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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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Category: How to pass

  • How do they know when I smoked?

    Posted on November 16th, 2012 How to pass

    Technology came a long way in the past century, but still even now it is surprising of some things that become possible thanks to technology and progress. In the detox field the advancements and overall changes happen pretty often, and if you are concerned with passing a drug test the right way, you would want to be aware of everything that is happening during a lab test.

    -          Hello, I am not sure if I am calling a right number, but have a question regarding testing for drugs – I hope you can help me out here. I have had drug tests before, mostly for my work, and they always used a dip stick to test me to find out if I was positive or negative. I used detox products before, and to make sure they work I always would get a dip stick and use it at home before my drug test. And those at-home testers were the same, positive-negative type. So now I got pulled over for DUI, and I was just wondering – if their tests just give you a yes-or-no answer, how do they know when I smoked? Maybe I smoked yesterday, so I am testing positive, can they still give me a ticket? How can they prove that I smoked just now?

    -          Well, normally for DUI’s they do not even have to test – a smell in the car confirms that illicit substance was used recently, and it gets the driver to confess. Also, a blood test can give more comprehensive reading on the amount of metabolites in the system – the levels will vary drastically if you smoked an hour ago, or a day ago, so science is pretty accurate in those questions.

    -          Ok, got it. Well then, can you send me some detox pills to get me cleansed? I am going to need to pass quite a few drug tests in the upcoming months.

  • Days before your drug test? What to do…

    Posted on November 15th, 2012 How to pass

    If you have already ordered one of our detox products and are about 1 to 5 days away from their urine drug test and just want to know if there is anything you can do now that help you to pass their drug test.


    There are several, proven products you can take days prior to your drug test that can help. The Pre-Vale detox tablets we sell are specifically designed to prepare your body for detoxification prior to drug tests. Pre-Vale is suggested for use 12-18 hours prior to using a same day detox drink.  The Vale’s Perma-Clean is best several days before a drug tests and is consumed to aid the liver in the elimination of toxins and to help promote healthy liver function. Vale’s Perma-Clean is a combination of two detoxifying formulas dispensed by healthcare professionals. The Pretox Master Concentrated Capsules can can greatly increase to odds of successfully completing of your detoxifying process. The PreTox Master Concentrated Capsules temporarily facilitates the urinary process and helps the body to break the drug metabolites and flush unwanted toxins (traces of drugs, THC, marijuana) out of your urinary tract.


    Eating a large meals and relaxing has been proven to be effective for those who have marijuana in their system. This helps to keep the THC metabolites that are already in you body’s fat cells to stay there until after the test is completed. Most importantly, at about 48 hours prior to your urine drug test you want to stop all exercising and lounge around some. Again, this will help to keep the THC metabolites that are in your fat cells stay there until after your drug tests.


    Drinking lots of water does help but mostly for the water soluble drugs such as cocaine, opiates, and amphetamines. THC is an oil based molecule. The human body is water based but fat cells are oily and THC loves to hang with them. So… Eat a big greasy burger with a few beers the day before your drug tests.  After dinner relax and watch a good long movie with a big bag candies. This strategy, used with our detox products greatly improves your chance of passing your drug test.


    If you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions!

  • Did You Study For Your Test? (Part 4)

    Posted on November 14th, 2012 How to pass

    The second result from your home test would be a negative result which means you have passed your home test and the drug metabolite levels in your urine are below the metabolite levels established by The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  This is the result that should bring a smile to your face.  The negative result on the urine test strip would be indicated by two color bands being visible.  One band would be present in the Control Zone (the band that is marked with “C”) and one color band would be present in the Test Zone (the band that is marked with “T”).  Do not be alarmed if the color band present in the Test Zone is not as bright or clear as the color band visible in the Control Zone. It usually never is as dark as the Control Zone band.  As long as the Test Zone band is visible then you are receiving a passing grade on your home test, at least for the substance that you are testing for.  This result means that you can go into your official test confident that you will pass.  Although it is always advisable to conduct more than one home test or to test for other substances just to be sure. Once you are sure then there should be no need to go to the extra expense of purchasing a detox kit or synthetic urine.  You have done your homework!

    (To Be Continued)

  • How bout them nails?

    Posted on November 13th, 2012 How to pass

    It is not a secret that there are many different types of drug testing. The most common one is a urine test – it is fairly easy to administer, and inexpensive when compared to the other types of tests. However, just because urine drug test is the most widespread type of test, it does not mean that you will definitely get it.

    -         Hi, can you help me? I need someone’s advice, and this number popped up on the internet. It looks like you have all kinds of detox products – I need the best one. I need the one that will clean out everything!

    -         Ok, we have a permanent cleansing product that will get rid of any toxins in your body. It is a lengthy process, it will take at least a week to complete the entire course of detox pills. In some cases with higher toxin level it may take up to two weeks.

    -         Oh, that is fine, I have some time before my test. It is not for a job or anything like that, it is much more serious, and I need to make sure I am completely clean. So this works for everything?

    -         Yes, for any type of toxins, as long as you do not contaminate your body with them again.

    -         Oh, no! I would not do that! And what exactly does it clean? Everything?

    -         Your entire body – blood, urine, saliva; basically, all bodily fluids.

    -         Ok, and how bout them nails? Will that cleanse that as well?

    -         Unfortunately, no. Nail structure is similar to a bone, and whatever is there is trapped inside until it is cut. So if you get your body cleansed, and wait a few weeks, eventually, your nails will be clean because they will grow out.

    -         Sounds good, send me some asap!

  • What is a 12 panel drug test

    Posted on November 12th, 2012 How to pass

    We receive some calls wanting to know what a 12 panel drug test is and if they can pass a 12 panel drug test guaranteed. There are many ways to pass a 12 panel drug test, even random drug test where you have very little notice. When our customers call we review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test. This is important because each has different was how to detox to pass a drug test.


    A 12 panel drug test could be a hair drug tests, urine drug tests, saliva drug tests or blood drug tests. It is called 12 panel drug test because it is primary focus is to detect 12 of the most popular drugs of abuse, which are:

      THC (marijuana, pot, grass, weed, hash, Mary Jane, dope)
      Cocaine (coke, crack, blow, nose candy, snowball, tornado)
      Opiates (heroin, morphine, opium, smack, thunder, hell dust)
      Amphetamines (Adderall, Ritalin, Dexedrine, speed, uppers)
      Methamphetamines (meth, crank, ice, chalk, black beauties, crystal meth)
      Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust, boat, tic tac, zoom)
      Barbiturates (barbs, downers, Amyta, Nembutal, Seconal, Tuinal)
      Benzodiazepines (Valium, Xanax, Librium, Ativan, Halcion, Diazepam)
      Methadone (fizzies, amidone, chocolate chip cookies)
      MDMA (ecstasy, xtc, beans, adams, hug drug
      Oxycodone (Percocet, Percodan, OxyContin, Tylox, Vicodin, oc, ox, oxy)
      Propoxyphene (Darvocet, Darvon)


        There are ways to pass a 12 panel drug tests available that will help you pass a urine drug test, saliva drug test, hair drug test. Even if your test is a drug test for other drugs like the Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, Tylenol 3 drug test, marijuana drug test, opiate cleanser, lortab urine test, adipex drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test. The best way to pass a 12 panel drug test is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine 12 panel drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or if you have a body weight around 200 lbs.However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine. Our premium 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox. Another of our ways to pass drug tests are our same day detox drinks and detox pill combinations.  These are great urine cleansers and are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and allows you to pee clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.


        This is why when our customers call we must review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug tests, hair drug tests or saliva drug test or blood drug tests. This is important because each has different ways of how to detox to pass a drug test guaranteed. These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult one of our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before placing an ordering.

      1. Did You Study For Your Test? (Part 3)

        Posted on November 9th, 2012 How to pass

        The home test strips are an integral part of successfully helping you pass a drug test.  If you know that you will not be clean in time for your test without having to use a detox kit then you can possibly postpone your test and save yourself some embarrassment or worse.  The urine test strips are relatively simple to use and provide a few possible outcomes.  You should start gathering your test sample by urinating into a sterile container as to avoid any contamination.  Now there are two types of testing devices.  The simplest is the dip strip where you just place the tip of the strip into the urine and your results will show on the stick.  The second is the test cartridge where you use an eye dropper to place the urine in a sample well.

        The possible outcomes for your home test are as follows. A positive outcome for the drugs you are testing for means you are failing your test.  In this instance the test strip will show one color band in the Control Zone (the band that is marked with “C”) and no color band in the Test Zone (the band that is marked with “T”).  This means that your urine contains drug metabolite levels above the cutoff levels established by The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).  If you receive a positive outcome on your home test then you need to take measures to pass your drug test by the lab or company that will administer your official test by using a detox kit or detox drink or synthetic urine.

        (To Be Continued)

      2. Expensive Piss

        Posted on November 8th, 2012 How to pass

        Money play important role in our lives, but on some occasions it is just impossible to use it right and inadvertently we waste it away…

        -         Hi, I have a question about how to pass a drug test. I will have one coming up soon, and need something that will definitely work for me. I had some experience with detox products before, but I do not think I had the ones that are on your website.

        -         Tell me a little bit more about your situation. How much time do you have before the test? What toxins are involved?

        -         Well, I used to be a pretty heavy user, I smoked pot basically every night, but now I stopped because of all this drug testing nonsense. I have been clean for two weeks now, and I can take my test whenever I want – it is optional, as soon as I take the test I can apply for the position, and I really need to get a job as soon as possible. I spent quite a lot of money for some cleansing products already, but they did not work- it said to take the pills and drink the detox drink and it was supposed to cleanse your body, but I tested myself at home and failed! I could not believe that I wasted all that money for a positive drug test result, so I got another home test – and I failed it too! All I got was expensive piss! So now, I am out of all that money, and still need to pass a urine drug testing. Do you have something that will work for sure, but under twenty bucks?

        -         Oh, we may have just something you need. Keep in mind that quick flush products are only effective to a few hours, so make sure you refer to the directions and use it properly.

      3. Mild Complete Body Detox

        Posted on November 7th, 2012 How to pass

        Here at MB Detox, We regularly receive phone calls from customers who have stopped using or dont really use at all. They just want to completely clean out their body and rid themselves of the toxins that have been building up in their body, both natural and unnatural. They are not as concerned about passing drug tests or the best pass drug kits with same day results. This is why when our customers call we must review their exact needs.


        Do you know that your liver plays important roles in detoxification, hormonal balance, fat regulation, digestion and circulation? The healthy liver metabolizes the nutrients for life: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and turns toxic materials into non-toxic substances for expulsion. Toxic substances (they include such substances as alcohol, recreational drugs, nicotine, etc.) end up stored in the liver. Once the buildup becomes too much, the liver begins to have trouble eliminating wastes from the body, as well as trouble with digestion of food. This then leads to a buildup of toxins in other organs, and in all the tissues of the body, including the brain. A buildup of this nature can be fatal, if the liver doesn’t first cease to function altogether.


        No matter how big or small you are, or how often you use drugs, natural toxins and drug metabolites build up in the body over time and are mainly stored in the fat cells. These fat cells do break down naturally over time, in usually about 90 days or so. A mild body detox will help expel these drug and toxins from the body, usually in about 30 days depending on your body size. Today we will review some of the mild body cleansing kits and best ways to a complete body detox.


        The Pretox Master Concentrated Capsules are made with the finest herbs gathered form around the world with the strength of niacin (vitamin B3) and ensures the success of your detoxifying process. The PreTox Master Concentrated Capsules temporarily facilitates the urinary process and helps the body to break the drug metabolites down and flush unwanted toxins out of your urinary tract.


        Vale’s Perma-Clean has been traditionally consumed to aid the liver in the elimination of toxins and to help promote healthy liver function. Vale’s Perma-Clean is a combination of two detoxifying formulas dispensed by healthcare professionals to help their patients with deep cellular cleansing. This combination of Milk Thistle, believed to block toxins from entering the liver and helps to remove toxins from and regenerate liver cells, and Burdock Root, which is an excellent tonic for the lungs and liver. These naturally mild detox agents stimulate the elimination of toxic waste through the skin and urine, improving digestion. It helps to promote healthy liver function that is so crucial to the body’s natural detoxifying process.


        The Herbal Clean Master Tea is a great compliment to any premium detox kit and a delicious drink that has been known for ages as natural antioxidant, diuretic and energizer. This detox tea gives you a real chance to speed up the flow of urine in your body and cleanse it. This detox tea is powered by the finest natural herbs, widely recognized to have cleansing qualities.


        If you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and answer all your questions!

      4. Did You Study For Your Test? (Part 2)

        Posted on November 6th, 2012 How to pass

        Conducting a urine drug test at home is relatively simple these days as compared to just a few years ago. By testing yourself a few days in advance you can go into your test confident that there will be no THC present in your sample or if there is then you can choose the right detox kits to help pass a drug test.  Forewarned is forearmed.  The at home drug test kits measure the drug screening cutoff levels set by the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

        If you find that you are over the cutoff levels for the drugs and you receive positive drug test results from your home test there are a few ways that you can remedy your situation.  If you have enough time you can use one of the permanent drug detox kits like the Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program.  This is designed to get rid of any drug metabolites permanently so you can give a clean sample and you will not test positive until you use any drugs again.  Depending upon your body weight, metabolism and how long you have been using your drug of choice you may need to be on this detox program from seven to twenty days to be completely metabolite free and pass the drug test.  Another option would be to use a same day detox kit.  This would be used approximately two hours before you are to give your sample.  This detox kit consists of one detox drink, one set of detox capsules and one home test strip.  Provided you have abstained from ingesting any toxins at least 48 hours before you are to provide your sample you will give clean urine sample.  You should always discuss your situation with a detox specialist to determine the strength of the detox drink that you will need since every situation is different and everyone’s metabolism is different.

        (To Be Continued)

      5. How can you tell?

        Posted on November 5th, 2012 How to pass

        It may not be news to you, but just a reminder – in order to successfully pass a drug test you need to thoroughly prepare in advance. It may come as a shock to some readers, but without good preparation you may not only waste a lot of money, but also fail the test – and no one wants that, I am sure! So, let us start in the beginning – first, figure out how much time you have before the drug testing. If you only have a day or so before the test, then you going to need a fast acting cleanser, for instance, a detox drink. Those things a pretty cheap and require little or almost no work at all. The only thing you have to make sure that you do is stay away from drugs for a couple of days – that is pretty hard to do for some people. In the case if you have a few weeks before the test – go for the complete body cleansing. It is guaranteed to get you what you need, may take you a while, but it is worth it. It is also a good idea to get clean and forget about worrying about all that stuff. This will be useful in the case if you are applying for multiple jobs or positions and will have numerous drug testing at different times. You may wonder how can you tell if you are really clean. Well, in case you did not know – there are these home testing devices that you can buy over the counter and use at home. Some people think that they do not work, but actually, they are the same stuff that they use in labs! The cut-off levels are the same, and if you are passing a drug test at home with a self test device, you will pass your official test.