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Category: How to pass

  • Drug Detection Time: Barbiturates in the Urine Part 1

    Posted on September 7th, 2012 How to pass

    Detection of barbiturates in the urine can vary dramatically depending upon which one you take.  The half-life of each different barbiturate can vary from a few days to more than a week.  The half-life of each drug is the period of time which it stays in your system.

    Barbiturates are depressants which affect the central nervous system and can result in achieving results from mild sedation to total anesthesia.  They can become both physically and psychologically addictive.  Withdrawal symptoms from barbiturates can be severe and even lead to death in some instances.

    Detection time for barbiturate use can vary in each individual.  Factors such as your body weight, age, health, your metabolism, how long you have been using and the barbiturate type may determine how long the metabolites will remain in your system. Urine tests check for the drug metabolites not the drug itself.  Metabolites are the byproduct of the drug after your body processes it.

    For detection time in the urine, barbiturates can last anywhere from 2 days to 10 days depending upon the various factors mentioned above.  This is a relatively short period of time compared to other substances like marijuana for instance which can stay detectable in a urine sample for up to 14 weeks.

    The older we get the more our metabolism slows down so it extends the time that substances remain detectable in our samples.  If you have a relatively high body mass then your metabolism is slower and the longer the barbiturates will stay detectable in the urine. Being physically active will help you rid your body quicker of many drug metabolites.  Remember, if you do need to take a drug test and you have a prescription then you should disclose to the testing facility exactly what prescriptions you are on and it is also advisable to bring your prescriptions to the testing facility to show them.

  • Say No to Dilution

    Posted on September 6th, 2012 How to pass

    There are many things that people do to successfully pass a drug test. In some cases staying free of toxins and getting your system cleansed it just not an option, so some people prefer other methods. One of those methods is diluting a urine sample with water. Some believe that drinking water by the gallon or adding water or other liquids to the urine sample will aid in getting a negative drug test result. Here are a few reasons why this does not work. During every urine drug testing each sample is pre-screened to confirm that the sample it really a human urine by measuring certain characteristics, such as temperature, creatinine level, specific gravity, pH level, and so on. Normally, creatinine is excreted from a human body at a constant rate, so it is always present in the urine. When you consume unnaturally large amounts of fluids, e.g. water, the urine becomes diluted and, subsequently, creatinine levels drop. On the other hand, when a human body is dehydrated, creatinine level in the urine may go up. Abnormal reading during a urine drug test will cause suspicion and be sent for a further testing. Adding fluids to the urine sample will also cause creatinine levels and specific gravity reading to be off the charts. The best way to make sure you successfully pass a drug test is to use specialized detox product – this will ensure that your urine has all normal characteristics, and also tests negative for the presence of illicit toxins.

  • Preparing for an unknown type of drug test

    Posted on September 5th, 2012 How to pass

    Here at MB Detox, We regularly receive phone calls from nervous customers who know they will have to take as drug test but are not sure what type of test will be given. This can be frightening because you don’t know exactly how to prepare for the drug tests or what drug detox products you may need to pass a drug test guaranteed. The first thing we tell them is to calm down, and then we review what to use to pass a drug test.


    First, a good complete body detox is the best way to prepare for an unknown drug tests type. This detox product will help expel all drugs and toxins from the body, usually in about 7 to 14 days depending on your body size. Our premium detox 7 day kit works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug tests and they have quit drugs and want to clean out their body in preparation for a urine drug test or blood drug test. The combinations of fast acting detox drinks and detox pills are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for up to six hours. To best prepare to pass a hair follicle drug test, the Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser used with the ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner is our strongest 1 – 2 punch products to pass hair drug tests. The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight.


    These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult one of our detox professionals before ordering. If you have questions or need help choosing a detox product appropriate for your situation, call us toll-free at 1-866-600 0032. Our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you and answer all of your questions!

  • Drug Detection Time: Marijuana (THC) In The Hair Part 4

    Posted on September 4th, 2012 How to pass

    Hair tests are the most difficult to pass and THC in the hair follicles will remain there until the blood is clean and the hair follicle that contains the THC metabolites grows long enough for the affected area to be cut out and removed.  When there is THC in the blood it flows into the inner cortex of the hair follicle.  There is blood flow into the hair but no blood flow out of the hair.  When you pull a strand of hair from your head you will see a little red dot at the root.  This is blood.  As the hair grows, the toxins travel along that path until it reaches the end of the hair and you cut it off.  It is like sedimentary rock.  You can see the layers of different types and time periods of the surface.

    There is no liver or kidney function in the hair to remove toxins so they remain longer in the hair than they would in the blood, urine or saliva.  This is why many employers are turning to the hair follicle test because it can determine a longer period of usage in the person subjected to the test.  Your hair grows approximately one half inch per month so generally the sample removed from the head needs to be at least one and one half inches to reflect a ninety day time frame from which the subjects drug usage will be determined.

    Using a quality detox shampoo will help you pass a hair follicle drug test.  You just need to follow all of the procedures to assure that you avoid detection.  Most detox shampoos are designed to give you up to an eight hour window where the chemicals in the detox shampoo will mask the metabolites in your hair so they don’t show up in the lab test.  After the hair sample is removed from the scalp then there will be no further blood flow into the hair and no more contamination to your hair.  The chemicals in the hair sample will continue to mask the toxins long after the hair is separated from your scalp.

    Having to pass a hair follicle test is tough but not impossible.  Selecting the correct detox shampoo will guarantee successful results.

  • Why did this happen?

    Posted on September 3rd, 2012 How to pass

    When dealing with a necessity of passing a drug test, you need to be very careful if prescription medications are involved. Once you think it over and decide whether or not to tell them that you have a prescription for any substance that you are taking on daily basis, you should also consider the amount of it that is involved, because that may also be an issue. If you decide to keep your personal life private, and not to disclose the fact that you are prescribed anything at all, consider the use of a detox drink as a method of producing a clean sample for the test – this way there will be no questions asked. If you cannot stop taking the meds to lower your toxin level before consuming a detox product, then there is a option of using synthetic urine to give instead of your own urine – if used correctly this product give 100% negative drug test results.

    -          Is this a help line? I have a question; I hope you can help me. I got really sick some time ago, and the doctor prescribed codeine for me. I was still on it when I had to take a urine drug testing at work. They said that I came up positive for opiates, and I showed them my prescription, and they even called my doctor, but they said that it could not have been codeine because the levels were too high. What do I do now? I did not take any other opiates other than that.

    -          First of all, you should dispute it with the lab – when you consume codeine it is converted into the morphine. In some cases, codeine is metabolized so quickly that the levels of morphine in the blood, and subsequently, in urine are much higher. So if you have a prescription for the drug you tested positive for, they cannot consider it a failed drug test since there is no legal proof that the toxin was consumed illegally. Demand a re-test, and if you have not already stopped using the drug, consider the use of a detox product to help you get the results that you want.

  • Synthetic Weed or Spice Drug Test

    Posted on August 31st, 2012 How to pass

    Here at MB Detox, We are increasingly getting phone calls from customers who want to know if the consumption of synthetic weed or spice will show up on a drug test.  Well here’s what we know so far. Synthetic weed or spice does not cause a positive drug test for cannabis or other illegal drugs. However, detection of its metabolites in urine and can be reliably detected by GC–MS laboratory drug testing. Detection times of up to 2 months following a single low dose have been noted. In cases of chronic use or larger persons, the detection window could be longer.


    What does this mean? Well, it all depends on the type of drug test you are taking.  Synthetic weed or spice will not show on standard “dip stick”  or home drug testing. But if the drug test is being performed by a laboratory than most likely the drug metabolites in your urine, hair or saliva will be detected. And just like THC/Marijuana, the presence of synthetic weed metabolites in urine has long detection window.


    There are products to pass drug test available that will help you pass a urine drug test if you have consumed synthetic weed. The best anti drug test available is synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test.  Our complete body detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test. Our same day detox drinks and detox pills are great as urine cleansers and are guaranteed to pass a drug test. These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours.


    There are products to pass drug test that will help you pass a drug test if you have a saliva drug test or hair drug test and have consumed synthetic weed. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test. This is why when our customers call we must review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug tests, hair drug tests or saliva drug test and what type of drugs are in their system. This is important because each has different ways of how to detox to pass a drug test guaranteed. These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult one of our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before placing an ordering.

  • Drug Detection Time: Marijuana (THC) In The Blood Part 3

    Posted on August 30th, 2012 How to pass

    For the most accurate test for detecting THC in the system the blood test is the one to use.  High levels of THC in the blood indicate recent use and low levels may linger on for up to 3 months in some individuals.

    Because everyone has a different metabolism the time it takes for THC to leave your system varies.  For people with a larger body mass it generally takes longer to detoxify from marijuana because the THC is stored in the fat cells.  The body needs to break down the fat cells in order to release the THC metabolites into the urine and then released out of the body.  As we age our metabolism slows down so it does take a little longer for older people to detox.  Also, the strength of the marijuana may affect the time it takes for one to be clean as stronger marijuana, like medical grade marijuana contains higher concentrations of the active ingredient in THC, known by its scientific name delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.  The frequency of usage will also affect the detox time for the THC to leave the blood because the longer that a person has smoked the more THC metabolites build up in the system.  Blood tests are more difficult to administer so they are usually not used in the case of pre employment testing and are generally reserved for more sensitive employment situations and accident investigations, DUI cases, and job related injury investigations. (To Be Continued)

  • Never know until you get the test results

    Posted on August 29th, 2012 How to pass

    Certain toxins can stay in your system for quite some time. For instance, after the use of marijuana the body can retain the metabolites for as long as two month. Even from one time use it can be detected for a few weeks – a fact that is useful to know, especially if you did a little something a while ago and now need to pass a drug test.

    -          Hello, I was wondering if I can ask you a question. I want to know how long does marijuana stays in the system. I smoked a half a joint over a month ago, and I have a urine drug test coming up which I need to make sure I pass. I am not an everyday smoker, so I thought that I would be clean by now, but I went and got at-home urine test panel, and it said I was positive! I did not believe it, so I got another one – positive again! How long will it stay in my system now?

    -          Generally, from one time use it should not stay in the body for too long. Have you used any detox products to help get cleanser?

    -          No, I did not know I had to go for a drug test until yesterday.

    -          And you have not used anything for a month? Have you been exposed to a second-hand smoke, perhaps?

    -          You know what, I ate half a brownie at my friend’s house last week – I know she smokes pot, but she did not tell me if she put any into the brownies… I kind of felt funny, but I thought maybe it was a sugar rush, because I do not normally eat sweets… Yeah, that would explain it, because it happened just last week! I guess I better find out! Can you send me a detox drink meanwhile, so I can pass this test?

  • What is a URINE drug test?

    Posted on August 28th, 2012 How to pass

    Most of the calls we receive are from customers wanting to know how to pass a urine drug test.  There are many ways to pass a drug test, even random drug test where you have very little notice. When our customers call we review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test. This is important because each has different was how to detox to pass a drug test.


    Urine drug tests are the most common and affordable drug tests performed. They check for the presence of the drug or the drug metabolite in the urinary tract as it is being expelled from the body. Usually the tester performs what is known as an adulteration test. This test is usually done with a dip stick and checks to make sure the urine drug test sample is at the correct temperature (90 to 100 degrees), Ph balancing (acidity level), specific gravity (thickness of liquid), and creatine levels (natural element in human urine).


    Once the urine drug test sample is determined to be valid, it is either tested on the spot with a 5 panel drug test for the presence of the drug or the drug metabolite or sent to a lab for a detailed examination called a GC/MS confirmation. If a dip stick test registers as positive then a GC/MS confirmation must be done.


    Our best anti drug test available is synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test guaranteed. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage, has a high body weight or not enough time to properly do a 7 day complete body detox.


    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day detox drinks and detox pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. This anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.


    And remember … DON’T PANIC !!!

  • Drug Detection Time: Marijuana (THC) In Saliva Part 2

    Posted on August 27th, 2012 How to pass

    The THC metabolites in marijuana can also be detected in the hair, blood and saliva but since our bodies are continually producing saliva the detection time of THC in the saliva is much shorter.  For a single use of marijuana the THC metabolites found in a saliva swab test can be detected for about twenty four to forty eight hours after usage.  Again, for chronic smokers, there is a higher (no pun intended) amount of toxins in the body so the detection time may be longer.

    Saliva tests are becoming more popular because they are less intrusive than urine, blood and hair drug tests and the results obtained are a more accurate portrayal of recent drug activity. Saliva tests are designed to detect metabolite secretions from the oral tissues in the mouth so using a regular mouthwash would not deter the detection of the drug metabolites.  A detoxifying mouthwash would be necessary to kill any metabolites in the saliva for a short period of time so that the subject would be able to pass a mouth swab drug test.  The mouthwash will give the person about a thirty to forty minute window where the interior of the mouth will be coated with toxin killing agents so the drug metabolites will be rendered undetectable.  Alcohol, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines, methamphetamines are no match for the detoxifying mouthwash.  Most of the mouthwashes are also alcohol free so they won’t burn the inside of your mouth.  Much like blood, your saliva has to be clean from any unwanted toxins or must be cleaned with a detoxifying mouthwash in order to avoid detection.  (To Be Continued)