Heroin, the mother of all illegal drugs, is also known as smack, junk, Horse, H, and by its chemical name Diacetylmorphine. Heroin is a drug that is synthesized from morphine which comes from the opium in the seeds of the poppy plant. Heroin is a highly addictive drug and the more frequently it is used the more of a tolerance is built up by the user requiring more heroin to achieve the initial euphoric state of the first time that it was used. It is estimated that about one quarter of the people who have tried heroin have become addicted to it.
When Heroin is injected, snorted or smoked it enters the brain where it is then converted to morphine and binds itself to your opioid receptors located in the brain stem. These receptors in the brain stem automatically process important functions such as breathing and blood pressure. When someone overdoses from heroin it frequently involves some type of respiratory failure.
Heroin can be detected in the urine of the user from just a one time use from 2 to 7 days after use and in the saliva from 6 to 12 hours. It may be longer if the person is a chronic user.
Heroin users who inject the drug intravenously experience a euphoric surge or “rush” accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth, a heavy feeling in the arms and legs and diminished mental function where they alternatively feel wide awake followed by a drowsy feeling. Chronic users of heroin can develop serious side effects such as liver and kidney disease, collapsed veins, infections of the heart valves and linings, pulmonary complications and other damage to vital organs. Withdrawal from using heroin can be just as damaging as using the drug itself. Muscle and bone pain accompanied by insomnia, diarrhea, vomiting and restlessness as well as severe cravings for the drug can occur. There is no upside with heroin.