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Category: How to pass

  • Why Does Marijuana Get You High?

    Posted on November 15th, 2011 How to pass

    I smoked pot for a month one night. Or so it seemed like it.  What is it about marijuana that gets people high?  Why do different people have different reactions to smoking marijuana?  How does it affect the brain?

    Marijuana affects a person’s memory and central nervous system.  Marijuana affects the central nervous system by attaching itself to the brain’s neurons and interfering with the communication between the neurons thus changing the behavior pattern of the neurons.  If the neuron is supposed to retrieve something from the short term memory then the cannibinoids make it do the opposite causing the individual to experience short term memory loss as opposed to the quick retrieval of information about something that happens just a short while ago.

    Cannibinoids are one of the chemicals present in marijuana.  There are approximately 400 chemicals in marijuana and 60 of them are cannibinoids.  The most potent of these cannibinoids is delta – 9 – tetrahydrocannibol, commonly referred to as THCTHC binds to the brain’s cannibinoid receptors and these particular receptors control your concentration, memory, thought patterns, time and depth perception and coordination.  It may also increase your heart rate.  THC also affects the neurotransmitters in the brain.  These are molecules that relay signals between neurons.  Because THC affects these neurotransmitters, it may trigger depression, anxiety and personality changes.  Psychiatrists who treat people for schizophrenia will often advise their patients not to use marijuana because it can trigger severe mental disturbances and affect the progress of their treatment.

  • False-positives – what you need to know: Chlorpromazine

    Posted on November 14th, 2011 How to pass

    When submitting a specimen for a drug testing, you are required to disclose all the medication that you are currently taking or had taken in the past week or month. The reason why it is important to provide all the prescription names is that sometimes drugs interfere with each other and a test results comes up “false-positive” for something you had not taken. The detailed list of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may influence the drug test results follows below.

    Last time we spoke about Amesec.

    Today we will talk about Chlorpromazine.

    General drug information:

    Chlorpromazine belongs to a group of phenothiazines anti-psychotic medications which work by changing the actions of chemicals in a brain. It is mainly used to treat such psychotic disorders as schizophrenia, manic-depression, and severe behavioral problems in children. Apart from the above, sometimes this medicine is also used to treat nausea, vomiting, chronic hiccups, acute porhyria, symptoms of tetanus, anxiety before surgery, and for other purposes. Dosage differs depending on why Chlorpromazine is prescribed; it usually ranges from two to four times a day. When it is used for hiccups or to control vomiting and nausea it can be taken every 4-5 hours or as needed.

    Possible side effects:

    Chlorpromazine can be used almost by anyone; it is also prescribed to pregnant women to control and treat nausea and vomiting. Due to its anticholinergic properties, Chlorpromazine may cause slurred speech, dry mouth, sedation, as well as constipation, urinary retention and possible lowering of seizure threshold.

    Taking Chlorpromazine may lead a false-positive test result for opiate use during drug testing. On average, false-positive test results are not very common, but it is not worth risking something as important as a successful drug test outcome. If you are prescribed Chlorpromazine and unplanned drug testing is coming up – protect your privacy with the help of detox. A great selection of various detox products will help you produce a completely clean urine sample and eliminate every chance of wrong test reading.

  • Controlled Substances Part 2 – A History

    Posted on November 11th, 2011 How to pass

    Laws governing drugs inside the United States began in the early 1900’s. It was not until Ronald Reagan was in office that the laws changed and had to become far more specific. By combining what were the then current laws governing drug administration and prosecution, and classifying the drugs into schedules, the existing state of drug laws and enforcement would change noticeably for the benefit of the government. The changes expanding the power of the government and police in their ability to seek out and persecute those found guilty of being in violation of the act.

    Marijuana has a funny history with the drug classification administration. In 1970 after the initial passing of laws governing drug classifications a group was formed within government to do research on marijuana abuse in America. Raymond P Shafer, the chairman of this committee, presented his findings to government which concluded that the current criminal laws for persecution of those found guilty in dealing with Marijuana were far too harsh. The conclusions were that the actual harm and potential for abuse of Marijuana were not great enough to justify such unforgiving punishments.

    Reforms of the Controlled Substances Act have been going on for years, or at least people have been trying. But despite the years, the only reforms that have been accepted and allowed have been the ones classifying the drugs even further as dangerous substances, and allowing for even harsher punishments for those found guilty of violating these laws

  • Marijuana: A Few Simple Facts

    Posted on November 10th, 2011 How to pass

    Marijuana, or cannabis, is currently the most widely used illicit substance on the planet.  It is used recreationally, medicinally and even in religious ceremonies yet it is still illegal in most parts of the world.  Marijuana use has been recorded as far back as The Bronze Age.  That is approximately 3000 BC.  Today it is estimated that roughly five percent of the world’s population uses marijuana annually.

    The psychoactive substance in marijuana (That’s what gets you high) is called tetrahydrocannabinol, commonly referred to as THC.  The most common effects from marijuana are an increased heart rate, lower blood pressure, and a sharp reduction in concentration skills and short term memory.

    Marijuana can remain present in your blood, urine and saliva longer than any other illicit substance because it is a natural substance and our bodies don’t reject it like a manufactured substance.  Also when marijuana is smoked the residue is somewhat sticky and it can adhere to the lungs for a long time.

    Detection time for marijuana in a urine test, blood test or saliva test can differ based on a person’s body weight, history of usage and even the quality of the marijuana.  Using a detox drink can give you a small window of time where you can pass a test and not have any of the THC metabolites show up in your urine.  If you have to take a saliva test then using a detox mouthwash can render your saliva undetectable for THC for a short period of time as well.  If you are taking a blood test then neither the detox drinks nor the detox mouthwash will be any help. The THC metabolites will remain present in your hair until you stop smoking and your hair grows and it is cut off at the point of growth from when you stopped smoking.  Detox shampoos can help you pass a hair test if you don’t have the time for this process to take place.

  • False-positives – what you need to know: Amesec

    Posted on November 9th, 2011 How to pass

    When submitting a specimen for a drug testing, you are required to disclose all the medication that you are currently taking or had taken in the past week or month. The reason why it is important to provide all the prescription names is that sometimes drugs interfere with each other and a test results comes up “false-positive” for something you had not taken. The detailed list of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may influence the drug test results follows below.

    Last time we spoke about Moxifloxacin.

    Today we will talk about Amesec.

    General drug information:

    Amesec is sold under various brand names and is mainly used to treat symptoms of a variety of lung problems, such as asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia. It is normally not available over-the-counter since it contains a bronchodilator.

    This medication should not be taken by people with allergic reactions to guaifenesin (contained in Robitussin) any type of xanthine bronchodilators – theophylline, dyphylline, pentoxifylline, and others.

    Possible side effects:

    Among common side effects when taking Amesec is light to moderate nausea, vomiting, constant headache, fast or uneven heartbeat, trouble sleeping, restlessness, shakiness; there are slight chances for such occurrences as diarrhea, increase in frequency and amounts of urination, seizures; if any of these or any other serious side effect occur while you are taking Amesec, speak with your doctor immediately to discuss the possibility of switching to a different product.

    The use of Amesec (and its brand names) may cause a false-positive drug test result for amphetamine and opiate use (heroin). Generally, false-positive test results are not very common, but why risk something as important as a successful drug test outcome? If you are prescribed such medicament as Amesec and coincidently have an upcoming testing scheduled – shield your privacy with the help of detox products. A great variety of detox drinks and detox pills will make each urine sample completely clean and eliminate every chance of wrong test reading.

  • Controlled Substances Part 1

    Posted on November 8th, 2011 How to pass

    The Controlled Substances Act that determines what is and is not a ‘controlled substance’ was made a law by Congress in 1970. It is underneath this law (and connected portions of the law) that the government has the authority to control the manufacture of and distribution throughout the country of any and all pharmaceutical substances. This law put into the effect the classification system that is commonly used today. These classifications are known as the Schedules. There are currently five schedule classes of drugs. In 1970 these schedules were classified and defined with varying degrees of importance. There are two government agencies which decide what classification schedule a drug is to be assigned, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). There are rare exceptions in which Congress can pass a law into existence that classifies a drug into a schedule category it did not have otherwise. An example of this was when Congress passed a law in 2000 classifying a drug known as GHB (or gamma hydroxy butyrate) as a schedule 1 substance because of its large prevalence on college campuses being used as a ‘date rape’ drug.

    The criteria for classification is a lengthy list, but the main points that must be observed before something can be classified are what potential a drug has for abuse by a patient, what if any currently accepted medical uses the drug has, and whether or not the drug is classified by any other country as being a dangerous one (which also includes whether or not the drug is listed in any international treaties the US currently has).

  • How Do The Detox Drinks Work?

    Posted on November 7th, 2011 How to pass

    So you are required to take a drug test for work or for a pre employment screening and you don’t think that you will be able to provide a clean sample.  There is just not enough time for whatever toxins present in your body to naturally leave your system.  What can you do?  You have heard about detox drinks that enable you to pass a drug test but do they really work?  Not all drinks are created equal.  Which one is right for you or are they all the same?

    The first thing you need to understand is that you can’t smoke a joint on the way to the test and expect to pass.  You need to let your body metabolize the substance before the drinks can be effective.  The process is pretty fundamental.  When you ingest the substance your body breaks it down and releases the metabolites into your bloodstream where they attached themselves to your fat cells.  You need to let this process take place before you can expect the detox drinks to be effective.  The drinks flush out whatever toxins are present in your urinary tract and then prevent your body from breaking down the fat cells so that no metabolites are released into your sample for up to five hours.  There has to be a grace period between when the substances were taken and when the test will be.  For heavy users with a high toxin level or for people with a larger body mass of say over two hundred pounds, the time frame should be about 4 days or longer.  For light users or people with a smaller body mass and higher metabolism it still needs to be at least two days.  Once enough time has elapsed between the last usage and the test you must decide which drink is right for you.

    Read the labels or the online product descriptions for the drinks that are specifically designed for people with higher toxin levels or larger body mass if that is your situation.  Supplementing your drink choice with some capsules might give you the added advantage to overcome high toxin levels.  As with any dietary supplement, you should consult your physician before taking a detox drink if you think there might be some complications associated with your current health problems.

  • False-positives – what you need to know: Moxifloxacin

    Posted on November 4th, 2011 How to pass

    When submitting a specimen for a drug testing, you are required to disclose all the medication that you are currently taking or had taken in the past week or month. The reason why it is important to provide all the prescription names is that sometimes drugs interfere with each other and a test results comes up “false-positive” for something you had not taken. The detailed list of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may influence the drug test results follows below.

    Last time we spoke about Fluoroquinolones.

    Today we will talk about Moxifloxacin.

    General drug information:

    Moxifloxacin is prescribed when there is a treatment required of such serious infections as pneumonia and bronchitis, and sometimes for sinus, skin, and abdominal infections that were caused by bacteria. In some cases Moxifloxacin can be used to treat tuberculosis and endocarditis (when other antibiotics cannot be used), and also it can be used to treat or prevent anthrax. Moxifloxacin is an antibiotic and it works by killing the bacteria that cause infections. It is administered in a tablet that is taken orally on daily basis for the time period suggested by a doctor. Normally, a patient should begin to feel better during the first few days of treatment with Moxifloxacin.

    Possible side effects:

    Treatment with Moxifloxacin may increase the risk of developing tendinitis (swelling of fibrous tissue) or having a tendon rupture (tearing of fibrous tissue), that may persist for up to several months after the treatment is over. These problems may affect tendons in shoulder, hand, the back of an ankle, or in other parts of body.

    For more details and how to prevent or treat possible side effects, discuss your concerns with your primary physician.

    Since treatment with Moxifloxacin can be a reason for a false positive reading on a urine drug test, make sure to appropriately prepare yourself if you have one coming up. A false-positive drug test results happens only once in a while, but it is better to play it safe if you have taken Moxifloxacin recently. False positive reading occurs when another substance (medication) present the body has a similar structure to the drugs being that are being tested for. Something as simple as detox pills suitable for your body weight can make a great difference in the test results.

  • Medicinal Use: Overview Part 2

    Posted on November 3rd, 2011 How to pass

    Is our government purposefully picking and choosing the pieces of information we are allowed that concern our medical welfare in relation to the drugs that are not only available over the counter but on the street. Are they telling us what to believe about these drugs making it so that we have little choice but to accept that these drugs have no medical potential because the government hasn’t allowed access to any other kind of information but this? The answer is clear.

    As recently as this past year, a study was completed concerning psychedelic mushrooms and their large potential for medical use with regard to psychiatric patients. But according to the government, this is a drug not worth examining as it has no potential for use, and they’ve been saying that for almost 100 years now. Is the study wrong? No, the facts and conclusions drawn from the data collected are all perfectly reasonable and sound. What isn’t is the propaganda surrounding medical research that the government would allow you to see and read before they ever admit that a drug has been classified incorrectly and that it isn’t a matter of the drug having no potential, but of their own beliefs that the drug is only used and known by addicts and dealers and thus a lower class portion of the population. The government has never had any problem with denying the poor their rights, why should this case be any different?

    The truth is that the education about drugs is what needs to change the most. Because so many programs instill in children a belief that all drugs are bad, and they learn through other means than their schools and parents about street drugs many become curious. Changing the societal stigma will in turn grant more support to research and medical use, and by allowing these things to continue with more public support the state of Drug Testing will change significantly. With more people using the drugs that were once considered ‘bad’ by prescription and using them by proper dosage for their needs we can alter the perception of society and employers to allow that perhaps not all drugs are in fact ‘bad’.

  • The More You Sweat, The Cleaner You Get!

    Posted on November 2nd, 2011 How to pass

    If you know you have to pass a drug test soon, don’t just sit there and worry about it.  Get up off of the couch and do something about it. Be proactive. Get up on the treadmill or exercise bike or go for a brisk walk or run.

    When you smoke marijuana your body processes it and releases what is referred to as a metabolite into your blood.  These THC metabolites then attach themselves to your fat cells where they stay until your body burns the fat cell and then releases the metabolite into your urine.  When you submit your urine sample for a drug test they are checking for the THC metabolites in your urine, not for THC itself.  By exercising, you are speeding up your metabolism and therefore you are burning more fat cells.  The more fat cells you burn the quicker your body will be ridding itself of the THC metabolites enabling you to pass a drug test more easily.

    By watching your diet and increasing your physical activity you can increase your metabolism and hasten the THC removal from your system.  You may remove many of the THC metabolites quickly but it still may take some time. Drinking lots of water will do little to hasten the removal of THC from your system without exercise.  Since the THC metabolites are stored in your fat cells and fat cells are not water soluble this will not help a great deal.

    Detection time for the THC metabolites may vary depending upon your body weight, how long you have been smoking and even the quality of the marijuana.  You will want to abstain from exercise on the day you are to be tested because you don’t want to release too many metabolites into your urine sample right before you give your sample.  Also, you don’t want to provide the first urine of the day for your sample because this will contain a higher amount of metabolites than you will have after a few urinations.

    You may want to purchase some home test strips to determine the length of time it takes your body to process out the THC.  If you haven’t cleaned out the metabolites in time for your test then you may want to explore the use of a detox drink or detox capsules or look to find a permanent cleanser to rid your system of the THC metabolites. So by eating fewer calories than your body burns you can enable your system to burn more fat cells and get rid of the THC metabolites more rapidly than by just sitting on the couch and doing nothing about it.