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Category: How to pass

  • Detox With Iodine?

    Posted on March 20th, 2012 How to pass

    When you were young and you skinned your knee on the playground, your mother would put some iodine on the wound to disinfect it.  Despite your desperate pleas for her not to do it, the world did not come to an end and it didn’t kill you.  It actually made you better.  Go figure?

    Iodine is one of the greatest detoxifying agents that you can use to clear your system of unwanted toxins.  Iodine is commonly found in plant cells and in particular seaweed and other aquatic plants.  People whose diets are based around seaweed or involve crops that are grown in soil that is fertilized by seaweed tend to have the optimal levels of iodine in their system while those who don’t base their diets around this have lower levels. Hence, many diseases that are found in Western civilizations are not found in populations whose diets are mostly based on products from the sea.  The supplementation of iodine in the diet provides a much needed boost to the immune system which may be the reason for the lower rate of degenerative diseases in people with diets rich in seafood and vegetables grown near the sea.

    Iodine has many antiseptic properties that help fight germs being fungal, viral or bacterial in nature.  Iodine is extremely helpful in removing heavy metals in your system. We tend to accumulate heavy metals in our system through everyday activities like eating food cooked in certain types of pots and pans or through breathing in smog and industrial pollutants.  Iodine is a great detoxifier of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum.  Iodine is also very beneficial to regulating your metabolism, supporting a healthy thyroid, maintaining a healthy immune system and fighting infections but its main purpose in using it in detox drinks and detox capsules is to help your body with the detoxification process of unwanted toxins.

  • Will that work?

    Posted on March 19th, 2012 How to pass

    It happens more often than one would think: people themselves complicate a difficult situation even more, and, quite often, without even realizing it.

    -         Hello, I have a question, but not sure if you will be able to help me. The other day I went to get a drug test done – I had to go to a lab and give a hair sample. I knew I could not pass on my own, so I bought this detox shampoo. I used it right before I left and was all confident and everything, but when I got there, they took some hair off my head, but I guess it was not good enough so they asked for more from my underarms. If I knew this would happen, I would use the shampoo there too, but I did not! So I made a whole scene, and stormed out of there with a scandal. Now my employer asked me when I am going to get it done, so I have to go back and give them more hair, and my question is: do you have a shampoo for body hair, and do you think they will let me in to get it done second time? I am worried that they will not even let me into the lab after what I did there last time.

    -         First, if your employer asked you about the test results, it means that the lab did not tell them that you refused the first time, so it is a good idea to go and try again. And secondly, for the body hair try this intense cleanser – it penetrates hair deeper than regular detox shampoo, so it works much better on thicker body hair.

    -         Oh, great! I should have been prepared the first time, so I do not have to go through this whole thing again. Thank you!

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 2

    Posted on March 16th, 2012 How to pass

    There are two sides to the argument however, we can’t lay all the blame on the companies. It has become an almost cultural standard for Americans to rely on powerful prescription medications. Sadly it starts earlier and earlier, with very young children being put on things to help their ADD or ADHD. It has become the standard of health for a larger and larger percentage of the American population to have a strong prescribed medication in their medicine cabinet. The main problems that companies are facing are ways to address the issue. As, despite all assurances and everything being completely legal, these drugs do have some very serious side effects. Should a company simply ignore this fact in favor of all employees, when it can lead to more problems than solutions? Especially when the number one company doing the drug testing Quest Diagnostics, has released statistics that indicate that the percentage of people testing positive for prescription opiates when up from 2005 more than 40%. These statistics were taken from the results of over half a million tests and subjects.

    But of course, where should the company draw the line at employee privacy? Why should an employee have to disclose personal information about their prescriptions that they are seeking medical attention and information for? They are under doctor’s orders to follow the dosage and take them accordingly, but is it safe for them to be on such a dosage when they’re operating heavy machinery around many other people?

  • Helpful Herbs: Hydrangea Root

    Posted on March 15th, 2012 How to pass

    Hydrangea is a very attractive shrub with clusters of white flowers that is probably growing in your back yard but did you know that the roots of the Hydrangea shrub are used in some detox products?

    Native to the United States, Hydrangea has been used by Native Americans for thousands of years as a treatment for urinary tract, kidney and bladder problems.  This one of the reasons that it is included in many detox products.  Hydrangea root can combat bladder infections and will help with an inflamed prostate.  It will alleviate fluid build up by stimulating the kidneys and it is a great blood cleanser so it will clear toxins out of the blood.

    Used as a diuretic, Hydrangea root will reduce water weight and fluid build up.  It is also effective in treating the swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis.  Hydrangea root is dried and used to fight autoimmune disorders, malaria, enlarged prostate, kidney stones, and male pattern baldness and also to stabilize blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels.

    Beside the root being ground into powder, Hydrangea is also used as syrup, tincture or made into a tea.

    If you are a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding is not advisable to use Hydrangea root as it may be harmful to the child or fetus.  Taking too much Hydrangea root may cause an upset stomach, rash, tightness in the chest or feeling of dizziness.  As with any dietary supplement you should consult with your physician before taking to determine if it will be harmful to your health.

  • How much is too much?

    Posted on March 14th, 2012 How to pass

    When preparing for a drug test, it is always a good idea to think ahead of time and prepare yourself properly. What also important is to pay attention to every detail about the product you chose to use. Sometimes over-doing it can actually hurt you instead of helping.

    -         Hello, I think I have a problem, and I just wanted to make sure what to do now. You see, I had to go for a drug test last week, and I used something that would not let me pass on my own. So I got this stuff, I forget what is it called now, but it was a detox drink that supposed to make you clean right before the test, so I wanted to use it. After I got it, my friend told me about this other stuff, and he said he used it and it worked great for him, so he got it for me too. I was not sure which one to use, so I used them both. I almost got sick, but man, I was peeing like a maniac. So anyway, they just told me that my test was “abnormal,” and that I should come in again. What do I do? Do detox drinks work at all?

    -         Yes, they do work, but what probably happened is that you diluted your urine by drinking too much, that is why they want to re-test you. Make sure you follow instructions, and do not use two products at the same time unless they are compatible and instructions tell you to do so.

    -         O! I got it! Yeah, I wanted to take both just in case, but I guess I cannot drink everything together to pass a drug test! Thanks, I will be more careful!

  • Drug Testing Policy – Part 1

    Posted on March 13th, 2012 How to pass

    While the government may have a heavy hand in law making regarding drug testing policies, the companies themselves are on their own when creating their policies. Because an automotive company (that will remain unnamed) changed their drug testing policies quite a few employees were suddenly let go because the prescription medications that they had prescriptions and doctor approvals for were suddenly deemed unsafe. Originally the company had only been testing for illegal narcotics, but after the change in policy they were legally allowed to test a person’s sample for prescription medications. The company was being sued by a group of now former employees for invasion of privacy and wrongful termination. Unfortunately for them while the District court level agreed with their plight, the higher level that the company appealed to did revoke the original decision, citing that since the company had outlined their policy and there were no grandfather clauses that needed to take into account the employee’s prior work that the company was not violating the employees rights.

    What this means sadly is that so long as the company doing the testing has a written and legal document that states clearly what their policies are, that despite the fact that doctors informed them that the prescription drug use was all within legal limits and did not harbor the workers abilities to do their jobs safely, that the company can do whatever they want. Keep this in mind when looking for work, read up on any company you’re going to be interviewing with. And make sure to read any and all policies they have concerning their testing procedures.

  • Helpful Herbs: Horseradish

    Posted on March 12th, 2012 How to pass

    So you have ordered the shrimp cocktail for an appetizer and you can worry about the cholesterol in the shrimp but what about the cocktail sauce?  Did you know that the horseradish in the cocktail sauce is actually good for you?  Horseradish is useful as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory herb and is believed by some to be an aphrodisiac.  I guess people believe horseradish is an aphrodisiac because it increases body temperature.  Horseradish is a strong antibiotic and antibacterial agent.  It is a very good diuretic and helps stimulate the body’s immune system and can serve as a very good expectorant to clear phlegm out of your bronchial tubes. If you have ever taken a good whiff out of a jar of horseradish you know that it can clear your sinuses pretty fast.

    Horseradish also helps the body to excrete urine so that the toxins in your body will be flushed out of your urinary tract quickly.  Horseradish has been used to treat such ailments as bronchitis, sinusitis, lung congestion, rheumatism, anemia and the flu.  It also can serve as an effective appetite stimulant and anti inflammatory agent. It can increase blood flow to infected areas therefore reducing infections. This is good for people with urinary tract infections and sore throats.

    For those who suffer from gum disease, chewing on horseradish mixed with carrots may be an effective treatment to kill bacteria related to gum disease. American Indians used to chew horseradish to relieve toothaches and to treat scurvy.  The raw leaves of the plant can be held to the forehead to relieve headaches.

    Horseradish contains a high amount of vitamin C and B complex as well as minerals like potassium, calcium and iron.  It also contains powerful antioxidants and may be very helpful to people to people suffering from aching joints.  Horseradish contains an enzyme which helps break down glucosinolates, a cancer-fighting compound, which helps the liver to detoxify carcinogens and limit the growth of tumors in the body. Horseradish should not be given to children under the age of four years old or to people suffering from gastric ulcers or renal problems.

  • Coloring Mix

    Posted on March 9th, 2012 How to pass

    Upcoming drug test is always an unpleasant surprise, but what can be even more unpleasant is when you try to fix what did not need to be fixed. While preparing for the procedure either with detox kits or just by abstaining, it is always good to keep in mind a back-up plan. Just make sure it is a working back-up plan.

    -         Hello, do you answer weird questions? I am not sure if that happened to anyone before, but here is the thing – I had a urine test last week, and I was kind of fully prepared for it: I got this super drink and the guy at the store told me it will make me clean in thirty minutes. I kind of had doubts about it, you know, I smoked for years, and then in half hour I will be clean? It sounded like a joke. I used it anyway, cause I needed to pass a marijuana test, and it made my urine bright pink. I did not know what to do, so I added a little bit of water from the stall. You probably know that they put something in that water to make it blue, but I figured blue and pink may make it yellow, but it actually turned purple. I felt like an idiot, but what was I supposed to do? So anyway, I need something that will keep my urine normal color – can you guarantee that?

    -     All our products are natural and do not alter the color of the urine. However, make sure to read instructions for a detox drink prior to consuming it – your should try not to overeat on the day of your test and stay away from acidic drinks and food as the interaction of them may lead to adverse effects, like changing of color, or the product not working altogether.

  • The Truth About False Positives – Part 6

    Posted on March 8th, 2012 How to pass

    There are even many cases where false positives did ruin someone’s life, not just their day. A man named Don Bolles, a drummer for a punk band was arrested and jailed in April 2007 for three days because of a positive result on a field test that indicated that he was carrying GHB with him. The test performed was a pouch test, where items are closed inside of the pouch and shaken about a little after the breaking of a chemical reagent is added one at a time. They tested a soap they found on him, an all natural soap. As it turns out, all natural soaps would always test positive for GHB through this company’s field test kit. Interestingly the test kit is now purchased more by companies testing their products to see if they are all natural products instead of synthetically made soaps.

    This is just one of many examples where someone was incarcerated and unable to prove their innocence before spending time in jail. This poor innocent man spent 3 days in a jail he had no business being in because he was completely innocent of the crime they claimed him to be guilty of. These deceptive field tests have done far more harm than good, and yet despite this alarming evidence and all of the statistics making it clear that false positives are good for no one the force continues to use them. Make sure you’re prepared for this eventuality.

  • Healing Herbs Hibiscus

    Posted on March 7th, 2012 How to pass

    The hibiscus is a beautiful flower and it can be used to brew a wonderful tea but did you know that it has amazing detoxifying properties also?  Drinking a hibiscus based tea can be a very effective tool in lowering high blood pressure and reducing high cholesterol levels.

    Hibiscus tea has also been found to reduce fever and hot flashes.  This is welcomed news for women going through menopause as it reduces both the frequency and intensity of hot flashes.  If you suffer from fevers often then hibiscus tea will help cool your body temperature as well.  Because the hibiscus plant contains high amounts of antioxidants it helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels and thus reduces the chance of developing heart problems and cancer.  Hibiscus tea will also help you lose weight while boosting your immune system because it contains high levels of vitamin C.

    In India, hibiscus has been used for centuries as a preventative measure for dandruff and other maladies for the scalp.  Acne problems can also be alleviated by applying wet hibiscus leaves to the affected area for about fifteen minutes then rinsing with water.  Do this every day until the acne is gone.

    People who have Type 2 diabetes may benefit from drinking a few cups of hibiscus tea on a daily basis because it has been shown to reduce the level of bad cholesterol LDL while increasing the level of good cholesterol.  When the leaves of the hibiscus are ground up and made into a poultice they can be used to treat topical ailments such as burns, abscesses or boils.

    Do not use hibiscus if you are pregnant as it may cause menstrual bleeding and interfere with the early stages of pregnancy.  As with any dietary supplement you should first consult your physician before using to avoid any complications to your health.