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Category: How to pass

  • Uncomfortable conversation

    Posted on April 17th, 2012 How to pass

    Is it not easy to confess about something to a complete stranger, especially when you know that you should not have done what you did. When asking for an advice regarding a drug testing, it is often the case that you have to admit that you have used some illicit substances and now need some help. That is a one side of a problem; another one is when you got a detox product and did not carefully read instructions, or if you used it wrong and now need help fixing it. Some situations can really get out of hand:

    -          Hi, can you hear me? I am sorry for whispering, but I cannot be very loud here – I am in the bathroom. Listen, I got these detox pills cause I have to go for a drug test right about now, and frankly, I do not think I can leave the bathroom! You know what I am getting to? Or do I need to be a little more descriptive? So anyway, I have been sitting here for a while now, and just want to know if this is normal. I mean, I thought I just needed to urinate a few times before the test, but not this!

    -          How many capsules did you take?

    -          I took like thirty, maybe thirty-five altogether.

    -          Do the directions say to take them all at the same time?

    -          Well, I think so, let me see… I have the bottle right here. Errr… it says to take two twice daily… Oh, I get it – I think I grabbed the wrong bottle this morning – I was so worried about the test, I did not even look at the instructions the second time… Man! I guess I am going to have to sit here for a while now…

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 9

    Posted on April 16th, 2012 How to pass

    Many doctors seem to agree that the use of prescription medications as advised and within certain milligram dosages that are highly supervised by the doctors, that a person can and will operate even more efficiently because of the medicine allowing them to circumvent their own pain or other disability. The doctors have even gone on to say that the use of the medicine within these circumstances also will not cause sedative qualities in patients or any other problems with a person’s ability to think straight and without any difficulty.

    Of companies that recently changed their drug testing policies and because of said changes did relieve a large number of employees from their jobs which have brought them under high scrutiny and in some cases has been taken to the courts to decide if it was legal or proper for the company to do this – many doctors agree that many of those relieved of their jobs were not in any way shape or form compromised because of their prescriptions. But that doesn’t alleviate a company’s very real concerns about having employees in their warehouses or operating sensitive equipment while under the influence of these drugs. Unfortunately the laws are bit to sketchy which makes many companies very afraid to put into place a new policy that does or does not include certain drugs. If they do then they are supposedly protecting the workplace from those that would abuse their prescription medications, but are also discriminating against those who simply have and need a prescription. Until the law gets more defined it’s a very thin line the company has to walk.

  • Healing Herbs Parsley Root

    Posted on April 13th, 2012 How to pass

    Parsley, that funny little green sprout that restaurants put on your plate for garnish, is really a wonderful herb to help cleanse your body from unwanted toxins.  Well, don’t eat it, but rather you should look into eating the root of the parsley plant. On second thought, you can eat it because of the chlorophyll in parsley provides a great breath freshener.  Parsley root has been used for centuries by many civilizations as a remedy for various digestive problems, liver and kidney problems, menstrual problems and cleansing the blood of unwanted toxins.  Parsley contains many B-vitamins, vitamins A, C, E and K.  It also contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll, coumarins, flavonoids and essential oils like apiole and eugenol.  There is also a high percentage of an amino acid called histidine which is believed to stunt the development of tumors.

    Parsley root has been mostly used to treat gastrointestinal disorders but has also known to have been used to regulate blood sugar levels. Because parsley root has been an effective treatment for liver problems, physicians have been prescribing it to help dissolve and pass kidney stones and gallstones.  It is believed to increase circulation to the digestive tract so that is why it can be found on your plate at restaurants.  It is not just there for decoration.  Parsley root is an exceptional diuretic and can help reduce water weight by increasing urination thus flushing away excess toxins in the body.  By flushing out your system and increasing urination, parsley root may help to lower your blood pressure and relieve hypertension.  Parsley root contains a high amount of Vitamin C (more than oranges) and also is a great source of iron, potassium, calcium, potassium, folic acid and manganese.  Parsley root can trigger uterine contractions so it should be avoided by pregnant women.  Also people suffering from kidney infections should steer clear of ingesting parsley root.

  • Unpredictable details

    Posted on April 12th, 2012 How to pass

    What is the most uncomfortable conversation you have ever had? When speaking about detox product all bets are off. Not only you have to be frank and describe exactly what you have been taking, how much, how often, and all those absolutely necessary questions. That is one thing, but if something goes wrong you also need to be able to tell the truth. If you have slipped up – admit it, if your body weight is not what you want it to be – say it like it is. When choosing a detox product that is right for you, no small detail should be omitted. You can never know what is going to matter, so try to think of every little detail that you think may be of significance.

    -         I have tried this detox drink, and it did not work properly. I mean it worked, but not as it should – it made me go to the bathroom right away, and after the five times I could not go anymore, and had to drink additional water. Of course, that diluted my urine and they rescheduled me. I had to go back to the lab the next day so I could pass urine drug test. As it turned out I have gotten too much of a drink – I had 24 ounces, when I should have had only 16 because I weigh only 120lbs. I did not think that this would matter, but apparently it does. I thought the more the better, but it turned out otherwise.

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 8

    Posted on April 11th, 2012 How to pass

    One of the biggest issues in the instatement of a drug testing policy are the laws surrounding drug tests, which unfortunately do vary between states and regions meaning that a company who has locations in many states around the country – or even internationally. In Several states there are very specific restrictions on the kinds of drug tests that can even be performed for any reason, and some states have very very broad terminology used in the laws which basically give free reign to the company to write up a policy in that state to do whatever they decide they want to do. But because of this there are a lot of drug testing policies that work on the honor system. Entrusting the employee with the responsibility of reporting to their employer any and all potentially dangerous drugs they may be taking. But as with any situation where the honor system is involved, sometimes people lie.

    Employers can face a lot of legal issues with regard to employees they suspect may be using an illegal substance. By making an accusation that turns out to be unfounded an employer can be put in quite a bit of hot water as the case may be. Essentially – a disgruntled employee who feels they were wrongly accused can take an employer to court for harassment. Unfortunately this causes a back lash meaning employers are suddenly afraid to test anyone, which seems like a good thing, but ends up causing more harm than good – with no effective drug testing policy a company can take a real beating in productivity.

  • Healing Herbs Papaya Leaf Extract

    Posted on April 10th, 2012 How to pass

    Detox never tasted so good! When you think of the ingredients in detox products, you might automatically think of some bitter herbs or some nasty tasting detox drink.  I’ll bet the sweet taste of papaya never crossed your mind.

    Papaya contains an element called papain which has been used medicinally for centuries to reduce swelling and to relieve fluid retention, particularly after surgical procedures or trauma.

    Papain also is very helpful for people with digestive problems.  It can be used to treat shingles, diarrhea, hay fever, runny nose, throat inflammation and to combat parasitic worms.  Used as a topical ointment, papain can be applied directly to the skin to treat burns, infected wounds, ulcers and psoriasis.

    Papain contains enzymes that help break down proteins so it is used in a wide range of products from toothpaste to meat tenderizers. Undigested proteins in the stomach may reach the lower abdomen where everything can become compacted and lead to unprocessed food becoming breeding grounds for bacteria and fungus.  The enzymes in papain help to break down undigested proteins, thereby reducing the risk of developing parasites.

    There have been some claims that using a tea extract made from papaya leaves has helped cure cancer in some individuals.  Although there has been no absolute scientific research to substantiate these claims, there has been some research done in the United States that suggests there is a chemical compound in the pawpaw tree where papaya comes from that is found to be much stronger than the strongest anti-cancer drug.

    As with any dietary supplement, it is always best to check with your physician before taking papaya leaf extract to see if it is the right supplement for your needs.

  • What is the right thing to do?

    Posted on April 9th, 2012 How to pass

    The most frequently asked question about detox products is probably the one asking if they really work. The main concern is the costs, of course, but also guarantee of reliance of the product – when faced with the large selection of possible drug testing aid, one normally wonders “Why should I spend so much money on all this cleansing stuff, when I can simply use this synthetic urine , which costs way less?” It is a very curious question – why do some people prefer “wasting” their money away when there is such a simple solution? The answer is pretty plain – people differ, and their needs differ as well. It is easier for some people to just get done with the urine drug testing and get over it; for others – it is necessary to take their time and get completely clean, either because the urine test will be more specific, or a blood test is expected. Also, in some cases people just want to start their life anew, and getting clean as soon as possible is not only physically required, but emotionally. When you decide to quit for good and you feel strong and confident in your will power, you may accidentally “slip,” as in the back of your mind you know that you are still dirty and those toxins will take forever to get cleansed out. When you use a complete detox cleanse, you may feel like a brand new person –  and this may make you feel confident that you will stay clean from now on. So, when shopping for the right detox product, do not go by price alone and choose carefully the product that is right for you.

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 7

    Posted on April 6th, 2012 How to pass

    Another major incentive for employers to update their drug policies to include prescription medications is because many insurance companies that employers have policies through off the companies a large premium credit on the worker’s compensation insurance if their policies do include those stipulations and if they do perform drug tests regularly. The belief being that if the testing happens more often, and those prescription medications are tested for and monitored closely by employers then accidents are far less likely to happen in the workplace thus the insurance company will have to pay out even less.

    While it is not a federal law that regulates the “Drug Free” workplace, but laws at the state level that do, the policies that originally went into place around 1988 have changed very little in the more than 20 years since their implementations. This is unfortunately where all the confusion comes from. The same way we are currently dealing with confusion over not so carefully worded laws / rights in the constitution right now, we have to deal with it even at this level for far more recent laws. Unfortunately only hindsight is 20/20 and when writing the laws and putting them into action the people in charge of our laws and security and government do not always word things specifically enough. And so, until they are reviewed and hopefully re-written the freedom to write drug testing policies that include prescription medications is at the hands of the company. Feel free to make sure your state official knows where you stand on the issue, because until the public speaks up nothing will change.

  • Helpful Herbs: Oat Straw

    Posted on April 5th, 2012 How to pass

    Most detox products contain a wide variety of herbs and vitamins but not all of those ingredients can be used to stuff a mattress with.  Oat straw is one of those ingredients.  People once believed that stuffing their mattresses with oat straw would help to cure rheumatism.  While all of the parts of the plant are used for food and textiles, it is the oat straw that has the most medicinal value.

    Oat straw can improve a person’s mood because it has anti-depressant qualities.  It will relieve anxiety and stress and give you a little extra energy.  It can calm people suffering from panic attacks or used to treat hyperactive children.  It is also helpful in treating skin conditions such as eczema and other skin irritations.  Oat straw is also helpful in the treatment of osteoporosis, boosting the immune system and building stronger bones.  Making oat straw a part of your regular dietary regimen can help combat problems like obesity, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Some studies suggest that it can also lower blood sugar levels so this may be a helpful herbal remedy for treating diabetes.

    Oat straw is usually made into a tea or tincture and can also be used as a supplement to add to your bath water.  You may have seen oat straw sold as a bath additive under the name of avena sativa or groats.  There are no known side effects to using oat straw but as with any dietary supplement, you should consult a medical professional before using it to se if this is the right choice of supplement for you.

  • Confusing Situations – Part 3

    Posted on April 4th, 2012 How to pass

    -          So that took care of possible saliva testing by my employer, but little did we know that another surprise awaited us. Apparently, they decided that it was not enough, and that a urine test would better suit their needs. I dunno, maybe they saw that little drug detection chart that I came across, and thought that they need to do something better, or maybe urine drug testing is cheaper to administer, who knows? Anyway, we had another problem to deal with. You see, my buddies and I were all prepared for one thing, and then they went and changed it on us. It was a bigger problem partly because the detox product we all got did not work for urine testing, but another thing was that toxins could be detected in urine for much longer, and it could be a big problem when dealing with random drug tests. Thankfully, that amazing website helped us out again – we were freaking out since they caught us by surprise again, and none of us wanted to be called up for a random test right after we signed the papers. Is situations like these, there is really no time to get prepared or anything – if you understand what is going on, you have to act quickly. So I got this little bottle of urine – synthetic urine – that is apparently the most awesome thing you can use for a random drug test. It heats up within an hour, so even if you do not know in advance when you test is, you can still pass it – just push back as long as you can so that the bottle warms up. Seriously, if it was not for the detox stuff, I would be out of work a long time ago!