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Category: How to pass

  • Truth about saliva testing

    Posted on August 24th, 2012 How to pass

    People are constantly looking for ways to pass a drug test without detox. In some cases it is quite possible to get completely clean by the test day – when the toxin level is minimal, and there is plenty of time for the body to get rid of them naturally. However, in most cases it is pretty much impossible to pass the drug testing without using specialized products. It seems that it would be pretty easy to choose between urine cleansers, detox shampoos and so on, it is almost never a question of where to buy detox products. But once you have it – make sure you know what it is and how to use it.

    -         Hi, I got your product here and I need to make sure I am doing everything right. I have a detox drink, and I have about five hours before the lab closes to go get tested. What I want to know is how long before the test I should drink it? It has instructions here, but I think it is only for a urine drug test, so I just want to confirm.

    -         And what test are you going for?

    -         Oh, I have a saliva drug testing, and I got this detox drink at a little shop here.

    -         Unfortunately, we cannot speak for all products, but generally detox drink do not work on saliva, only urine…

    -         No, they told me it works for everything, and it makes you instantly clean! I need to pass this test now! And then there is one next week, so I need to get clean for good!

    -         Perhaps what they meant by “everything” is a type of toxins, not a type of test. And I am sorry to say, but you cannot get rid of all the toxins for good with a simple detox drink – complete detoxification takes time and effort, detox products are not magic, and they do not work overnight.

    -         Well, let me get back there, I have to straighten something out!

  • Most Common Drug Tests

    Posted on August 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    We regularly receive calls from nervous customers who know they will have to take as drug test but are not sure what type of test will be given. This can be frightening because you don’t know exactly how to prepare for the drug test or what drug detox products you may need to pass a drug test guaranteed. The first thing we tell them is to relax, then we review the 4 most common drug tests that are administered and then we review what to use to pass a drug test.


    The 4 most common drug tests are:


    1. Urine – Urine drug test are the most common and affordable drug tests performed. They check for the presence of the drug or the drug metabolite in the urinary tract as it is being expelled from the body. The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. However, synthetic urine cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor.


    2. Hair - Hair drug tests are primarily designed to find hard drugs like oxycontin, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines. These drugs bond very tightly to hair and are easily detected. THC/Marijuana on the other hand does not bond easily with hair and hair follicle drug test is the easiest drug test to beat if you use THC/Marijuana and are properly prepared.


    3. Saliva – Saliva is a lot like blood and must either be cleaned with a complete body detox kit or a fast acting saliva detox product or detox mouthwash.


    4. Blood – Blood drug test are rare, and it is most accurate way of telling if a person is currently intoxicated. Blood drug tests are not used very often because they need specialized equipment and medically trained administrators making them more expensive. Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their blood drug test.


    This is why when our customers call we must listen and review their exact needs. First we try to determine if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test,  saliva drug test or blood drug test. This is important because each has different was how to detox to pass a drug test guaranteed. These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering to insure you get the detox products best for you.

  • Drug Detection Time: Marijuana (THC) In Urine Part 1

    Posted on August 22nd, 2012 How to pass

    We are going to discuss how long certain drugs can be detected through drug screening.  Not all drugs have the same detection time and depending on things like your metabolism and your body weight and how often and how long you have been using certain substances the drug detection times vary.

    We’ll start off with the most common and the drug that stays in your system the longest: marijuana.  Since marijuana is a natural substance, our bodies don’t reject it like it would some manufactured toxins like prescription drugs or cocaine or methamphetamine.

    The THC molecules adhere to our fat cells and in order to release the THC and remove it from the body we have to burn fat cells.  That is why it is always good to keep up with a regular exercise regimen so you don’t have a huge toxin build up.  Smoking pot may encourage you to sit on the couch and watch cartoons or play video games but it would behoove you to take a walk or jog to burn off some of the fat cells. The munchies don’t help matters either.

    THC is similar to that stoner on the couch at the party who does not realize that it is three o’clock in the morning and you want him to leave so you can go to bed.  It does not leave quickly or willingly.

    Generally, a one time use of marijuana can be detected in the urine for about a week maybe two weeks depending on your body weight.  The heavier you are then the longer it will stay in your system.  If you are a regular smoker and have been smoking consistently for months or years, then it may take anywhere from eleven to fourteen weeks to clear the THC metabolites out of your system.  (To Be Continued)

  • Big difference?

    Posted on August 21st, 2012 How to pass

    With the high demand for employee drug testing, there are myriads of detox products out there to help a person deal with tough situations, but sometimes it is very hard to understand what it the difference between them and which one is the best to use in any particular situation. Most products are broken down into categories that correspond for specific tests, for instance, detox drink and detox pills for urine drug tests, detox shampoos for hair drug tests, permanent cleansers for blood tests, detoxifying mouthwashes for saliva drug testing, and so on. Most of them have one thing in common – you have to stop using any types of contaminants in order to reduce toxin level. However, with all the information available about these types of products, certain questions still arise – what is so different about these detox drinks as compared to regular water? First of all, the ingredients for those specialized detox products were exclusively balance out to flush the urine from toxins, but keep it natural on all the parameters – creatine, pH level, specific gravity and so on. If you drink water instead of a detox drink, what you will get is diluted urine instead of clean urine. Same goes for soda, cranberry juice, beer, coffee, and all the order stuff that makes you go to the bathroom – the fact that your urination increases after consuming them does not mean that you are being cleansed out, and in the case with alcohol and caffeinated beverages, you are actually being dehydrated. Trust the professionals, and consume only trusted detox products that have been proven to work and ensure the successful drug test results.

  • Pass A Hair Drug Test

    Posted on August 20th, 2012 How to pass

    We get a lot of calls for very anxious customers who are very afraid they cannot pass a hair drug test or have to pass a follicle drug tests. The first thing we tell them is to relax, then we review our hair shampoo for drug test or if they are taking a follicle drug tests we will review what to use to pass a drug test.


    Most hair detox shampoos remove unwanted hair toxins and work on all toxins that can be detected by a hair drug test. The drug toxins and drug metabolites are circulated throughout the body via the blood stream. The blood feeds the hair while it grows. As the hair is formed the toxins are trapped inside the hair follicle.


    During the drug tests procedure, a minimum inch and a half long hair sample is clipped from the back of the head near the scalp by the examiner. This allows the drug test to reveal a minimum 90 day drug history.  If the scalp hair is shorter than an inch and a half long, the examiner may look for other areas on the body to take a suitable sample. Body hair grows much slower then scalp hair so a smaller sample can be taken, this will also allow the drug tests to reveal drug history much further than 90 days. About 40 to 120 hair fibers are usually collected for this drug test.


    We carry a few different hair detox shampoos for pass a hair drug test. All are very effective and are guaranteed pass drug test. Our experience has shown that the combination of two different hair detox shampoos to pass a hair follicle drug test, made by different manufacturers, makes the best hair follicle test shampoo pass a drug test guarantee. The Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser used with the ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner is our strongest 1 – 2 punch products to pass hair drug test. Hair drug tests are primarily designed to find hard drugs like Oxycontin, opiates, cocaine and amphetamines. These drugs bond very tightly to hair and are easily detected. Marijuana on the other hand does not bond easily with hair and hair follicle drug test is the easiest drug test to beat if you use marijuana. This is only guaranteed pass drug test if you use our hair test shampoo.


    Not properly preparing for a hair drug test can result in a THC positive drug test result. So speak with one of our trained detox professionals prior to ordering hair shampoo for drug test. Just call 866-600-8820. This will insure you get the right hair detox products that guarantee you pass your hair follicle drug test.

  • Forewarned is Forearmed!

    Posted on August 17th, 2012 How to pass

    The summer is coming to a close and soon it will be back to the grind. Back to school, back from vacation, back to …drug testing?  Chances are you may have misbehaved during the summer and smoked a little marijuana.  Now when you return to the routine, your school or job may be conducting random drug tests.

    Marijuana does not know when the vacation is over and doesn’t leave your body quickly or willingly.  The metabolites from the THC are stored in your fat cells and your body needs to break down the fat cells in order to release these metabolites so they won’t show up in a urine drug test.

    Exercise is a good way to burn fat cells and get rid of the THC but that does take some time.  Don’t be fooled by the old wives tales about drinking vinegar or gallons and gallons of water on test day to pass your test.  These methods do not work! If you are not sure if you still have any THC in your system from smoking pot during the summer then by all means TEST YOURSELF!!  You can find THC urine test strips online or in the pharmacy and this will relieve a lot of stress worrying about if you will test positive. There are some supplements that can help you detox faster if you are closing in on a drug screen.  The Premium Detox 7 Day Comprehensive Cleansing Program or The Stinger 7 Day Detox will permanently remove those stubborn THC metabolites so you can go to your test and submit a clean urine sample.  Not to be Johnny Buzzkill but make sure you plan ahead.  Don’t wait until Labor Day to make sure you are ready for the fall drug tests.

  • What to do with a stick?

    Posted on August 16th, 2012 How to pass

    Drug testing procedures are normally not that complicated as they make them to be. Even if you had some experience with passing a urine drug test in the past, there still some things they can do to surprise you.

    -          Hi there, this is a help line, right? I think I need some help. You see, I have a drug test coming up, but that is not all. In my line of work I am pretty used to being drug tested all the time, so the fact that I have to go in and get it done is not a problem. The problem is that this test they will give me is kind of strange – they said I had to pee on a stick. I had a few urine tests before, but it was usually peeing into the cup – which is hard enough for a woman – and then they do with that whatever they need to do, but now I do not know how to go about it. Have you heard of that kind of urine drug test before? Do you know if regular detox products work for this kind of test?

    -          It sounds like it will be a regular panel testing. More than likely you will not need to pee on a stick, but submit a sample into a cup, and only then they will test it with a dip stick. Surely they just confused you with the expression they used – if you urinate directly onto testing device there would be a high chance of error during the testing. Normally, they would try to avoid this; that is why the testing procedure itself is performed by lab technicians.

  • Macujo / GMAN method

    Posted on August 15th, 2012 How to pass

    Hair Drug Test Pre-Treatment

    This process is gaining in popularity on the internet. It has been performed and recommended by other people who faced a Hair follicle drug test and had high levels of toxins in their hair sample.

    This process should be done multiple times before the test and should conclude with using Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser and/or ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner the day of the hair test. These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult one of our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before placing an ordering.


    Shopping List:

    Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser

    ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner

    Neutrogina TSal Shampoo

    Apple cider vinegar

    Tide original Liquid Laundry Detergent

    Baking soda

    Shower cap


    1         Apple cider vinegar (soak your head in it, then put on a shower cap and keep it there) Wipe up anything that drips down. Leave in for 30 min.

    2         Neutrogina TSal Shampoo (HAS 3% SALYSILIC ACID!!) Put this on WHILE THE VINEGAR IS STILL IN YOUR HAIR, BUT AFTER 30 MINUTES OF IT SOAKING!!!, so that means don’t rinse out the vinegar.

    **Caution, this may burn….suck it up. Massage it into your hair and use shower cap..wipe up stuff that drips. Leave in for 30 min, then rinse it all (clean & Clear + Vinegar) out.

    3         Tide original Liquid Laundry Detergent. Glop some on and scrub scrub scrub. do this for another 30 min.

    (Your hair will feel crappy now, lol) You have now done the Macujo method! Yay it sucks. Now the next steps are what I did to be more safe…do it if you want, or don’t. I just know it worked for me….

    4          Neutrogina TSal Shampoo. This has 3% salysilic acid in it. I Lathered up with this for another 30 min. Scrub Scrub Scrub…if it looses it’s soapiness, just put your hand under some water and it will soap up again. Rinse it out afterwards.

    5         Mix baking soda with some water, till it’s a fine paste. Put that in your hair and massage it in for like 20 min. This direction came with the stuff I bought; apparently it’s a great way to open up the hair, as if salysilic acid shampoo isn’t…HAH!! Rinse it out afterwards.

    6         Folli-Kleen Intense Hair Cleanser and/or ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo and Conditioner - used as directed by package instructions.


    These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult one of our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before placing an ordering.

  • Vitamins For Detox Vitamin C

    Posted on August 14th, 2012 How to pass

    Drink your orange juice. It’s good for you.  How true it is! Orange juice, like many citrus fruits and some vegetables, contains high amounts of Vitamin C.  Not only is Vitamin C beneficial to maintaining healthy skin and bones it is essential to maintaining a healthy immune system.  Without a properly functioning immune system, our bodies could not cleanse itself of harmful toxins and unwanted substances like THC metabolites left over from smoking marijuana.  Other drugs, whether they are prescription or illegal, also leave metabolites behind after use and this is what drug testing facilities look for when you are required to give a sample.  They are not looking for the drugs themselves rather the metabolites left behind from drug usage.

    Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and antioxidants help to protect the body against destructive compounds called free radicals which cause damage to cells and tissue and also expedite the aging process.

    Eliminating toxins from our bodies is part of our self preservation mechanism.  Without ingesting vital elements like Vitamin C into our diets, our bodies would shut down due to high toxicity.  Taking too much Vitamin C does have its drawback however and can lead to kidney stones. It will also cause headaches, nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, gas, and light headedness.  Do not take over 6,000 mg per day as this is defined as a mega dose and will have adverse effects on your health.  Today there are more toxins present in the environment than ever before and people are less active in general so we need to keep up with our intake of vitamins to help our livers fight off infections and process toxins out of our system.  Diet is our primary defense against toxin build up and adding the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C is the best way to keep THC and other drug metabolites from accumulating to dangerous levels.

  • More than just pills

    Posted on August 13th, 2012 How to pass

    Every single person has a desire to pass a drug testing, especially if that can guarantee a well-paying job. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of producing a clean sample on the spot. That is why there is such a great thing as detox products. They were invented to help people get what they need and also to keep their personal life private. To the question of how to pass a drug test different people find various answers. Some prefer to completely cleanse their system out of all kinds of toxins – for this method there is a 7 Day product that can help you achieve complete body cleanse in a short period of time. Prior to starting the detox process, you need to make sure you can stop the toxin intake for at least a couple days for your body to take a break and start getting rid of all the unwanted stuff on its own. Complete body detox achieved not only through taking pills and drinking water, but also by boosting up your metabolism rate. The detox pills will only help your liver, kidneys and the whole body to detoxify faster than you can do it on your own, so anything else you can do to help your body to get cleaner faster is a big plus. People who sit all day on a couch and expect that the detox pills will do all the work for them are actually doing themselves a big disservice. It is not necessary to go out and get a gym membership or sign up for marathons, but a little bit of motion and several exercises a day will make a big difference and will help you in the long run.