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Category: How to pass

  • Drug Testing Terms Defined: What is a Nanogram?

    Posted on July 27th, 2012 How to pass

    When you are asked to submit to drug testing there are certain terms and phrases that you should become familiar with.  When you are trying to pass a urine test one of the phrases that you will encounter is the cutoff levels for certain drugs.  In marijuana urine tests the standard cutoff level is fifty nanograms per milliliter.  A nanogram is one billionth of a gram.  The typical urine sample should be approximately 2 ounces of urine.  This equals out to about fifty nine milliliters.  So there is a good chance you will test positive a few days after taking just a couple of puffs off of a joint.

    It does take some time for the THC levels to taper off in your urine.  These cutoff levels were established due to testing results known as false positives.  There are certain substances that will cause your test results to come up positive for marijuana even if you have never touched the stuff.  Common pain relievers like Aleve, Bayer aspirin, Excedrin and even if you have liver disease it can come up as a false positive for THC but in levels lower than the 50ng/ml.  This is why these levels were established so that innocent people could not be judged as positive.  Anything over the 50ng/ml would be viewed as a positive result for marijuana.

    Now if you decide to dilute your sample by drinking a lot of water, the testing facility may lower the cutoff level to 15ng/ml to compensate for the dilution or they could just fail you for dilution or make you retest.  Your typical home test will have a pass/fail cutoff level of 50ng/ml to be in accordance with industry standards so it would be wise to conduct an instant drug test at home before you go to submit your sample to determine whether or not you would need to do a total body cleanse or to use a detox drink to pass your urine test.

  • Where to start

    Posted on July 26th, 2012 How to pass

    The news of upcoming drug test does not make anyone happy, especially when there is very little time to prepare for it. They say that if you smoke pretty much on daily basis, it will take a long time to get clean. Many people do not believe it and think that there is a way to pass a urine drug test without detox, but this is not true for every situation. Of course, if you have been clean for a long time you can pass the drug test, but a few days of abstinence will not be enough. The main reason why you cannot smoke and pass a test right away is because when THC enters your body, it deposits metabolites in your fatty tissues. The body gradually burns fat to produce energy, so the metabolites are released very slowly. For most people eating heavily after smoking contributes to the prolonging of the detoxifying process – the higher the toxins amount, and the more of fatty tissues present, the longer it takes to detoxify the body. In such cases, in order to successfully pass a workplace drug testing, you would need to aid your body with detox products. Depending on the type of test you are going to have, you can choose from a wide variety of specialized products. However, keep in mind that it is always a good idea to prepare in advance, and in the case of any type of health issues speak with a health-care professional to ensure that your body can tolerate such cleansers.

  • Pass a drug test on short notice

    Posted on July 25th, 2012 How to pass

    Last minute random drug test can be frightening, especially if you know your urine is “dirty”. We receive many calls from people wanting to know how to pass a drug test and if they can pass random drug test is guaranteed. Results vary because each person is individual. What works well for most people may not work for a few others because the human metabolism is very unique.  Also, the drug potency and the frequency of drug use are also very important factors. Body weight also can be a very important factor. The bigger you are the more toxins you may have stored.


    There are many ways to pass a drug test, even random drug test where you have very little notice. When our customers call we review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test. This is important because each has different ways how to detox to pass a drug test.


    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight or especially if the test is a short notice random drug test. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.


    There are a variety of Detox drinks and Detox pill combinations that have proven very effective in passing a random urine drug test on short notice. This combination works so well because anti drug test detox drink is very effective as metabolite blocker and the anti drug test detox pills are very effective as urine cleansers. So when combined the offer a 1 – 2 punch to how to pass a urine drug test.


    These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.


    Next entry on July 30, 2012 will review more of complete body drug detox. MB Detox is where to buy drug detox kits.


    And remember … DON’T PANIC !!!

  • Vitamins For Detox Vitamin B6

    Posted on July 24th, 2012 How to pass

    Drug tests are an all too common reality in today’s workplace.  If you have been smoking marijuana and stopped, the THC in your blood does not disappear overnight.  In such cases you will want to cleanse your body from these unwanted toxins.  Time is the best detox cleanse but you may want to speed up the process with some detox products.

    Many of the detox drinks and capsules contain a variety of B vitamins and one of them is Vitamin B6.  This particular vitamin is most helpful with maintaining a healthy metabolism which is essential when you want to detox your body from harmful drug metabolites.  It is water soluble and is found in many foods and helps with metabolizing proteins.  Vitamin B6 is most prevalent in foods like fish, poultry, beef liver, nuts, eggs, potatoes and other vegetables that are high in starch.  Many breakfast cereals are great sources of Vitamin B6 also.

    Vitamin B6 is essential for good blood circulation and maintaining a healthy central nervous system.  It is also good for the liver and the liver is the organ that is the purifier of our blood and removes harmful toxins. Because Vitamin B6 is a water soluble vitamin, whatever the body does not utilize is discarded through the urine.  This is why we must constantly eat those food products that contain Vitamin B6 to maintain healthy levels.

    Vitamin B6 helps our bodies produce antibodies which fight off diseases.  This is primarily why it is included in many detox products.  It also helps produce hemoglobin which helps oxygenate the red blood cells.  It also keeps blood sugars in check.  Too much Vitamin B6 can cause numbness, and difficulty in coordination while too little Vitamin B6 can cause depression, confusion, irritability and sores in the mouth or tongue.  So, don’t wait until the last minute if you want to pass a marijuana test with a detox product.  Make sure you are taking your vitamins to maintain a healthy metabolism and let your body do the work.

  • Body cleansers

    Posted on July 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    A lot of folks looking for jobs are curious if it is possible to pass a pre-employment drug test without detox. For some people it is possible – when circumstances are right and the time allows and the body can be cleansed all on its own you do not even need to get any specialized products. But for those people who have no time for health diets, who have only a few days or a couple weeks before the upcoming drug testing, there is a line of products that assist the body in getting rid of unwanted toxins. These products were created considering toxins specifications, detection time, body needs and everything else that is an important factor in cleansing process. Complete cleansing kits pretty much guarantee passing a drug test since they completely remove all toxins from the body. Such programs as 7 Day Product eliminates toxins on molecular level and leaves blood, urine and saliva pure of all contaminants. Such products have very specific ingredients compounds that target the pollutants in the body. The combination of herbs and vitamins is well balanced and proportionate to achieve maximum results in the shortest period of time. Getting the body cleansed is a very complicated process, and no home remedies can achieve the same effects as the professional cleanser. That is why they were created in the first place. Body drug detox is very serious issue for some people, because certain situations require a more detailed approach than just a simple urine cleanser.

  • Passing A Blood Drug Test

    Posted on July 20th, 2012 How to pass

    Occasionally, we here at MB Detox receive some calls wanting to know how to pass a blood drug test and if a pass drug test guaranteed. Blood drug test are rare, and it is most accurate way of telling if a person is currently intoxicated. Blood drug tests are not used very often because they need specialized equipment and medically trained administrators making them more expesive. This makes it a more costly testing method and usually used for legal or criminal court cases and has a higher detection time than most other drug test or urine drug test.


    Usually a blood test is a “10-panel drug screen” as opposed to the usual 5 panel drug screen of a urine drug test. The 10-panel drug screen consists of the following drug tests:

    1. Amphetamines drug tests (including Methamphetamine)

    2. Barbiturates drug tests

    3. Benzodiazepines (Benzo) drug tests

    4. Cannabinoids (THC) drug tests

    5. Cocaine drug tests

    6. Methadone drug tests

    7. Methaqualone drug tests

    8. Opiates (Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Oxycodone, Vicodin, etc.) drug tests

    9. Phencyclidine (PCP) drug tests

    10. Propoxyphene (Darvon) drug tests


    There are many ways to pass a blood drug test. But you cannot quickly detox for random blood drug test where you have very little notice. Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test and they have quit drugs and want a guaranteed blood drug test pass result. The premium 7 day detox kit is also a very effective as a complete body drug detox. Avoid taking any over the counter or potent prescription medications, these may result in a false positive drug test.


    This is why when our customers call we must review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test or blood drug test. This is important because each has different ways of how to detox to pass a drug test guaranteed. These anti drug testing combinations are powerful and you should consult one of our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before placing an ordering.


    Next entry on July 25, 2012 will review more of how to pass a drug test on short notice and the fast detox and fast detox kit. MB Detox is where to buy drug detox kits.


    And remember … DON’T PANIC !!!

  • Vitamins That Help With Detox Vitamin B5

    Posted on July 19th, 2012 How to pass

    Vitamin B5 should be an essential part of anyone’s dietary regimen.  It helps our bodies metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fats.  Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid.  Pantothenic comes from the Greek word pantothen meaning “everywhere” because it can be found in small quantities in nearly every food source.  Foods with higher amounts of Vitamin B5 are eggs, fish, meat, whole grain cereals, yogurt, legumes and avocado.

    When there is a lack of vitamin B5 in your diet the symptoms can range from fatigue to irritability to apathy.  Another symptom with Vitamin B5 deficiency can be muscle cramps, numbness, and nausea and sleep disorders.  A compromised immune system may also be a result of a Vitamin B5 deficiency.  For this reason, Vitamin B5 is an essential ingredient in many detox products.  A healthy immune system is vital to getting rid of unwanted toxins like THC metabolites and other drug metabolites.  Vitamin B5 has been shown in some studies to lower both cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

    All of the B vitamins are essential to convert food into fuel for the body to produce energy for maintaining optimum function for the organs.  They also help the body convert fats and proteins and are needed for healthy skin, hair eyes and liver function.  Liver function is most essential for detoxifying the body of harmful toxins.  The liver is the purifier of the blood removing dangerous toxins that can lead to serious illness.  Vitamin B5 is water soluble so the body does not store them but uses them as they are consumed.

    Vitamin B5 is vital in the production of red blood cells and a healthy digestive system.  Vitamin B5 helps the body utilize many other vitamins more efficiently as well.

  • What is the result?

    Posted on July 18th, 2012 How to pass

    It may seem that it is pretty easy to prepare for an instant drug test, especially when you know exactly when it is going to happen. With a plethora of urine cleansers, permanent detox products, and other aids, it seems that a failed drug test results would happen on a pretty rare occasion. You may be surprised to find out that is not the case. As sad as it may appear, but false positive test results occur less frequently than the true positive readings. In some cases the toxin level in a sample is so high that there is not a chance that the results could be disputed. When the results are interpreted as a false positive drug screening, the amount of the toxin (whichever one shows up) is usually right on the border of the cut-off line. A confirmatory GC/MS test (gas chromatography – mass spectrometry) usually determines for sure whether it is a true negative result. The most common mistake that people do not realize, is that detox pills that work in the matter of hours can only decrease the toxin level to a certain degree; so, the less toxins are in the body initially, the easier it is for the detox product to work. Any fast cleansing formula can work best on the pre-cleansed system. It is taken for granted that not everyone has the time or means of getting a full body detox, but abstaining for a few days before the test will reduce the toxin level in the body as well! To get good results, make sure to start preparing in advance.

  • Saliva Drug Test

    Posted on July 17th, 2012 How to pass

    We receive a lot of calls from nervous customers who are hours from their saliva drug test. They just want to know if there is anything they can do now that will better the opportunity to pass a saliva drug test.


    There are products to pass a saliva drug test available that have fast cleansing formulas. Pass saliva drug test is not as impossible as you may think. Even you have taken  Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, Tylenol 3 drug test, marijuana drug test, opiate cleanser, lortab urine test, adipex drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test.


    Saliva is a lot like blood and must either be cleaned with a complete detox kit or a fast acting saliva detox product. Saliva detox kit is an effective way how to pass saliva drug test and the best fast detox. Detox drinks and detox pills are not the key to passing saliva drug testMB Detox carries 2 very effective and guaranteed pass drug test mouth wash products. Using quick flush capsules will not work for a pass saliva drug test. The fast cleansing formula detox drinks and detox pills are good only for clean urine and guaranteed pass a marijuana test.


    Our 7 day drug detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their saliva drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These 7 drug detox are  guaranteed to pass a saliva drug test and are very effective as a premium detox product.


    These anti drug testing detox products are powerful and effective ways to pass a drug test. To be sure you get the correct detox program you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.


    Our next posting on July 20th will review anti drug testing methods for Blood drug test and to best prepare and detox for a random drug test that is a blood test.

    And  remember … DON’T PANIC !!!

  • Summer Time, Drug Testing Time!

    Posted on July 16th, 2012 How to pass

    Vacations, weekend barbeques and late night parties are what summer time is all about.  Everyone is trying to relax and some people want to relax too much! Old habits die hard and people who work hard tend to play hard.

    So you’ve been on vacation and maybe you smoked something you should not have or done something else that you know would make you fail a drug test.  You go into work on Monday and one of your coworkers tells you that the company has instituted a mandatory workplace drug testing policy.  Great timing, huh?  What kind of test will it be? A hair drug test? A urine drug test?  A saliva drug test?  You had better find out so you can be prepared.

    The first step is to determine what kind of test it will be and when.  The next step is to stop using whatever it is you are using immediately.  If it is going to be a urine drug test then you will need to determine which detox drink will work best for you.  Your body weight is one determining factor because the heavier the person is then the stronger the drink that you will need.  Also, if you have been using your drug of choice for a while then you have a higher toxin build up than someone who just started or uses more infrequently.

    Next, if it is going to be a saliva test then you had better be prepared with a detox mouthwash to pass a saliva test.  Most of the mouthwashes will kill any toxins in your mouth for anywhere from one half hour to forty minutes.

    If your company will be testing your hair then there are detox shampoos that will help you pass a hair drug test.  These types of tests are more difficult to pass because they can look back a little further into your past since the toxins stay in your hair follicles until they grow out and your blood is completely toxin free.

    You may decide to do a total body cleanse and flush all of these harmful toxins from your system permanently. In this case it is much like starting over with a clean slate.  By starting a detox program you will feel more confident that you will pass a drug test whenever you are required to submit a sample.

    If you want to keep your job then you have some choices to make.  Stop what you are doing and clean your body or determine which type of detox product is best for you and be prepared for your test!