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Category: How to pass

  • Legendary Mushrooms

    Posted on January 24th, 2012 How to pass

    Have you ever been in a situation where you have to come up with a legitimate reason for your actions? Sometimes people go way out of their way though; for instance, when a reason for a failed drug test is needed.

    -                  Hi, how are you today? I need to discuss something very serious. I have failed my test today, and I know it is my fault and all, but there are a couple peculiarities about it. See, this was not a simple test, it was very important that I pass. And now I have to come up with excuses why I failed it… Well, do not have to, but I am going to anyway. It is my significant other who had me take the test, and I promised that I would stay clean, but she got me… Anyways, I wanted to see if you can help me to come up with an excuse why I could not pass a drug test, you know – why drugs are not such a big deal for me as it is for her. I think she is overreacting – mushrooms are so harmless, it is almost food, and it does not last for long, neither! And what else – they are in the kids’ books – Alice in Wonderland ate it – I guess that is how she got to Wonderland in the first place. And then Mario – you know, a video game – there was this mushroom that gave him super powers. I mean, anywhere you look – it is all good, and not a big deal if you have fun every once in a while. You know what I mean? Does that sound reasonable to you?

    -                  I am sorry, sir, I am afraid I cannot help you in this matter; but if you have another drug test coming up we can definitely help you pass it.

    -                  Sounds good, thank you! I shall think ahead next time.

  • Drug Testing In The Workplace – Part 2

    Posted on January 23rd, 2012 How to pass

    It’s amusing to think and know that there has actually been no research concluding that drug testing in the workplace is actually a valid method. The research that supported drug testing as good policy had huge problems in their ‘research methods’. For example, the actual relationship between drug users and the negative resulting outcomes was very small. And the ‘evidence’ that proved these points was varied and mixed. Variables that should have been included in the research were left out and because of this the ‘conclusions’ were highly skewed. One of the biggest faults of the research was that they only tested one example of a workplace with each study. They didn’t take a sampling from multiple businesses but concentrated in one. Meaning the results obtained from a study on workplace drug use at the Post Office may be very misleading as an example for what may happen at a warehouse, or office, or retail store. Basically more studies need to be done, that take a sampling of many different workers, from many different workplaces, and do also take into account the variables, not just environment, age, race, and sex.

    The overall conclusion that can be drawn from this knowledge is that not only is there far more propaganda being shoved down the throats of the American company, but that because the government started the policies and brought forth the research to support their theories and practices that your boss, the CEO of the company you want to be hired with, is unaware that this practice of drug testing his employees is outmoded and not supported.

  • Healing Herbs: Cloves

    Posted on January 20th, 2012 How to pass

    Pumpkin pie and ginger bread would not be the same without cloves and neither would some of our detox products.  Cloves are a familiar spice known for their sweet aroma and flavor but did you know that they have many health benefits as well.  The oil of the clove contains the most nutritional value.

    There is an active compound found in cloves called eugenol.  Eugenol has been the subject of research into the prevention of cancer of the digestive tract and inflammation of the joints.  Eugenol, combined with other elements in cloves, can provide a mild anesthetic and anti-bacterial agent.  For this reason it is often used in modern dentistry for procedures such as root canal, temporary fillings and to prevent gum disease.  This is also why clove oil is often found as an ingredient in mouth wash and sprays to soothe sore throats because of these anti inflammatory properties.

    Cloves also are an excellent source of manganese, vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids.   Cloves have been used for centuries by many cultures and were used by the Chinese as far back as 200 BC.  When in the presence of the emperor, the individual would keep a sprig of cloves in their mouth in order not to offend the emperor with less than pleasant breath.  Early Europeans would use cloves to spice up foods that did not have a particularly pleasant flavor.  There are many foods that contain antioxidants but you would be hard pressed to find a richer source of antioxidants than cloves.

  • Coloring lesson

    Posted on January 19th, 2012 How to pass

    Every now and again someone asks how to detox with water.  Being as wonderful as it is, unfortunately, water alone cannot detoxify the body as good as a specialized product can.

    -          Hi, can I ask you a quick question? I have a test coming up in a couple of days, and just wanted to hear your opinion on this – I have been drinking water like crazy, I mean, I drink several gallons a day, I go to the bathroom like ten times a day. I am hurting from all of this, but just want to see if there is anything else I can do.

    -          There are a couple products you could use to assist the cleansing of your body. When id your test? How much time do you have?

    -          Well, the test is tomorrow, and I figured if I drink a lot of water and take some vitamins with it to get the color come back – cause you know if you drink a lot of water it makes the urine itself clear – and I can just pass with that. You know, cause it will be clean water I am peeing out!

    -          Unfortunately, it is a little more complicated than that – each sample is analyzed and checked not only for color and temperature, but also for pH level, specific gravity, etc. Excessive fluid consumption will not only alter the color, but also all the other readings will be off, that is why a line of specialized products was created – to help you pass the test without raising a dilution flag, or messing up any other readings.

    -          Oh, ok. How do I get one of those things?

    Check out a urine drug test products – there is a great variety of sizes, styles and flavors to satisfy everyone, and assure successful drug test results.

  • Drug Testing In The Workplace – Part 1

    Posted on January 18th, 2012 How to pass

    The sad truth that is being kept from the public is that the very strongly held to belief that the use of drugs by employees would in fact reduce productivity and increase accidents at the workplace is all unsupported. It is propaganda that has led to these beliefs, but despite that they are beliefs that many of the CEO’s and upper management of the work-force believe to be true. They hold these values as the basis for the current drug testing trends in America. It is almost humorous when the research is done and you realize that almost all the evidence that points to these moral standards are anecdotal stories. No science, no studies, and even sadder than that was the fact that the few studies that had been done in a scientific setting could not be duplicated, and upon inspection would quickly fall apart as they had not taken the proper measures or steps to insure that any and all results would be recognized as fact.

    Studies have been conducted for many years looking at the correlation between drug use in or around the workplace or by employees when they are not working to productivity and accidents within the workplace. A committee was put together in 1991 to study this and only this. The Committee on Drug Use in the Workplace (CDUW). The purpose wasn’t just to study the correlation between the two, but to also study drug prevention and treatment programs that were set up and available to employees. The Committee released their findings in 1994 and despite all their efforts, there was not strong support for the continuation of drug testing programs.

  • What is Choline Bitartrate?

    Posted on January 17th, 2012 How to pass

    I’m glad you asked.  During the detox process there are many natural and man-made substances that can help you rid your body of harmful toxins.  Choline Bitartrate is one of them.  The name is a bit intimidating but it is an essential nutrient for our bodies to metabolize the substances that we ingest.

    Choline Bitartrate is an important nutrient to maintain the functionality and structure of the cells in our bodies.  It can be found in many of the foods that we eat including liver, meat, beans, eggs and peas.  It is vital to the body to help support the cell membranes and neurotransmitters.  Choline is water soluble so it is easily absorbed into your body and aids many different bodily functions including memory and muscle control and preventing a fatty liver.

    By promoting healthier liver function, Choline Bitartrate enables our bodies to process harmful toxins out of our system quicker and more efficiently.  Research into choline levels in post menopausal woman with lowered estrogen levels has suggested that when deprived of choline bitartrate in their diet, this particular group showed increased risk for liver damage.  Younger women of child bearing age produce more choline bitartrate because it is essential to a healthy development of the central nervous system of the fetus.

    Higher levels of choline bitartrate in the system may produce side effects such as sweating, vomiting, intestinal problems and excessive body odor. A choline deficiency in your system may lead to infertility, bone abnormalities and hypertension.  It has also been shown to increase your chances of developing cancer.  Vegetarians, vegans and people who drink excessive amounts of alcohol may be at an increased risk of choline deficiency and should consider using a choline bitartrate supplement.  As with any dietary supplement, one should consult their physician before using a choline bitartrate supplement to determine if it is necessary.

  • Am I in trouble?

    Posted on January 16th, 2012 How to pass

    Everyone knows that if you used drugs – it will be detected on a test; that is if you have one soon enough. What happens when you know you should have failed, but they say you passed?

    -          Hello, I am sorry, but I have a very weird question for you – if they don’t say anything after your test, does it mean I passed, or just want to see what I do know since I know I used something and I should fail it?

    -          I am a little confused… Can you please explain what happened from the beginning?

    -          Ok, I was at this party, right; so I was a little drunk and somehow I think I ate some mushrooms, you know, special kind of mushrooms. In fact I know for sure that I did because, you know, I was seeing things and all – it was fun, ok? And I don’t do these things, like ever! So that was Friday night, on Monday they call me for random test, and I cannot refuse, cause it is my job. So I go, and now it has been a week and I am freaking out – they did not say anything, I don’t know if I passed of failed, well I know I must have failed, but why won’t they tell me?

    -          Ok, generally mushrooms contain LSD that does not stay in your body for too long to begin with. Secondly, do you know what type of test they did?

    -          I think it was a 7-panel urine drug test.

    -          All right – that type of test will not be able to detect LSD even if you have used it a day before. 7-panel tests are meant to detect other substances. So, do not worry about a thing – you are in the clear.

    -          Oh! Thank you so much! What a relief!

    Although some toxins may not be detected in a test, it is always a good idea to shield yourself with a detox product – just in case.

  • History of Drug Testing – Part 7

    Posted on January 13th, 2012 How to pass

    The most common test that hospitals do on their prospective employees is a blood test, which can be far more costly than urine or saliva tests, but are also far more accurate, and a lot harder to fool/beat. Currently the shortest time frame we know of that you can cleanse your blood stream of toxins is two weeks.

    It has become a more common practice every year for an employer to require that any potential employees pass a drug screen, and so a law was passed saying that if a drug screen is part of the company policy that they have to notify all potential employees when going through the interview process. There are two sides to every coin, many employers feel as though these policies help protect the workplace from accidents and all associated costs, as well as helping to keep their insurance costs down. But the question of privacy is often brought into play. The biggest claim of opponents to workplace drug testing is that what a person does on their own time when not at work should not be taken into account when a person is up for a position, but sadly, that isn’t the world we live in.

    Over the years drug testing practices and methods have evolved, and today are far less expensive then they once were, because of this home testing devices have been mass produced and are now available to the public at a decent cost. The two most common uses of these home tests are people making certain their systems are clean before going on an interview, and parents monitoring their teenager or child’s activities.

  • Healing Herbs: Chickweed

    Posted on January 12th, 2012 How to pass

    Chickweed is not marijuana that you buy from your sister.  It is one of the many ingredients found in detox products that help keep your body healthy.  Chickweed is a common weed that is also known as winter weed or tongue grass and it has oval shaped leaves.

    Chickweed has been found to have many beneficial properties.  It has been used by herbalist to treat cuts and give relief for those who suffer from eczema and psoriasis to the itching that accompanies these conditions. It is also useful in relieving pain caused by boils, varicose veins, dermatitis, rashes, inflamed joints and other minor skin wounds.  It has also been found to be helpful in the treatment of rheumatism. It is a very effective diuretic because it helps emulsify fat cells and flush them out of your system.  This will help balance your metabolism. It can also serve as an appetite suppressant and help to alleviate water retention which helps with weight loss.

    Chickweed contains high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamins B1, B2 and B3.  It also contains important minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, silicon and zinc.  Chickweed can be administered in many different ways.  For external use it may be used in a lotion or compress or placed in the bath for complete coverage of the skin.  For internal use you may add it to a salad or make tea with it to treat cold symptoms, arthritis, bronchitis, bladder infections or peptic ulcers.  Chickweed is best used fresh instead of letting it dry out.

  • Why can’t I pass?

    Posted on January 11th, 2012 How to pass

    Drug metabolites are little nasty things – they can stay with you a long time after you used last time. And when sometimes it is hard to determine the exact number of days one needs to stay clean to pass a drug test, it is also an issue in determining whether it is the frequency of usage or the actual amounts of how much was used play a more important role in getting your body clean.

    - Hi, I got a question for you – I just found out that I failed my test, and I wanted to see if you can help me to understand why. I used to be an every day smoker, I mean – I smoked for over ten years, and then I stopped. So I have been clean for five years now, did not smoke at all, and then last week I was at my high school reunion and they were passing around the bowl and I had some. Just a little bit, but it was enough to get me feeling good, you know what I mean? So of course I had a random drug test at my work next week, and I just found that I failed it. How is that possible? It was only one time use, and I have been clean for so long! I am at a loss here; I do not understand how this could happen.

    Unfortunately, pot can fool you this way – even from one time use it can be detected for quite some time. Do not hope that you know how you will test – get your hands on a self-tester and know for yourself. Also, to avoid even the slightest possibility of failing, consider protecting your privacy with the help of a detox product.