth the risk. When used correctly detox products do work so it is best to call, speak with one of our detox professionals and get the product best for you!

    Our trained detox professionals can review your exact needs and then suggest the products best to help you pass your drug test. We will be open for business 9:00am EST on November 23rd and can ship any of our fast acting solutions overnight. So, if you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and be sure to ask about our Black Friday Sales Specials and Discounts !!!

  • The ABC’s of GC-MS Drug Testing

    Posted on November 22nd, 2012 How to pass

    Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry drug testing, more commonly referred to as

    GC-MS drug testing is the most commonly accepted method of discerning if the person being subjected to the test is guilty of using certain drugs.  There are problems with this type of testing being used as the absolute definitive truth about the individual’s guilt or innocence when it comes to toxin levels.  To understand the limits to the effectiveness of the GC-MS testing procedures it is important to understand how the test works.

    The GC-MS testing method is actually a mixture of two separate testing technologies.  The GC part of it is the gas chromatograph which is an instrument used to separate a mixture of compounds by measuring their attraction to an adsorbent. An adsorbent is a material that has the capacity to adsorb another substance. Activated charcoal is one example of an adsorbent.  With GC testing the adsorbent is usually silica or alumina gel that lines the inside column of the gas chromatograph.  The person’s sample is injected into a gas inside the device where it travels through a column which is heated by an oven.  Inside the column the compounds are then separated.  As the compounds are separated they pass through a detection device which emits a signal where the signal is recorded by an electro-mechanical device.  What are actually being recorded are the retention times of the various compounds on the column in the gas chromatograph not the chemical makeup of the materials being recorded.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Hour before the test

    Posted on November 21st, 2012 How to pass

    Following instructions is important, not only when you are putting together a piece of furniture you just bought, but also when you are trying to pass a drug test. Most detox products are easy to use, and generally do not require too much hassle.

    -          Hi, this is a detox place, right? I have a question regarding how to pass a drug test. I applied for this job a while ago, and I just heard back and they want me to come in next week, so I need to make sure I am ready for this thing. I stopped smoking last month and have been clean for 25 days now, but I do not think this is enough for me to get clean. I did my best staying away from it, and was drinking a lot of water, and took some cleansing detox pills, but I was a very heavy user before, and it looks like I am still dirty – I tested myself at home this morning, and it came up positive. So, I do not know if you have anything for me to get cleaned in a week, but do you have something that would work an hour before the test so I can just pass it?

    -          Absolutely, quick flushing detox products work within an hour, but last only for a few hours after that, so make sure you time yourself accordingly.

    -          Yeah, I saw that online. And I had another question for you – will it still work if I smoked today? Or a day of the test?

    -          Well, you need to stay clean for at least couple days before the drug testing; otherwise the product will not work properly.

    -          Oh, I did not see it mentioned! Ok, so if I was clean for a month, and then relapsed today, but will stay clean for a week before the test – I will be fine?

    -          Yes, that sounds like a good amount of time for the toxin level to go down before the test.

    -          Great! Thank you! Please send me that detox product!

  • Insurance Drug Testing

    Posted on November 20th, 2012 How to pass

    Here at MB Detox, we receive a lot of calls from customers who have to take a drug test in order to secure an insurance policy. First we need to know if they will be taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test. This is important because each has different was how to detox to pass a drug test. We will also need to know what type of drugs is in your system and how often it was used. This to effects what products are best guaranteed to pass a drug test.


    Our premium 7 day detox kit works best for those who have at least a week or two before their insurance drug test and they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a saliva drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox. Another of our ways to pass drug tests are our same day detox drinks and detox pills combinations.  These are great urine cleansers and are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and allows you to pee clean urine for three to five hours.


    Saliva detox mouth wash is the most effective way how to pass saliva drug test and the best fast detox for a swab drug test. It is important not to use any toxins at least 48 hours prior to the drug test. Detox drinks and detox pills are not meant for passing a saliva drug test.  MB Detox carries 2 very effective and guaranteed pass drug test mouth wash products. Both are guaranteed to pass saliva drug tests


    Our experience has shown that the combination of two different hair detox shampoos to pass a hair follicle drug test, made by different manufacturers, makes the best hair follicle test shampoo pass a drug test guarantee. The Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser used with the ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner is our strongest 1 – 2 punch products to pass hair drug test.


    These anti drug testing detox products are powerful and a very effective ways to pass a drug test. To be sure you get the correct detox program you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

  • Did You Study For Your Test? (Part 5)

    Posted on November 19th, 2012 How to pass

    There is another possible outcome when you take a home test of your urine sample.  This would be an invalid result.  This is not common but it does occur.  There are a few possible reasons for this result.  First, the testing device that you have used may be old and outdated.  Deterioration does occur so you should be sure to use a new or relatively new urine drug test strip.  For something as important as employment, parole, custody battle or just keeping your current job you should leave nothing up to chance.  Don’t try to cut corners because home test strips are not that expensive and the alternative could cost you a lot more.

    Another reason for receiving an invalid result would be using the home test strip improperly.  There are more ways than one to screw up your home test.  By inserting the dip strip too far into the sample and going past the designated area for testing this may ruin the test strip.  I have also had someone call in to tell me that their hand got all wet when they held the strip over the toilet and urinated on it. In this instance that person would fail the drug test and the intelligence test.  READ THE DIRECTIONS! I can’t emphasize that enough.

    An invalid test result would mean that you should retest immediately with another test strip.  If no color band shows up in the Control Zone (the band that is marked with “C”) then this would indicate that the test strip was bad or that the test was administered improperly.  Don’t take any chances. Test yourself!

    (To Be Continued)