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Category: How to pass

  • Common Drug Test Terms and You May Need to Know

    Posted on May 18th, 2012 How to pass

    Drug testing/pee test has now become an accepted procedure in the workplace. Employers now recognize the savings testing provides to their business, particularly in providing lower insurance rates. In the U.S., approximately 54 million workers reported that they had to take a piss test for drug use. Urine drug testing is the most common way to test for drugs. There are a number of different drug testing methods available as well as many different ways to pass a random drug test. Urine drug test are the most common pre-employment test and can detect multiple drugs that may have been consumed.  Sometimes employers will test the hair, saliva or blood as part of a anti drug test.

    Adulterated specimen: A specimen that contains a substance that is not expected to be present in human urine, or contains a substance so high that it is not consistent with human urine. Does not apply to our synthetic urine.

    Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) and/or Screening Test Technician (STT) – this person is the collector in the alcohol testing process and operates an evidential breath testing device (breathalyzer).

    Creatine: A white crystalline substance found in the muscles and helps to supply energy to all cells in the body. All urine test check for creatine levels to authenticate the sample as humane urine. Test quality synthetic urine well have the correct creatine levels.

    Cutoff Level (Threshold): The defined concentration of a substance in a specimen at or above which the test is called positive and below which it is called negative. For example, the cut off level for THC is 50 pg (picogram) per mg (milligram), but detection at or above 50 pg/mg is a positive test result.

    Dilute specimen. A specimen with creatine and specific gravity values that is lower than expected for human urine.Common causes are drinking too much water or directly adding water or other substances to a urine sample.

    Medical Review Officer (MRO) – the MRO is a licensed physician who is responsible for receiving and reviewing laboratory results generated by an employer’s drug testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain drug test results. Many TPA’s have in-house MROs working for them.

    Metabolite – A compound produced from the chemical changes of a drug in the body. Cannabis’ primary metabolite is THC-COOH.  Metabolites store themselves in the bodies fat cells and can remain detectable long after to drug has run through the body.

    Milligram – The milligram is equal to one thousandth of gram.

    pH. The pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline (basic) the urine is. A urine pH of 4 is strongly acidic, 7 is neutral (neither acidic nor alkaline), and 9 is strongly alkaline. Sometimes the pH of urine is affected by certain treatments. For example, your doctor may instruct you how to keep your urine either acidic or alkaline to prevent some types of kidney stones from forming.

    PicogramThe picogram is equal to one trillionth of a gram, about the weight of a complex molecule such as the THC metabolite.*

    Specific gravity. When you drink a lot of fluid, your kidneys make urine with a high amount of water in it which has a low specific gravity. When you do not drink fluids, your kidneys make urine with a small amount of water in it which has a high specific gravity. Our synthetic urine has the correct specific gravity to pass your drug test.

    Specimen Collectors – also known as the collector. These people are responsible for collecting biological specimens, such as urine, hair, blood, sweat, or saliva. They work to ensure proper collection of the required drug testing samples.

    Third Party Administrators (TPAs) – they are the service providers that offer two or more of the services involved in the drug testing process. Many of the drug tests facilities such as Quest Diagnostics or LabCorp are TPAs.

    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.

    There are products to pass drug test available that will help you pass a urine drug test, saliva drug test, hair drug test, Percocet urine test, amphetamine false positive, Tylenol 3 drug test, marijuana drug test, opiate cleanser, lortab urine test, adipex drug test, meth drug test, methamphetamine drug test, Oxycodone urine analysis, gc ms drug testing and false positive drug test

    Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox.

    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

  • Drug Test? No Sweat! Part 1

    Posted on May 17th, 2012 How to pass

    There is a new type of drug testing equipment being utilized to detect illegal substances.  It is called the Sweat Patch.  It is like a drug detection band aid and it monitors the toxins in your system by detecting the presence of drugs in your system by examining your perspiration.  The patch is generally worn for two weeks and is generally utilized for monitoring people on parole and for custody cases.  The Sweat Patch has not been generally accepted for workplace and pre employment screenings just yet.  It resembles a band aid as it has a gauze pad surrounded by a polyurethane adhesive patch which sticks securely to the skin surface of the person being tested.  The polyurethane patch is a semi-permeable surface which allows water and gases to escape.  Initial tests were done applying drugs to the exterior of the patch but there was no contamination to the testing gauze from exterior application of contaminants.

    The patch is generally worn on the upper arm of the person and the area that it is attached to is swabbed with isopropyl alcohol to sterilize the area.  The patch is worn for seven to fourteen days and after the predetermined testing time the patch is removed and sent to the lab for analysis via an immunoassay screening system.  If there is any presence of drugs found in the initial screening then more precise screening methods are used.  These are called gas chromatography or mass spectrometry.  There are specific cut off levels for each drug and if the levels found in the subject exceed these cutoff levels then it is reported as a positive result.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Quick adjusting

    Posted on May 16th, 2012 How to pass

    Having to pass a drug test is annoying enough, so when the situation gets even more complicated – there is no limit to frustration. Imagine if you had a job offer and needed to go to a lab to pass a drug test before the final hiring decision, and since there is a lot of time in advance you make sure to get everything necessary to pass that test. There are a myriad of products to use in order to ensure successful test results, you just need to know what type of test it will be.

    -          Hi, I have a question, may I? It is kind of late to ask it, but I just need to know something. Ok, here is the situation – I had to go get tested, for work, you know? And they told me it would be a saliva test, so I went and got this detox mouthwash so I can test clean. I stayed away from everything for a few days before, and I made sure I use it right before I go in, but when I was getting ready in there, they told me that it is a urine test and gave me a little cup. I did not know what else to do, I could not turn around and walk away, so I drank the mouthwash. It made my stomach twirl, but I was hoping that may be it could help me pass a urine test?

    -          I am sorry, sir, mouthwash only works on saliva… And if you are to consume a detox product that would work for both, it takes a while for it to clean out urine – at least 45 minutes…

    -          I knew it! Well, I guess I have to prepare better for my next time! Thanks!

  • How do I successfully fail a pre-employment drug test

    Posted on May 15th, 2012 How to pass

    Question: How do I successfully fail a pre-employment drug test?
    I am prescribed MS Contin and vicodin for pain which will show on a drug screen.

    How do I let them know I will fail and why.


    Take the prescriptions from your doctor to the drug test clinic. This should be more than enough to help you pass a drug test. We don’t think this situation is between you and the potential employer, but between you and the testing clinic.

    Most drug test clinics ask that you list the current medications you are using. If you have prescriptions for these drugs, the tester should eliminate those substances from your results. Bring your prescriptions to the test, and tell them before you test.  There are confidentiality issues you can invoke with the testing agency, as your prescriptions are for valid medical reasons. As an example: the tester may note the opiates from pain relief prescriptions and then eliminate a positive in the report to the employer. One of our customers recently had to pass a urine test while prescribed Adderal. They noted this on the pre-screen questionnaire. A week or so later they got a phone call from the clinic asking for the prescribing physician’s contact information so they call and confirm and there were no problems of reporting a positive result to the employer. This is just one way to pass a drug test.

    Another option to help you pass a drug test is that you call the testing facilities MRO (medical review officer) prior to drug testing and tell them you are on medications that may fail you.

    Drug test laws vary by municipality and state. Additionally, not every employer, state and municipality has a mandatory zero-tolerance policy. So do some research on the laws in your city and state and the company.

    The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine.

    Our 7 day detox works best for those who have at least a week or two before their drug test or if they have quit drugs and just want to clean out their body. These are also guaranteed to pass a drug test and are very effective as a body drug detox.

    Another of our ways to pass drug test are our same day drinks and pills and are great urine cleansers.  These are most effective if used about two hours before your urine drug test and provides clean urine for three to five hours. These anti drug testing combination of drink and pill are powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.

  • Hairs the Question!

    Posted on May 14th, 2012 How to pass

    How does a hair test work?  When people are subjected to a hair test for a drug screen the lab conducting the screen usually tells the subject that they are looking to go back and examine the hair from the last ninety day period.  This ninety day period requires a hair sample of approximately one and one half inches of hair.  The average person’s hair grows about one half inch per month.  Each half an inch reflects a thirty day period.  The sample hairs are taken from various parts of the scalp with each strand cut as close to the scalp as possible.  The labs usually require anywhere from fifty to a hundred strands of hair to get an accurate reading.

    Body hair and head hair grow at a different rate; otherwise we would all be combing our arm hair and going to the hair dresser for eyebrow perms.  Body hair tends to grow at a much slower pace than the hair on the head and generally is less accurate to determine an exact time frame any toxins were ingested but will show that there were some toxins used, usually up to a year. Body hair only grows to a certain length and then the growth period stops.  Once the body hair stops growing, then it starts to harden and shrink.  A new hair starts to form underneath and then pushes the old hair out and the cycle starts all over again.  This is why we don’t have to braid the hair on our arms and legs.

    It generally takes a few days from the time that you ingest the toxin until it shows up in your hair but once it is in the hair follicle it is detectable until it reaches the end of the follicle and is cut off of the head. Hair generally has to be at least one half of an inch to conduct a test properly.

    Many people think that if they are in a room or car where someone has been smoking marijuana, that they will test positive on a hair test for THC.  This is inaccurate.  A hair test only detects the metabolite of the drug and therefore the drug must be consumed to be found present in the follicle.

  • Fruits and Veggies

    Posted on May 11th, 2012 How to pass

    For some people detoxification process is very serious matter, especially when a good job is on a line. When going through a cleansing process it is very important to do everything possible to keep up the healthy life style: a lot of liquids, healthy food, nothing fried or high in sugar. This may sound like a serious change in everyday life for some people, but certain sacrifices are necessary to get the best results.

    -         Hi, can you answer a question for me? I dunno if someone asked it before already, it is kind of weird, but I was wondering if I can eat apples? On the detox kit that I got it said that I need to eat healthy and stay clean and all those good things, but I just was not sure about apples…

    -         Sure, apples are fruit, you can eat them…

    -         No, I mean if the apple was smoked from. You know what I mean?

    -         Oh, wait – what?

    -         Well, you know when you smoke pot some people smoke it from a joint, or a blunt, or a bong, or you can do it from a fruit, like an apple. You know, make a little hole, turn the fruit into a little pipe?

    -         Ok, I would not recommend eating that apple afterwards. Even if eating fruits is healthy I think this would be an exception since it still may contain drug residue, and if you are trying to get clean it probably would be a bad idea to consume it.

    -         That is what I figured, but just wanted to check. Ok, no funky apples. Thanks!

  • Helpful Herbs Red Clover

    Posted on May 9th, 2012 How to pass

    Forget the four leaf clover, the red clover can be even luckier for you, especially if you are trying to rid stubborn toxins from your system.  Red clover is a great herb to use to purify the blood from harmful toxins because it stimulates the liver which acts as the body’s detox organ.  Red clover contains many vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B-12, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. It also is a good source of nutrients like calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, silicon, thiamine, and niacin.

    The flowers from the red clover can be dried, ground up and made into a tea, eaten raw or mixed with alcohol and made into a tincture.  This ingestion of red clover helps to produce red blood cells because of the abundant presence of flavonoids. It also has the ability to soothe the nerves of people who take it.

    Red Clover has been used by herbalists for centuries to treat respiratory problems, colds and infections.  It will improve blood circulation and has been prescribed by herbalists to treat cancer.

    There is a biochemical in red clover called Genistein which has been shown to prevent the growth of tumors by inhibiting the tumors from receiving the blood supply that they need to grow, thereby virtually starving the tumor.

    Red clover has been used to treat many disorders such as: acne, eczema, asthma, bronchitis, flatulence, sore throats, coughs and colds.  It helps with digestion and infections and may also help to lower cholesterol levels. Menopausal women have been recommended to use red clover to alleviate some symptoms associated with menopause

  • Why not?

    Posted on May 8th, 2012 How to pass

    The necessity to pass a drug test is overwhelming and it is not a secret that the most popular type of it is a urine drug testing. Hundreds of people go through labs every day, and many of those people seek the remedy for successful test results before going to a lab. Naturally, when a product is chosen a cleansing process starts almost immediately, but to assist the process one is required to follow certain simple rules.

    -         Hi, I need a little clarification on this detox product that I got. I started taking the capsules, and it seems like it is working – I am feeling all better and everything, but I am just not sure abut one thing. It says here I need to exercise and drink a lot of fluids, but it does not specify what kind of fluids – does it matter what to drink?

    -         Water is the most preferable, but you can also drink teas and juices.

    -         What about beer? Can I drink that?

    -         No, actually alcohol is not such a good idea.

    -         Why not – it makes me pee, so it is got to be good, right?

    -         Even though it makes you go, it actually dehydrates you, and you need to achieve quite the opposite – stay as much hydrated as possible. Try to stick with water and juices.

    -         All right. But that is only when I am detoxing, right? Can I drink once I am done? I cannot stop smoking AND drinking at the same time.

    -         Once you are done with the program you can drink beer again.

    -         Oh good, thank you!

  • Pumpkin Seeds For Detox

    Posted on May 4th, 2012 How to pass

    Do you want to detox your body?  Do you have the luxury of not having to meet a drug test deadline date?  If you don’t want to take a detox drink or use any detox products and are just looking to take your time and do it the natural way, then how about pumpkin seeds? That’s right, pumpkin seeds.  These seeds that are usually thrown away after carving your Halloween pumpkin can be put to good use in helping to cleanse your liver and intestines.

    Many cultures have used pumpkin seeds as a cure for tapeworms or roundworms.  These intestinal parasites can wreak havoc on your system but a pumpkin seed detox can help remove these harmful parasites from your intestines.  Symptoms of intestinal parasites include stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, gas and bloating and even passing a worm in your stool.  Before using a natural detox for intestinal parasites you should consult your physician first for a proper diagnosis.

    Most herbalist don’t just tell you to eat pumpkin seeds every day as a treatment, but usually they are recommended in larger quantities like up to 25 ounces for adults and then the are ground up and mixed with some type of juice and then ingested.  Afterwards, a laxative is administered and this is a good way to help clean the intestines.

    A good recipe for using pumpkin seeds is to create pumpkin seed milk.  You just take a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds, a quarter cup of pitted dates, some sea salt, one quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract and two and one half cups of water and put into a blender and purify. This is much tastier than eating raw pumpkin seeds and it is more effective in cleansing the intestines.

  • Unpredicted trouble

    Posted on May 3rd, 2012 How to pass

    All detox products are created to assist people in passing a drug test. Specific products were created to accommodate every possible need of a customer, and there is always something useful for every one. Naturally, each product comes with complete instructions – to read those instructions carefully is the responsibility of the reader.

    -         I have a huge problem here! And it is all your fault! I got your product right here, and I think you sent me a defected one! I really doubt that it was supposed to explode, did it?

    -         What exactly happened?

    -         Well, I got this fake urine thing, and before I utilized any of it I made sure to do my research and read about it! So now I have a huge problem – I went to heat it up in the microwave as the instructions told me to, and the whole thing just exploded!

    -         Wait, the urine exploded? Did you loosen the cap?

    -         No, not the urine – the heating pad! I was supposed to microwave it, and it blew up!

    -         Oh, no! I am sorry, but you were supposed to heat up the bottle with the urine in the microwave, not the pad…

    -         Well, if I don’t heat up the pad – how is it going to get warm, eh?

    -         The heating pad is air activated, and needs to be attached to the bottle with a rubber band. When you opened the package it should have been already attached to each other, you just needed to activate the pad and put it back.

    -         Man, so what do I do now? I still have the urine, and my microwave is messed up now, too…

    -         See if you can get a new heating pad, and make sure not to put it in the microwave this time.

    -         Yeah, ok, I’ll try. Thanks.