Recently a study was approved, but sadly not funded by Government research grants, to look into the physical and emotional responses of patients exposed to psychedelic drugs. Monitoring their so called ‘trip’ to see if the patient experiences any relief of pain (whether physical or emotional). THC was once seen as a dangerous drug, but it’s medicinal properties can no longer be denied when so many terminally ill patients receive such a great benefit and relief from painful physical symptoms. The hope from this recent study is to determine if THC is the only ‘street drug’ that has a medicinal use for relieving pain without being as addictive as many of the current painkillers doctors use.
This study culminates 25 years of efforts of the scientific community to take a closer look at this particular drug. It will be the first time in that period that a doctor will be allowed to administer a psychedelic drug in a therapeutic setting. The study’s main goal is to determine if a patient’s life can be improved through carefully monitored and administered psychedelic drugs. We were testing and studying the effects of psychedelics back in the 60’s when the movement of ‘Hippies’ and ‘Free-love’ made the government intervene and determine that the drugs most commonly associate with this subculture of society should be outlawed and had no use beyond a street value. The truth is that throughout the 50’s 60’s and 70’s even research into psychoactive drugs like these was widespread, many European countries were actively doing research into the topic determining that as all participants were adults legally able to make their own choices and decisions that they get to examine the drugs like they would any other. That to refuse the possibility for study would be close-minded and narrow – but that is of course what happened soon thereafter.