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Category: How to pass

  • What is the point?

    Posted on March 6th, 2012 How to pass

    Need to pass a drug test, but not sure which test it is going to be? Know you have a drug test coming up, but confused which product is the best to use in your circumstances? Some situations are tough and confusing enough, but it is never easy, so to top it all off – there are a million solutions to one problem. When you are faced with a problem of passing a drug test, consider all the options and make sure to speak with an expert to confirm that you made a right decision.

    -         So I need to pass a drug test, it is coming up sometime next week, so I got this total body cleanser and have been taking it for a couple days now. They said it is the best thing because I have a lot of toxins since I was a heavy user – I used to smoke every day. But now it turns out I am going to have a urine test and there are these detox drinks that can cleanse your urine in a matter of hours. So my question to you is – did I waste my money on this stupid body cleanser?

    -         Not exactly – detox drinks will flush the toxins from the urinary tract only, but if the toxin level is very high, like in the case of daily smoking, it is always a good idea to try and lower it before using any type of same-day products.

    -         A, ok, good! I thought it was a complete waste! Thanks a lot!

  • The Truth About False Positives – Part 5

    Posted on March 5th, 2012 How to pass

    The real problem facing the public in relation to all of these false positives in field tests is the fact that it is up to each law enforcement agency, at the state level, to take note of these startling facts and make a change in their policy and procedure. They have to voluntarily end the administration of these tests. Statistics make it clear that doing so would protect far more innocent victims of these tests, than it would convict guilty ones.

    The recommendations of the scientists and research body that have looked into these tests is that not only should all tests be thrown away, but that perhaps charges be brought against the company that was making them in the first place, since clearly all the promises of quality products are false advertising at the very least. Most of the companies who manufacture the specific tests in question did not want to comment on the validity of the results their tests have. Marking their boxes with a warning about false positives but not indicating that most positives are in fact false.

    The products themselves have put away and brought charges against many innocent people, dragging their good names through the dirt. What was most surprising to many police officials is that so many normal household items would cause a positive test result. Apparently, if a person were to eat a chocolate bar minutes before taking a test they could test positive for marijuana and possibly other drugs. What these tests do is put a whole new spin on “Innocent until proven guilty”.

  • Healing Herbs Gotu Kola

    Posted on March 2nd, 2012 How to pass

    Among the many herbs found in various detox products there is one particular herb with a very peculiar name.  Gotu kola is a ground cover also known as Pennywort, Indian Ginseng, Horse hoof and Indian Pennywort.  Gotu kola has many wonderful healing properties and is high on the list of many herbalists for healing a wide variety of health issues.

    As a detox herb it helps to strengthen adrenal glands and clean the blood of many toxins to help treat skin ailments.  It expedites the process of healing topical wounds by improving circulation and blood flow while it strengthens you veins and capillaries. Because of this, Gotu kola has been found to successfully treat phlebitis, varicose veins, leg cramps and relieve any abnormal tingling in the arms and legs. Because it is a very effective diuretic it is also a vital ingredient in detox drinks as it helps eliminate excess fluids in the body.

    Gotu kola can bring some relief to those who suffer from high blood pressure and rheumatism.  It has also been prescribed by some herbalists to treat various blood diseases, urinary tract infections, venereal diseases, hepatitis, and congestive heart failure. Gotu kola is also recommended for epilepsy, nervous disorders, senility and premature aging.

    Aside from the benefits of improving the circulatory system, Gotu kola is believed to aid memory and intelligence when ingested. It also may enhance libido and improve reflexes and reduce stress levels and fight depression. In India, it is so highly regarded it is used by yogis to improve meditation.

  • Not the right way

    Posted on March 1st, 2012 How to pass

    When dealing with detoxification products it is crucial that you follow the directions. One little mistake and the whole process goes to waste – when you think you should test clean you get just the opposite results! Especially instructions come in handy when utilizing little home testers. However, even with such delicate devices just mere following instructions may not be enough to get the right reading – there are a lot of things you need to know that you cannot find in the instructions manual.

    -          Hello there! I think I need you help here! I got this home drug test thingy, and I followed all of the instructions that it came with, but I am a little confused on what I have here. It says that I need to have two lines to test clean. I think I got it, but it looks very faint, I can barely see it. Is that how it supposed to be?

    -          A faint test line indicates a weak negative – the toxins in your body are just below the cut off level.

    -          OK, but I think that the other line is kind of faint as well – what does that mean? Is that good?

    -          That means that there might be something wrong with your sample to begin with. Did you drink a lot of fluids prior to testing yourself? Your sample may be diluted.

    -          Well, yeah, I was drinking all morning trying to flush myself… I guess that what did it! I did not think of that – I thought the more you drink the better. Oh well, I got another tester – I will try again tomorrow.

    Diluted sample is a very common reason for “inconclusive” test results. Make sure not to over-drink on fluids when preparing for a drug test.

  • The Truth About False Positives – Part 4

    Posted on February 29th, 2012 How to pass

    A press conference was held for many police officers, showing them the results of many of their Field Drug Tests, and just how likely it is that a false positive would be the result of the test, whether or not the person tested had toxins in their systems. A sad realization for many officers was that 70% of the testing devices gave false positives. The study that the results came from was titled “False Positives Equal False Justice” written by a forensics expert in collaboration with other FBI scientists and narcotics detectives and officers. The conclusions drawn by the study and those that are lucky enough to be aware of it are that this drug testing policy for officers to commence a drug test in every situation they deem it necessary (most often a traffic stop) was in fact violating every American’s constitutional rights. Police, lawyers, judges, the courtroom were using these tests as definitive evidence, even in cases where a person had paid for their own lab work to be done. They were using these pieces of “evidence” to prosecute and convict millions of individuals, primarily for breaking laws associated with anti-marijuana regulations.

    There is actually a Supreme Court ruling in standing at this time that says clearly that the courtroom cannot use as admissible evidence an inaccurate/nonspecific test  meaning that all of these people were charged and convicted without any proof that marijuana was ever actually present, whether on their person, or in their system.

  • Helpful Herbs: Ginger Root

    Posted on February 28th, 2012 How to pass

    You can’t detox with ginger ale but there are many health benefits to using ginger root for cleansing your body.  When you were a child, your mother probably gave you ginger ale to soothe an upset stomach.  It made you feel better but you probably didn’t know why.

    Ginger root has been used for generations to treat motion sickness, nausea, irritable bowels, chills, colds and flu symptoms, flatulence, indigestion, and stomach cramps.  Because ginger is a very powerful anti-inflammatory herb, it has a wide variety of applications.  Not only has it been used for intestinal discomfort, ginger has been used for other ailments such as bronchitis, headaches, fever, toothaches, coughs, menstrual cramps, arthritis, tendonitis and lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

    A few studies done on animals with diabetes suggest that using ginger may lower blood sugar levels, although this has not been proven on humans.  Because ginger root has shown such promise in regard to improving circulation, it is recommended by many herbalists to improve the complexion.

    As a component of a detox drink, ginger root can be quite helpful because it contains a resin called ginger oil which stimulates circulation and cleanses the lymph nodes while providing constipation relief so that the toxins can be expelled from your system more rapidly.  Ginger root may have some minor side effects such as heartburn, nausea and bloating.  Ginger root is used around the world as a home remedy and is usually mixed with some type of liquid or eggs to cure a wide variety of ailments.

  • How come I cannot use it?

    Posted on February 27th, 2012 How to pass

    Most body cleansers are pretty safe to use – made of herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients, detox drinks and pills get your body cleansed from any kind of toxins. The majority of such products were created for the sole purpose of getting rid of harmful stuff; therefore, there are no harmful ingredients in the detox products themselves. However, in some cases it is not safe to use even the mildest detox product.

    -          Hello, I need an advice on how to cleanse my system out. I need to clean everything, my whole body, and as fast as I can.

    -          The best permanent cleanser can clean your body within seven to fourteen days – depending on the toxin level, body weight and metabolism rate, the time frame to get clean may vary…

    -          Is this a medicine? Or is it all natural?

    -          It is an all-natural cleanser…

    -          Good! I do not mean to interrupt, but I just need to make sure I can use it – I am three month pregnant and cannot seem to find a product that is safe for me.

    -          Oh, unfortunately, there are no detox products that are safe for you to use – whether it is a natural cleanser or not, you cannot use it.

    -          But why? I need to get clean, and I need it now! If it is all-natural, why cant I use it?

    -          Unfortunately, in the cases like yours the intake of any substances should be approved by your doctor – not only medication and natural cleansers are off limits, but also there are some food restrictions as well. We strongly recommend that you speak with your doctor before taking anything at all.

  • The Truth About False Positives – Part 3

    Posted on February 24th, 2012 How to pass

    Surprisingly the drug that the smallest percentage of false positives or negatives occurs on is Cocaine. Marijuana is actually the number one drug to come up as a false positive or negative. But it’s also important to keep in mind that there are some drugs that are often missed completely on drug screens. Despite the test having that screen it’s more often than not invalid and unable to detect the presence of Oxycodone, and the family of opiods that this drug belongs to. Studies showed that over 80% of doctors didn’t realize that to test for Oxycododone and that specific strain of opiates they needed to order a special test to accurately determine if the sample was dirty.

    One of the more common kinds of drug testing is when an officer or law enforcement individual (trooper / cop / sheriff) administers a “field test” which is an on the spot urine drug test. There is a specific kind of “field test” testing device that’s used for these, and because of the startling amount of research done into false positives, and how inaccurate some of those testing devices being used in the field were the researchers almost demanded a moratorium (or a complete suspension) on their being used. There was even a moment when one of those “field test” kits turned orange indicating the presence of Cocaine……the test had only been exposed to the atmosphere. The test had simply been waved back and forth in the air a few times, and suddenly turned orange.

  • Healing Herbs GARLIC

    Posted on February 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    Okay, so it smells and makes your breath stink but it will ward off vampires and loved ones.  We are talking about garlic.  Garlic is in the same species as the onion, leek, chive and shallot.  It has been used for centuries for seasoning but it also has great medicinal value.

    For centuries garlic has been used to treat conditions such as low energy, poor digestion, respiratory problems and parasites.  Some recent studies indicate that garlic has been found to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.  There are also claims that it can be beneficial in preventing heart problems, cancer and high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.

    The cancers that garlic is most useful in preventing are stomach and colon cancer.  Some studies conducted on animals concluded that garlic may produce some cardiovascular benefits by reducing the accumulation of cholesterol on the vascular walls. Herbalists have recommended the ingestion of garlic for preventing and for fighting the common cold and for hoarseness of the throat and for persistent coughs.  It has also been suggested that garlic may help reduce blood sugar levels which may be of some help for diabetics.

    During World War I and World War II, garlic was used as an antiseptic for treating gangrene. A study has been done suggesting that mouthwash containing small amounts of fresh garlic may help kill small microbes in your mouth.  While this may be true, it could also leave you with an unpleasant taste in your mouth and bad breath. It has a high level of vitamin C in it so it may be a helpful measure to prevent scurvy.

  • Why do they care?

    Posted on February 22nd, 2012 How to pass

    It is not a secret that a lot of different parameters of a sample are being checked during a urine drug test. The most obvious ones are illicit drugs metabolites – detection of them is the entire purpose of such a test to begin with. Another important parameter is urine sample characteristics – like temperature, creatine level, etc – so that it could be determined that the sample is real and has not been tempered with. However, in certain situations it may be considered as intrusion into a private life if a “simple” drug test points out to a medical condition.

    -          Good afternoon, I just have a quick question, if I may. I needed to pass a urine drug test recently, and I have been clean for almost a year – I stopped when I started to look for a job. I have tested myself numerous times with home tests, and they all were showing that I am clean. So, long story short, I went to take my test, and they are not saying that I failed, but I need to re-take it because my specific gravity was lower than normal. I have a condition that will not interfere with my work, and I do not want to disclose it, but this is the reason why my levels show low. I do not need any cleansers, but is there something that I can use to pass this stupid test without exposing myself to them?

    -          The ultimate product for you would be synthetic urine – it has all the characteristics of human urine, minus the toxins. It will register the normal levels of specific gravity.

    -          Great! Thank you so much! I just cannot believe that it can be so much trouble to pass a drug test when you actually clean!