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Category: How to pass

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 6

    Posted on April 3rd, 2012 How to pass

    The actual tests themselves are also part of the problem. As stated in a previous post the tests do not actually detect all forms of prescription opiates that can so easily be abused, which is a common misconception of many employers and companies. They do believe the tests that they are requiring of their future employees do include any and all substances. But again – this comes into a very strong privacy issue. It is completely legal and legitimate for a company to have a person tested for illicit substances, but the question is not whether they should be testing for illicit substances, but where we need to draw the line when the tests reveal things that are supposed to be personal between you and your doctor.

    But it is also true that the presence of a prescription medication does not indicate that you are necessarily on a prescription. Simply because you have Oxycodone in your system does not mean that you are taking the substance legally. This is one of the bigger concerns of many companies that are currently changing their drug testing policies to begin testing for prescription medications. The real issue for potential employees comes down to; even if you have a prescription and can provide evidence of said prescription then they may still choose not to hire you – or even to fire you because of this, thus the privacy issue being brought to the courts attention with a recent company who fired a large number of employees after changing their drug testing policy and randomly testing most of their employees.

  • Can I Use Niacin To Pass A Drug Test?

    Posted on April 2nd, 2012 How to pass

    You need to pass a drug test so you start to ask everybody you know “What do I have to do to pass a drug test?”  Well you can stop taking drugs for one thing.  Then your friend tells you that his cousin’s wife’s sister’s boyfriend used niacin to pass a drug test.  What is niacin and how can it help me pass? Niacin is basically vitamin B3 and IT WILL NOT help you pass a drug test.  It will, however, send you to the hospital if you take too much of it.

    Niacin is helpful if taken in moderation.  It can promote healthy skin and central nervous system. It may also help to lower your cholesterol. Used as a steady regimen, niacin can lower your toxin levels but don’t try to flush everything out all at once with a large dose or you may suffer severe stomach cramps and other side effects such as a burning sensation of your skin and possibly a severe rash. You could turn your skin to a bright reddish color temporarily, like you have a severe case of sunburn which should be a red flag for the testing facility, no pun intended. You may experience ulcers, digestive problems, diarrhea and vomiting.  Extreme cases may also affect the functionality of your liver and a rapid heartbeat. You may also experience hives and heavy sweating and extreme nervousness.  Liver damage is a very real possibility with ingesting too much niacin at one time.

    Niacin opens up your capillaries, that is why your skin may turn red and you will feel a warm sensation after taking too much of it. The recommended daily dose for niacin is 14 milligrams per day for women and 16 milligrams per day for men.  Anything above these levels may lead to the aforementioned side effects.  You don’t have to take a pure niacin supplement to achieve these levels as niacin can be obtained by eating foods like chicken, beef, liver, peanuts and cereal.

    If you ingest excessive amounts of niacin you will not pass a drug test but you will definitely pass a stupidity test.  Remember, before taking any dietary supplement you should first consult your doctor to determine if it is safe and the right supplement for your situation.

  • Confusing Situations – Part 2

    Posted on March 30th, 2012 How to pass

    - So, of course I was drinking water all night long that night – I did not know what else to do, I have never had to take a drug test like this before, and had no clue who to ask for an advice. And guess what – we showed up for work next day, and they seemed to have forgotten all about us! We did not get the call the next day neither, and the day after that, and after that. It was the most nervous anticipation in my entire life! Needless to say, none of us wanted to go up there and ask when we are going to be tested. Meanwhile, I started to do some research, went online and everything, and also decided to look over the paperwork they gave me. It turned out that we okayed only the random saliva tests, but for urine drug testing they would have to let us know in advance. And then I found out that the drug detection time in saliva is pretty short – if I use only every Friday night, I should be fine to take a test by Wednesday the latest. Different drugs have different detection times, but that chart is so useful, I cannot believe I did not know about it! Just to be in a safe side, I got this little special mouthwash to pass a saliva test in case it happens to be sooner that I expect it. I keep it in my locker, so I always have an easy access to it, just in case – you can never know when they are going to surprise you with it.

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 5

    Posted on March 29th, 2012 How to pass

    The only type of occupation where a person is legally required to give their employer any and all details of their current drug use as directed by a medical professional is when they are applying to work in a public safety job – as in firefighters or police officers and other careers of that standing. Despite the fact that testing is mandatory there are limitations on the tests themselves that can actually be performed. For example, the federal guidelines surrounding drug tests stated that only six categories of drugs can be tested for, and among those six synthetic painkillers like Vicodin or Xanax or many other carefully controlled prescriptions are not included. What is funny about this is that most employers do not know that the tests they are requiring of their employees does not include those synthetics.

    The companies assume that because there is a test for opiates that these synthetic opiates are tested for as well, but that is not true, the test actually only looks for codeine and morphine and not ALL Opiates. This is actually a large hole in the testing industry because for long people have been under the impression that the test for opiates did also include those things and since it does not many employers are hiring people that are actually violating the companies drug policies. But since the current state of drug testing does not include all opiates there isn’t much a company can do about it until they are aware of the hole in the testing industry. It’s more amusing to note that the opiates that aren’t being tested for are the ones that most doctors consider to be the most widely abused opiates.


    Posted on March 28th, 2012 How to pass

    Sharks don’t smoke pot so they don’t have to pass a drug test and they don’t need a detox drink.  What do the two have to do with each other?  Well, nothing, but sharks swim in the ocean and seaweed or kelp is found in the ocean and kelp is one of the many ingredients found in detox products.

    The reason that kelp, or seaweed, is used in various detox products is that vegetation found in the sea contains certain compounds that bind with and remove toxins in humans and animals.  Kelp contains a natural form of iodine which is very helpful to the thyroid and can also be an effective cancer fighting agent.  Kelp also contains vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants which help prevent cell damage. The toxins we ingest can adversely affect cell function, cellular growth, tissue structure and regeneration of damaged tissue.  The more toxins that fill your body, the faster you age.  When you see someone who has smoked or drank alcohol for years then the older and more wrinkled their appearance tends to be.

    Most plants contain iodine but there is a higher concentration of it in marine plants than in plants grown on land.  When we eat vegetables and fruits we sometimes inadvertently also ingest the pesticides that were used on the plants to preserve and protect them.  These harmful toxins can build up in our bodies and with the use of detox products we can rid our bodies of these poisons.

    Kelp and seaweed are used very often in detox pills and detox drinks because the iodine they contain is a very effective detoxifying agent. It is also effective in helping with health problems like arthritis, obesity, high blood pressure, tuberculosis, colds and flu, and worms.  As with any dietary supplement, you should always consult with your doctor about adding kelp or seaweed to your diet and the amount of the dosage you should take.

  • Confusing Situations – Part 1

    Posted on March 27th, 2012 How to pass

    There are so many different test that one has to pass before getting a job, and even after that – employee drug testing is quite popular, and a lot of companies implement such procedures. Even though passing your urine drug test may not be your first priority, but if you want to keep this job you should take it seriously. Do not wait till the last minute to think of an appropriate solution, think ahead and prepare in advance.

    -         I had this awful experience with my employer – our company got re-bought and all of us had to comply with their new policy and signed the paperwork allowing them to test us randomly, whenever they wanted to. I was worried at first, even stopped using for a while and kinds stopped going to the parties so it would be easier to resist the temptation, but then some time passed and no one got tested even once, so we figured they were just trying to scare us, but were not going to do it and waste money on the stupid tests. Anyway, one time they finally called me and a couple of other guys to come in to take a test – pulled us right out of the job! It was Monday, right after a holiday weekend, so I knew I would not pass, but I went there anyway. Long story short, they had some trouble with their equipment and we ended up sitting there for two hours, and then they just told us to come in the next day. This employee drug testing was such a nightmare, for all of us…

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 4

    Posted on March 26th, 2012 How to pass

    The biggest challenge facing both the employers and the employees when it comes to the topic of drug use in the workplace with regard to prescribed medications is the fact that it’s almost impossible to prove impairment on the employees part. Some companies do have a policy that clearly outlines that if the prescription medication you are using contains a warning label advising against driving or operating any heavy machinery whilst under the influence of that particular prescription then you cannot use it in the workplace. But for companies that do not have this policy, or even some that do, they cannot deny that many doctors often insist that those warning labels are overly cautious on some medications and can be ignored as people using the medication can easily still function normally and without an impairment of any kind.

    One of the main reasons why companies do not always include in their policies any specification about the types of prescription medications that they do or do not allow is because of their fear of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act which states that an employer may not ask any employee about their prescription medications or deny them employment based on their legally prescribed doctor mandated medications. They may only become aware of these things if the employee is actually observed to be using something in the workplace or displaying behaviors that can be assumed are the direct result of drug use. There are many legal issues that a company faces with regard to employment that can be directly related to an employee’s drug use that is carefully controlled and overseen by a doctor.

  • Spring Cleaning!!

    Posted on March 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    Spring has sprung!  It is time for spring cleaning. It is time to clean out the gutters, the garage, the attic and the back yard.  Why not take this opportunity to clean out your body? You don’t just have to wait to try to clean your system to pass a drug test. Do it now before you accumulate more unhealthy metabolites.  Detoxifying your system from toxins like THC, cocaine, methamphetamine and even prescription drugs can make you feel much more healthy and confident.

    If you need to pass a urine test, pass a saliva test or pass a blood test you usually wait until the last minute and rush to buy a detox drink or detox pills.  This can be expensive and nerve wracking. Detox products aren’t just for people trying to pass a drug test.  We accumulate all kinds of unwanted pollutants over time just by being exposed to things like smog, cooking utensils and food additives.  Heavy metals like aluminum, lead, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and copper can be building up in your system, slowing you down and even leading to some serious health problems.  Prescription medications, over the counter medications and even preservatives commonly found in food may also leave behind unwanted metabolites.  THC metabolites can get trapped in the fat cells so they take a very long time to leave your system.

    You may have smoked your last joint weeks or even months ago and still fail a urine drug test.  Detox drinks are only a temporary flush so you may need to use a stronger detox product to permanently cleanse your system or dramatically lower your toxin levels.

  • I did not know

    Posted on March 22nd, 2012 How to pass

    For some people passing a urine test is more difficult than for others. This happens not only due to toxicity levels or body weight, but for less obvious and sometimes unpredictable reasons.

    -         Oh hi, I have a question for you; I really hope you can help me. I need to pass a drug test and I think I need some help. You see, my situation is a little different from what you normally hear – I used to do some white stuff, but that is all long gone, and I am clean on my own, but now the problem is that I cannot go to the bathroom when I am being watched. They put me in a gown and all, and then stand outside the door listening to me. I tried, but I just cannot squeeze it out! I was thinking about getting some synthetic urine, but I am not going to have any place to put it since I am almost naked in there… This is ridiculous… Then I thought of a detox drink that I used to take years ago – that would always help me urinate in uncomfortable situations and successfully pass the test. So the question I have – do you still have those, and can they be used when you already clean?

    -         Yes, certainly. The detox drinks serve as flushing agents – so even if you are clean on your own, you can still take one. We cannot promise you that it will assist you with the shy bladder effect, but it will definitely make you go.

    -         Yeah, I know it will. Send me one of those, please. Thank you!

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 3

    Posted on March 21st, 2012 How to pass
    While we have looked at the statistics and the facts in the matter of drug related accidents around the workplace, and it does indicate very strongly that companies are spending more money on the tests then they are losing in liability related to those accidents, the facts remain that more of those accidents can be directly linked to drug usage than anything else. So, encouraging them to change their policies or abandon them altogether would be fruitless. Despite the loss of money the company has to deal with because of the tests being done it doesn’t prevent the accidents from being so highly correlated to prescription drug use and abuse.
    While we would also like to believe that only the larger companies with oversized factory floors where there are many conveyer belts, and forklifts and other large and dangerous pieces of machinery get used daily are the ones affected by this, it isn’t always the case. There have been cases where those in much smaller situations caused harm because of their prescription drug abuse and use. In 2008 a lawyer had to resign because of his impaired judgment due to his addiction. Many doctors have also been sued or lost their licenses because they were using prescription medications while performing surgery or interacting with patients. It is sometimes a harsh reality to face, but the reality is there, people in charge of our well-being or deciding our fates in a court of law, or even handling our food at the restaurant we frequent could very well be under the influence of a strong medication that makes it difficult for them to do their jobs as well as they potentially could. Just because sometimes the prescription medications allow a person to do a job at all, doesn’t mean this is always a good thing.