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Category: How to pass

  • Helpful Herbs: Psyllium Seed Husk

    Posted on May 1st, 2012 How to pass

    Many of the detox drinks and detox products that are available today contain a variety of herbs, minerals and vitamins.  One of these ingredients is psyllium seed husk.  This is vital to the detoxification process because it has a very powerful laxative effect.

    Psyllium seed husk is high in dietary fiber and increases the moisture and weight of a person’s stool sample.  It also has shown to lower serum total and LDL cholesterol levels. Psyllium stimulates certain bacteria growth in the colon which produces high concentrations of fatty acids.  This leads to a decrease in the pH levels in the feces and a low pH level in the feces is often associated with a reduced rate of colon cancer.

    The psyllium seed husk is surrounded by a mucilage-rich husk which when added to water dissolves into a gel – like substance. This is very high in nutrients and fiber.  This adds bulk to the stool and creates bacteria which cleans and promotes a healthy colon and intestines.  Unlike other fiber sources, psyllium seed husk will not cause gas and bloating.  Psyllium helps keep bowel movements regular so it is helpful with both constipation and diarrhea. It also can be used as a topical ointment for treating skin irritations like poison ivy, and insect bites and stings.   It can also be used as an effective treatment for weight loss, high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, and various intestinal problems.

    For those who subscribe to a gluten-free diet then psyllium seed husk is a vital ingredient to some of your favorite recipes.  Most gluten-free recipes for baked goods tend to be a little bit drier than normal recipes and the psyllium seed husks add more moisture to the recipe without adding to the sugar content.  As with most dietary supplement, psyllium seed husk should be taken only after you speak with a medical professional to see if this is the right supplement for you.

  • I need the easiest thing

    Posted on April 30th, 2012 How to pass

    In today’s ever changing world, new products are created every day to accommodate the needs of different people. Detox world is no exception. Today, there are tons and tons of various detox aids that will assist in passing a drug test almost to anybody. Some people prefer natural products, others prefer slightly different route.

    -         How are you doing? Listen, I need something to help me out here. You see, I have a test coming up, and it is driving me crazy. I am not a heavy user, I just fool around a little – only smoke every once in a while. So when I found out that I am going to have a test, of course I stopped. I even got a detox pills to clean me out, but now it has been two weeks, and I am still testing dirty! Well, I think I am – you see, these home tests are so complicated! And I do not like this whole procedure, neither! So I was wondering, do you have something that I can use on the test day? I do not want to eat any more pills, but I definitely need to pass this test. I think I have heard something like synthetic urine? Is that right? Does that work? That would be perfect for me because I hate all these drinks and pills and stuff, – I just need something that I do not have to swallow, but something that will absolutely work. Can you send me a couple bottles of that, please?

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 12

    Posted on April 27th, 2012 How to pass

    The largest backfire from a redo on the standard drug testing policy to include prescription medications comes from employers penalizing an employee who is only taking pain medications due to an injury incurred while at work. They were doing their job and an accident occurred. The accident was in no way related to drug use originally, but the person has to now take a pain medication that is carefully controlled and considered a narcotic substance. With random testing and a policy that includes prescription medications the employee becomes penalized for their use that only began because of the job.

    What of other options though? Can a program be devised that benefits both the company and the employees – working between the two to find a happy medium. Is this at all a possibility? What if there was an education program where the company could take employees testing positive but do have a prescription aside and help them to understand why despite their doctors prescriptions they should find an alternate solution to their situation because the company cannot keep them on book based on statistics related to their particular prescription.

    And what of the company? Can we educate them with doctors and insurance companies to help smooth the path for those among us who need these medications just to be able to function like normal human beings. Doesn’t seem to have a clear positive or negative path to follow on this one does it. I suppose that means it’s up to you to make up your own mind.

  • Diluted or Deluded? Will Drinking Lots Of Water Help Me Pass A Drug Test?

    Posted on April 26th, 2012 How to pass

    I need to pass a drug test and my cousin said he passed his urine drug screen by drinking lots of water.  Will I pass my drug test using this method?  Probably not!

    If you think you will, then you are deluding yourself.  When you drink a lot of water before submitting your sample for a urine drug screen you will receive a result that is referred to as a negative dilute or diluted sample.  This means that your sample consisted mostly of water and there is a lowered amount of creatinine in your sample and this will result in you having to come back and give another sample on another day.

    When you are told that your sample is diluted, it means that there is a reduced concentration of the drug or drug metabolite in the sample.  This is because there have been large amounts of fluids ingested and the amount of creatinine in your system is abnormally low.  This is what is referred to as an internal dilution. Another type of dilution would be to add water directly to the sample after it has been placed in the collection container.

    A dilution is different than an adulteration in that with an adulterated sample, a foreign substance is added to the sample after it has been placed in the cup.  A diluted specimen is a urine sample that has a specific gravity of less than 1.003 and a creatinine ratio of less than 20 g/dl.  So don’t let your cousin delude you into thinking that you’ll pass your drug test by drinking lots of water.  Make sure you are prepared for your test.

  • Who has an answer?

    Posted on April 25th, 2012 How to pass

    What is the worst part of having to pass a drug test? It is different for everyone, but the one thing most people have in common is the anxiety while waiting for the test results. It is hard to sit around what wait to find out whether you passed it or not, and guessing is one thing you can do.

    -         Hi, can you help me? I have a very important question – I had a urine test this morning, and I think I passed it, but of course they will not tell me right away, and it is driving me crazy – I need to know now!

    -         Did you test yourself with a home tester? That should give you a pretty good idea on if you are clean by now.

    -         You know what – that did not occur to me! I guess I should have done that… but what do you think – would I pass? I have been clean for over three weeks now, and I was drinking a lot of water and stuff, so I think I should be pretty flushed. And I am only 170 lbs, 5’9” and pretty lean, and I go to the gym sometimes, so I think I should be good, but then I heard that this stuff can stay in your body for two month! I mean – is that real? Can it really stay so long? If it is – I might be screwed…

    -         Did you use any type of detox product?

    -         Well, yeah! I got this cleansing kit I used this morning before I went!

    -         In that case, that should take care of you getting negative test results even if you are not clean on your own.

    -         Ok, thanks!

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 11

    Posted on April 24th, 2012 How to pass

    A big fear about companies including prescription drugs in their drug testing policies is not one you would expect. It is stereotypes that surround this fear. When you train someone to look for signs of drug use by an employee, what is it that you are training them to see? Most of the things you will train them to look for and try to spot will be the stereotypical signs of drug use that do not necessarily actually indicate a drug user. A person who is overly sleepy or tired at work, should we immediately assume they are using drugs, or should we just think they maybe did not get enough sleep last night? Beyond that there are certain prejudices surrounding certain prescription medications and the people who use them. Opening the door for a company to withdraw an employment offer to someone based solely on this is opening the door for a kind of segregation that is not likely to be good for business in any way.

    Who is in the wrong though, employees who because of their drug use are causing accidents and the company who simple want to protect themselves? Or is it the company who is being unlawfully discriminatory and simply want to get a break on their insurance premiums and even want to prevent employees from getting a job to help save them thousands of dollars in the long run on the insurance for those employees alone? We may not be able to answer that question at all.

  • Can I Pass a Drug Test Using Goldenseal?

    Posted on April 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    Goldenseal used to be the “go to” supplement for people to use to pass a urine drug test.  Well, testing facilities grew wise to people using goldenseal and now they run specific test to detect goldenseal.

    Goldenseal, also known as orangeroot, is an herb that is native to the northern United States and Canada and has a thick yellow root.  The stem that appears above ground is purple but it is the ground up root that is used to pass a drug test.  It has been used for centuries as an herbal medicine long before people had to submit to drug testing.  Goldenseal may be taken internally to aid in digestion or used as a topical salve as an antimicrobial ointment.  It also enhances the curative properties of other herbs that are blended with it.

    Native Americans used it both as a medicine and as a coloring agent.  It has been documented that the Cherokee Indians used it to treat cancer and stomach disorders.  Goldenseal is not just a trick to try and pass a drug test.  It has great anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling and bloating and also great antiseptic properties to combat bacteria.  It is a great laxative and can helps with the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, the gastrointestinal tract and the bladder.  By increasing the flow of healthy mucous, goldenseal expedites the body’s own anti-microbial agent to help fight infection.  It also helps to increase bile secretion and stimulates the appetite.

    As with any dietary supplement you should always speak with a medical professional to see if it is safe for your needs.  Remember, if you need to pass a drug test, don’t use Goldenseal because it will not work for you.

  • Baking what?

    Posted on April 20th, 2012 How to pass

    Passing a drug test is a serious concern for some people, as many things could be on the line – your job, your driver’s license, and many other things. It is quite understandable that some people get very desperate in trying to pass it. However, that does not mean that people think ahead of time when preparing for the test.

    -         Hi, hi, I have a quick question for you – what do I do with this baking soda?

    -         Wait, what? What is happening with the baking soda?

    -         Well, I need to pass a drug test, and I have to go, like, now, so tell me – what do I do? Put it in water?

    -         Sir, I am sorry, but baking soda will not help you pass a drug test.

    -         No, no, I just talked to you, you said to put it in the water or something, but I forget how much of what to put!

    -         I am sorry, you may have dialed a wrong number – we cannot advice you on something that will not work. There are specialized detox products, like drinks and pills, that you can use to get your urine clean from toxins, but no household product will do the same thing for you.

    -         So what, you say it will not work now? What am I supposed to do? My test is in twenty minutes!

    -         See if you can reschedule it and prepare for it in advance – get a detox drink that will definitely help you instead of relying on some unproven methods that most likely will make you sick.

    -         Yeah, ok, I will see what I can do…

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 10

    Posted on April 19th, 2012 How to pass

    One of the largest Labs in America – Quest Diagnostics – has a department called “Employer Solutions”. This department has advised many a company with a line akin to ‘Being Vague is no one’s friend, and will do your business far more harm than good when writing a drug testing policy’. The strong encouragement they offer the companies is that when creating the policy they must be as specific as they possibly can in regard to what drugs will be tested for, and under what circumstances they would legally be allowed to test an employee. The more specific a drug testing policy – the fewer questions and complications can arise. And of course a strong preventative measure comes from training any and all employees in supervisory positions to know what to look for and how to spot any signs of an employees being impaired and under the influence of drugs and alcohol. Because it is true that despite a drug testing policy that an employer does need to have ‘reasonable suspicion’ in order to have an employee tested at random. But simply seeing someone get sleepy at their desk does not constitute ‘reasonable suspicion’ and if it did far more employees would require testing regularly before they were allowed to get their morning coffee.

    But the issue here is not whether or not it is legal for an employer to test any potential or current employees for illegal drug use. The issue is coming back to the fact that they are testing for completely legal prescription medications that are being carefully watched and controlled by doctors.

  • The Eyes Have It: Drug Screening Through Eye Scanning

    Posted on April 18th, 2012 How to pass

    There is an old saying “The eyes don’t lie.” Law enforcement is betting on that.  They say the eyes are the windows to the soul but are they the window to what you did at the party Saturday night.  That is the important question!

    There is a new method of drug screening and it involves testing the eye’s pupil response time to light based on a previous pre-screen test time to light.  This is called pupilometry.

    It is quick and if there is a suspected violation, then the person will be subjected to a urinalysis.

    Used mainly for probation purposes, eye drug screening is quicker and may be able to save the taxpayers a lot of money in the long run.  Today, when someone reports to their probation officer, a urine test is conducted at an estimated fifteen to seventy five dollars per test.  The majority of those tests come back clean because, let’s face it, who wants to fail a probation drug test and possibly face jail time.  These people keep their nose clean.  It’s those people who try to get over on the drug test or just can’t stop using who will get caught.

    The machine used for eye testing consists of a set of goggles that are hooked up to a computer that measures the pupil size and reaction to light. The subject will submit to an initial test to establish a baseline measurement that all future measurements will be compared to.  If the subject’s pupils are more dilated or react slower than the baseline measurement then the person is considered testing positive and will be subjected to more extensive testing.

    The eye test can only detect impairment, not which substance is causing the impairment or if the impairment is caused by a lack of sleep.

    The test itself should only take about ninety seconds but it can be helpful in industries that require strict safety measures such as airlines, commercial driving, construction and railroad engineers.