Even though practically everything that you buy comes with complete instructions, and it is very easy to find out what exactly needs to be done, sometimes it is very hard to do, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes, a human body takes control and it is very hard to make it do what needs to be done.
- Hello, I need help, quick. I have to go for my test in an hour, and I am freaking out now. I took this drink, right, and I followed all of the instructions – I drank it all, drank more water after it, a lot more water than it said to drink, but I went to the bathroom only once since then! On the bottle it said I have to pee at least three times! What if I cannot do that many? Am I going to fail? I am so nervous – this drug test is very important to me, I cannot fail this! Please, help!
- Sir, how much time had passes since you initially drank the product?
- It has been about thirty minutes.
- Do you normally urinate easily? Do you have any issues with kidneys?
- No, I do not. Usually I go to the bathroom a lot more if I drink this much, especially if it is beer.
- In that case just give it a little bit more time, try to relax and do not drink any more water for a little while – you would not want to drink too much because it may dilute your urine sample.
- Ok, I see. How long should I wait? And what if I cannot go to the bathroom at all?
- Wait for about another thirty minutes, and if you do not urinate within that time you may drink additional water.
- All right, I will try not to freak out. Actually, I think talking to you helped a bit – I think I need to go now. Thank you so much!