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Category: How to pass

  • Controlled Substances Part 6 – Schedule I

    Posted on November 29th, 2011 How to pass

    Drugs with the highest risk for abuse are placed in Schedule I. These drugs currently have no medically accepted use or patient treatment in the United States, and there is considered to be a lack of accepted safety of use of this drug as there is no medical supervision when administered.

    The following is a list of drugs currently classified as Schedule I (Where available the common name was provided):

    • OPIATES:

      • Acetyl-alpha-methylfentanyl
      • Acetylmethadol
      • Allylprodine
      • Alphacetylmethadol
      • Alphameprodine
      • Alphamethadol
      • Alpha-methylfentanyl
      • Alpha-methylthiofentanyl
      • Benzethidine
      • Betacetylmethadol
      • Beta-hydroxyfentanyl
      • Beta-hydroxy-3-methylfentanyl
      • Betameprodine
      • Betamethadol
      • Betaprodine
      • Clonitazene
      • Dextromoramide
      • Diampromide
      • Diethylthiambutene
      • Difenoxin
      • Dimenoxadol
      • Dimepheptanol
      • Dimethylthiambutene
      • Dioxaphetyl butyrate
      • Dipipanone
      • Ethylmethylthiambutene
      • Etonitazene
      • Etoxeridine
      • Furethidine
      • Hydroxypethidine
      • Ketobemidone
      • Levomoramide
      • Levophenacylmorphan
      • 3-Methylfentanyl
      • 3-methylthiofentanyl
      • Morpheridine
      • MPPP
      • Noracymethadol
      • Norlevorphanol
      • Normethadone
      • Norpipanone
      • Para-fluorofentanyl
      • PEPAP
      • Phenadoxone
      • Phenampromide
      • Phenomorphan
      • Phenoperidine
      • Piritramide
      • Proheptazine
      • Properidine
      • Propiram
      • Racemoramide
      • Thiofentanyl
      • Tilidine
      • Trimeperidine

      • Acetorphine
      • Acetyldihydrocodeine
      • Benzylmorphine
      • Codeine methylbromide
      • Codeine-N-Oxide
      • Cyprenorphine
      • Desomorphine
      • Dihydromorphine
      • Drotebanol
      • Etorphine
      • Heroin
      • Hydromorphinol
      • Methyldesorphine
      • Methyldihydromorphine
      • Morphine methylbromide
      • Morphine methylsulfonate
      • Morphine-N-Oxide
      • Myrophine
      • Nicocodeine
      • Nicomorphine
      • Pholcodine
      • Thebacon

      • Alpha-ethyltryptamine
      • 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxy-amphetamine
      • 4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine
      • 2,5-dimethoxyamphetamine
      • 2,5-dimethoxy-4-ethylamphet-amine
      • 2,5-dimethoxy-4-(n)-propylthiophenethylamine
      • 4-methoxyamphetamine
      • 5-methoxy-3,4-mdthylenedioxy-amphetamine
      • 4-methyl-2,5-dimethoxy-amphetamine
      • 3,4-methylenedioxy amphetamine
      • 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine – MDMA
      • 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine
      • N-hydroxy-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine
      • 3,4,5-trimethoxy amphetamine
      • 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine
      • Alpha-methyltryptamine
      • Bufotenine
      • Diethyltryptamine
      • Dimethyltryptamine
      • 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine
      • Ibogaine
      • Lysergic acid diethylamide
      • Marihuana
      • Mescaline
      • Parahexyl–7374
      • Peyote
      • N-ethyl-3-piperidyl benzilate
      • N-methyl-3-piperidyl benzilate
      • Psilocybin
      • Psilocyn
      • Tetrahydrocannabinols
      • Ethylamine
      • Pyrrolidine
      • Thiophene
      • 1-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]pyrrolidine

      • gamma-hydroxybutyric acid – GHB
      • Mecloqualone
      • Methaqualone

      • Aminorex
      • N-Benzylpiperazine
      • Cathinone
      • Fenethylline
      • Methcathinone
      • (+/-)cis-4-methylaminorex
      • N-ethylamphetamine
      • N,N-dimethylamphetamine

      • 5-(1,1-Dimethylheptyl)-2
      • 5-(1,1-Dimethyloctyl)-2
      • 1-Butyl-3
      • 1-[2-(4-Morpholinyl)ethyl]-3
      • 1-Pentyl-3
  • Synthetic Marijuana: What You Need To Know

    Posted on November 28th, 2011 How to pass

    A few years ago if someone mentioned K2, you would automatically think about the second highest mountain in the world after Mount Everest.  Now the mention of K2 conjures up the image of synthetic marijuana.  Also commonly referred to as Spice, synthetic marijuana is becoming increasingly more popular because it is legal in most states and it has similar effects on the user as marijuana does.  Some users experience a “high” similar to that of marijuana while others report a much stronger sensation.

    Many are turning to this substance so they can continue to get high but also so they will be able to pass a drug test.  This may be true but the risk that you are taking far outweighs the benefits.  Most of the synthetic marijuana sold does not list the chemicals that are used on the packaging label so you can’t be sure what you are ingesting.  Some of the chemicals used in these products have potential for long term damage to your brain.  Since most of the herbs treated with these chemical are sprayed on various herbs, there is no uniformity to the dosage and you could end up with a weak batch or a very strong batch.  It can be hit or miss with each batch.  With the synthetic marijuana you can experience side effects like increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, panic attacks and even hallucinations. There have been some reports of people attempting suicide after using this product, but like anything else, the frame of mind a person is in when ingesting any substance may be a contributing factor.

    The problem with synthetic marijuana is that currently there is no home drug test kit to detect it.  New technology is just around the corner for a hair drug test, or urine drug test or saliva drug test for this “new” pot. Some labs have already promoted clinical drug tests that can determine some of the chemicals in synthetic marijuana in urine drug tests. On March 1, 2011 five synthetic cannibinoids used in synthetic marijuana have been made illegal in the United States.  These are JWH-018, JWH-073, CP-47,497, JWH-200 and bicannabicyclohexanol.  Be careful what you smoke because you never know what you’ll get.

  • Joy of eating

    Posted on November 25th, 2011 How to pass

    There is a pretty good chance that a person reading this blog had consumed pot at some point of his or her life. Have you ever wondered why does pot makes you hungry? Millions of people experienced “munchies,” some enjoyed it, others – not so much; but the fact remains – smoking pot makes you eat whether you planned to or not. Parties with a lot of food were always a good place to light up a joint, and diets get thrown out the window. For some time now this phenomenon is considered marijuana side effects by some people. Despite these strong words, it is the hunger inducing effect that is the reason why some people start using marijuana for medical reasons – besides such conditions as anorexia, HIV/AIDS, severe nausea, cachexia (wasting syndrome), certain prescription pills that are taken for other diseases than above, make a person to lose all appetite, and pot helps maintain a somewhat healthy diet. However, not too many people know that a recent research goes deeper into the subject and confirms that chemical reactions while consuming marijuana increase food enjoyment and the amount of times a person goes to the refrigerator. If before this effect was an unexplained mystery, now it is proven by scientists who distinguished a molecule – endocannabinoid, that is contained in marijuana and that binds with brain receptors and activates hunger. It is stated in the research that this endocannabinoid molecule activates cannabinoid receptors in the brain that are responsible for maintaining food intake, thus increasing appetite. As it turns out – it is all simple chemistry!

  • Controlled Substances Part 5

    Posted on November 24th, 2011 How to pass

    The real question we come back to is why certain drugs are classified the way they currently are, and how it currently seems to make no sense. Perfect examples of this nonsensical system are opiate derivatives like Heroin, Morphine, and Fentanyl. Fentanyl is far more potent and addictive a drug than Morphine, or even Heroin. But Heroin is defined as a Schedule I drug, and Fentanyl as a Schedule II. It is carefully restricted and used very often medically, but it is more dangerous and more addictive than Heroine. So despite the fact that it should be classified as a Schedule I drug by its mere nature, it is not simply because it does currently have medical use. This is sadly just one of the many inconsistent examples found in the current classification system.

    But again, this comes back to the question of just what exactly is Schedule I? The definition as a straight answer is that Schedule I drugs are those considered to have a high tendency for abuse, and currently have no accepted medical use. They cannot be found in a pharmacy, and are currently not drugs that any doctor can (or in some cases should) prescribe. But that isn’t always true is it? Marijuana for example is classified as Schedule I, and yet in many states it can now be prescribed by a licensed medical professional for a patient who qualifies. Because of this shouldn’t the schedule be changed, or at least the specific classification of this one in particular?

  • Which Detox Method is Right for Me?

    Posted on November 23rd, 2011 How to pass

    Okay, so you are required to take a drug test and you are unsure if you’ll pass on your own.  You think that you will need to use some type of detox drink to pass a urine test.  There are a few factors that you must take into consideration before you decide which detox product is right for you.

    First, you must consider your history of usage.  Are you a heavy user of the substance?  If you smoke marijuana every day or have been a regular smoker for a number of years, then you can consider yourself a heavy user.  The more you smoke the higher the toxin level you have so it may be best to consider a detox drink coupled with some detox capsules or use a more potent detox drink.  If you have the time, then you can consider a more permanent cleanser, but this may take a few weeks.

    Second, your body weight is also a determining factor regarding which type of product is best suited to help you pass a urine test. If you weigh over two hundred pounds you may need to consider a stronger detox drink coupled with some detox capsules.  Because the metabolites from the toxins attach themselves to the body’s fat cells, the larger the body mass the more fat cells and the stronger the detox drink you will need.

    If you find yourself answering yes to both of these questions, then you may need to significantly lower your toxin level before using a detox drink.  Synthetic urine may also be an option.  Before you decide on which detox product you need you should speak to someone about your situation to recommend the right product.

  • Unexpected feature

    Posted on November 22nd, 2011 How to pass

    Not all substances are alike. Not only they have different characteristics, but also give unlike results during a drug testing.

    -          Hi there! How much do you know about drug testing? I need to discuss something serious, and need a professional opinion. Some time ago I got laid off and eventually started looking for a job. Just recently I have found out that most companies do a pre-employment drug testing, and started to get ready for it. I quit smoking, but was still taking my prescription pills. I did not smoke any weed for about a month, and figured I was good to go. So anyway, I finally got an offer and went for a urine drug test. They asked me if I was taking any prescription drugs and if yes – asked for a copy of doctor’s prescription. I did not think I would need that, so I did not have it, so I said that I am not taking anything. I knew that they would find xanax in my system, and did not think they would call me back, but they did! I was very surprised, but confused – I should have failed the urine drug test since I was still taking the pills. So, can you explain to me what happened?

    -          In most pre-employment drug tests they only check for most common substances, like marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamines. Those tests are pretty simple and relatively inexpensive. To check for benzodiazepine – xanax – they would need a different test, so it looks like you just got lucky.

    -          Oh, thank goodness! That explains it! Thank you very much!

  • Controlled Substances Part 4

    Posted on November 21st, 2011 How to pass

    The main reason a drug is classified into any particular schedule is the drug’s specific potential for abuse. Most drug classifications are points of controversy for many groups and individuals. To actually identify a drug as a ‘controlled substance’ is already a thorn in the side of many. This is directly linked to the fact that only drugs (or substances like drugs of a pharmaceutical nature) can even be classified this way.

    Alcohol and Tobacco for example are not defined by these terms, despite their actual makeups and properties qualifying both of those to be defined as Schedule 1 drugs with the strongest forms of dependence in those that use. However, keep in mind that currently the government receives quite a large amount of revenue from the manufacture and distribution of these two. For alcohol as an example, wine specifically would not be classified as a drug because of its use in religious ceremonies as a sacrament.

    It is an interesting side note that in the United Kingdom they recently did a reclassification of drugs and in their view alcohol and tobacco are registered as more harmful than cannabis. So it begs the question, is the United States not reclassifying THC from a Schedule 1 drug because they have science agreeing with them that it is in fact that harmful? Or do they not want to reclassify the drug because the state of cannabis prosecution and drug testing currently puts and keeps more people in jail than any other drug on the streets?

  • Drinking Bleach: Fact or Fiction?

    Posted on November 18th, 2011 How to pass

    Can I pass a drug test by drinking bleach?  There have been many unfounded rumors going around on the internet about people being able to pass a drug test by drinking bleach.  The only test you will be passing by drinking bleach will be a stupidity test.  The rumor probably started because bleach will kill just about any bacteria.

    Some people suggest that adding bleach to your sample will help you pass a drug test but this will only throw the pH level off and it will register out of the body range for a normal sample and will trigger red flags that you have tampered with your sample.  Some bleach will leave a residue which will also indicate that the sample has been tampered with.

    Bleach contains a chemical known as sodium hypochlorite.  It is a chemical that is commonly found in many household cleaning products and can be lethal, especially if mixed with ammonia as it will produce a toxic gas that may lead to severe respiratory problems.   You may experience coughing from the fumes and a gagging sensation in the mouth as well as throat pain and possible burns in the esophagus.  You may also experience burning of the eyes and nose from the fumes.  Chest pain, low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat will also occur.  If it comes in contact with the skin it may result in burns or blistering.  If ingested it may cause severe stomach pains and vomiting.  If swallowed you should contact the Poison Control Center immediately.  If it comes in contact with the skin or eyes then you should flush with water continuously for approximately fifteen minutes.

    So if someone tells you that they passed a drug test by drinking bleach, they probably are not telling the truth.  They obviously did not try this method or they are just being cruel and this is not a very funny practical joke.  If you need to pass a drug test then either stop doing drugs or use a detox drink or detox capsules the next time you are being tested.

  • The best there is

    Posted on November 17th, 2011 How to pass

    “Better late than never” is the best way to describe some situations – when talking about how to pass a drug test.

    -          I need to order the best detox product you have, and I need assistance. I tried to figure it out online, but it is all so confusing – there are a million of detox products over there, and I need the best one. I do not care about the price, I need the best product that will clean me out for sure and will not cause any false positive drug screening. I had a situation like this before – I needed to pass a drug test and did not have much time to get ready, so naturally I panicked and bought practically everything the store had. There is no way to pass a urine drug test without detox, so they recommended lots of stuff, but, unfortunately, what they did not tell me is that I should not to take it all at once – they wanted me to buy as much as possible. I bought it all, and then regretted it. I got sick, I was nauseous a whole week after I stopped taking those pills, and needless to say – I failed my drug test. First they said something about my drug test false positive, but when I started asking questions, they just said that I failed. So naturally, I raised hell and they agreed to re-test me. And this is just a simple employee drug testing! I do not understand why they are making it so difficult… Anyway, please send me some urine cleansers so I can start on it right away.

  • Controlled Substances Part 3

    Posted on November 16th, 2011 How to pass

    Just about anyone can ask for a change to be made to the act, but whether or not the government will follow through on the findings is another story completely. History has taught us that even when findings were IN FAVOR of the legalization of marijuana that the United States government still made what they believed to be, was the popular vote by keeping marijuana and other drugs listed as Schedule 1 dangerous, claiming that their potential for abuse was large. The problem with this particular system is that it is the responsibility of the DEA to receive the petitions from concerned parties, and to conduct a full investigation into the drug and it’s uses and to try and discover if the current classification is in fact appropriate. The petitions can come from anyone and anywhere and that is also where the investigations can follow.

    Once a thorough investigation has been completed the head of the DEA confers with the HHS to determine if their information reveals anything new about the drug in question and whether or not a re-classification is in order. Another way in which the DEA and other government agencies control the process and shipment of these controlled substances is by regulating everyone is authorized to handle them. They must all register themselves and information. There are checkpoints and check ins that must be met and constant inventories are done at highly regular intervals to guarantee that all numbers are complete and accurate as they’re checked by multiple pairs of eyes.