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Category: How to pass

  • I cannot do it

    Posted on September 20th, 2011 How to pass

    Even though practically everything that you buy comes with complete instructions, and it is very easy to find out what exactly needs to be done, sometimes it is very hard to do, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes, a human body takes control and it is very hard to make it do what needs to be done.

    -         Hello, I need help, quick. I have to go for my test in an hour, and I am freaking out now. I took this drink, right, and I followed all of the instructions – I drank it all, drank more water after it, a lot more water than it said to drink, but I went to the bathroom only once since then! On the bottle it said I have to pee at least three times! What if I cannot do that many? Am I going to fail? I am so nervous – this drug test is very important to me, I cannot fail this! Please, help!

    -         Sir, how much time had passes since you initially drank the product?

    -         It has been about thirty minutes.

    -         Do you normally urinate easily? Do you have any issues with kidneys?

    -         No, I do not. Usually I go to the bathroom a lot more if I drink this much, especially if it is beer.

    -         In that case just give it a little bit more time, try to relax and do not drink any more water for a little while – you would not want to drink too much because it may dilute your urine sample.

    -         Ok, I see. How long should I wait? And what if I cannot go to the bathroom at all?

    -         Wait for about another thirty minutes, and if you do not urinate within that time you may drink additional water.

    -         All right, I will try not to freak out. Actually, I think talking to you helped a bit – I think I need to go now. Thank you so much!

  • Medicinal Use: Heroin Part 2

    Posted on September 19th, 2011 How to pass

    Despite the fact that Heroin can be viewed as a medicinal treatment coming from the same family of opiods that Morphine does a vast majority of the medical community does not support its use for any purpose because of the reasons stated in the previous article. It was originally suggested as a medical use drug by a small group of British doctors who have since rescinded the opinion that it was at least worth exploring the option. And while there are currently a large number of problems with pain medications and pain managements (especially amongst those patients currently suffering from Cancer or other terminal diseases) that aren’t successful at the time – it is not because there are not enough pain medications available – it is more due to the fact that doctors are not prescribing the right medication at the right dosage that will be helpful to the patient than anything else.

    By legalizing Heroin for medical usage the community as a whole is done a major disservice as currently there are far too many patients abusing their prescriptions by turning around and selling them on the black market, it’s already going on with so many prescription medications, are we really willing to risk the severe increase of government grade Heroin on the streets for the benefit of only a small population of patients? Beyond that – any pharmacy that regularly stocked Heroin for prescription filling would also raise the chances of burglaries occurring. Considering that 50% of the burglaries committed where a pharmacy is involved were in the intention of stealing controlled substances we only raise the chances, and percentage rate for those statistics.

  • How Long Does This Stuff Stay In My System? Cocaine in My Saliva

    Posted on September 16th, 2011 How to pass

    If you need to submit to a cocaine saliva test and you have used cocaine recently then you might want to consider using a detox mouthwash to pass your test.  The metabolites from cocaine can be present in your saliva for up to twenty four hours for a single usage.  The metabolites will be present much longer if you have used a lot of cocaine or if you are a chronic user.  Chronic users of cocaine can have the cocaine metabolites detected in their saliva and urine for as long as five to ten days after usage by an immunoassay test which is much more sensitive than a GC/MS assay test.

    The window of detection time varies depending on certain variables like the amount of the drug that was ingested, the frequency of which the drug was ingested, the age of the person, the body mass of the person, their overall health and their metabolic rate.  Saliva testing for cocaine is the least intrusive type of testing and also the quickest.  When the saliva test is administered a swab is taken from the inside of the mouth and results can be obtained almost instantly.  For cocaine the recommended cut off levels are twenty nanograms per milliliter for the initial test and for a follow up confirmatory test it is eight nanograms per milliliter.  Any thing below this level is considered passing.

    If you have done cocaine and are required to submit to a saliva test and you don’t think that enough time has passed between the time you took the cocaine and the test time then a detox mouthwash may be of some help.  The detox mouthwash will kill all toxins in your mouth for up to thirty minutes after use provided you use it properly.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Have to give it up

    Posted on September 15th, 2011 How to pass

    -  Hello, I have a problem, can you help me?

    -  We will definitely try.

    -  All right, you see – I do not normally do anything, I mean a beer now and then, but other than that I am clean. For the most part. So anyway, I was at this party and somebody handed me a joint so I smoked some. I know I should not have, but I did. But that is not all – there was a string of birthdays, for some reason all my friends had to be born in one month, I mean not in the same year of course, but you know what I mean. So anyway, I ended up smoking for like two weeks in a row. May be more than that, I am not sure. I have a test coming up, and I need to pass it. So the questions is – since I have not been a daily user or anything, I mean, I do not consider myself a heavy smoker, can I pass it without taking anything?

    -   When was the last time you have smoked?

    -   Erg, this past weekend. But my test is not until next Monday! So I have like a week to stay clean, and then I have another party to go to on the weekend, but I do not have to smoke that much – only a couple hit would not hurt, right?

    -   Unfortunately, you do need to stop smoking well in advance before your test – with every use the toxins level builds up and makes it more difficult for you to pass a drug test. Moreover, you will definitely need some kind of product to help you pass – with this short period of time you cannot get clean on your own. Let me give you a couple options you can choose from…

  • Medicinal Use: Heroin Part 1

    Posted on September 14th, 2011 How to pass

    Many of us have heard of Heroin use, but the idea that Heroin could or even would be studied for medicinal purposes is ludicrous is it not? Perhaps, but let’s take a look at the case for Heroin, shall we?

    Heroin like many other drugs is an opiate at heart. Medicinal pain killers (the strongest ones) are also usually of the opiate family. But despite being cousins in the same family – they are more like 4th or 5th cousins in that their similarities end at family ties. Through studies done on opiates that did include Heroin it was clear that while Heroin was a far more potent opiate against pain and does this faster than other drugs currently available – that Morphine (for example) has longer lasting effects. Beyond that – Morphine isn’t the only opiate currently available as a pain killer, and with the multitude that are available the risks versus the gains of adding Heroin to the list of available Pain killers as prescription medication are simply too large to be ignored.

    While many legalization advocates for Heroin like to argue that it should be made available as an alternative opioid because each patient is different and some respond better to one opiate while others find comfort in another. This is all very true, but that doesn’t change that there is still a very large variety of opiates already available, so adding another does very little considering what’s already there. If a patient isn’t responding to Morphine for example it makes more sense to offer them another of the many ones available then to begin a legal battle over an Opiate that isn’t even considered legal for use. Until a patient has exhausted all the opiates currently available the choice of Heroin as the answer is highly unlikely. Especially in this case as Heroin and Morphine already share much of the same chemical structure, offering a patient a new drug that has many of the same chemical compounds to the one that has already failed them makes far less sense than trying something new altogether.

  • How Long Does This Stuff Stay In My System? Cocaine

    Posted on September 13th, 2011 How to pass

    Okay, so you are no Tony Montana, but you just did a little cocaine over the weekend and on Monday you came into work and were told that your company will now begin to require you to submit to a drug test.  Now that has you worried.  You don’t know how long the cocaine stays in your system.  Will you have to pass a urine test, saliva test, blood test or hair test?  Your job depends on it so you better be prepared.

    First of all, there are a few factors that you need to take into consideration in determining how long the cocaine will be present in your urine.  Your body weight has a lot to do with how long the cocaine metabolites will stay in your system.  The larger the body mass the longer the cocaine can be detected in the urine.  Also, the method by which the cocaine was ingested can affect the length of detection time.

    Generally, a one time use of a small amount of cocaine can be detected from two to seven days depending on your body weight.  If you have been using cocaine for a while the detection time will be longer because you may have a bit of a toxin build up in your system and there are more metabolites to deal with.  Now back to the problem at hand, the drug test.  If you are going to take a urinalysis then, as Tony Montana would say, “Say hello to my little friend!” Your little friend in this case would be a detox drink or some detox capsules.  These will help you pass your drug test provided you use them correctly and stay away from cocaine for a few days.

  • Keep on cleaning

    Posted on September 12th, 2011 How to pass

    - Hi, good morning. I need help understanding something. I have these test I have to do – drug tests. The situation is a little bit complicated, I do not want to go into all the details with you, but to get down to business here is the thing – I used to have urine tests all the time, every single week I had to give a sample. I was getting your cleansing stuff every month, I would stock up on drinks and then using when necessary. But here is the deal – I think they caught up on that, so instead of urine I have to give a blood sample now! Can you imagine that! I showed up, all flushed out and all, and they took my blood! Of course I failed it!

    - Yes, unfortunately, it is not so easy to pass the blood test.

    - I know, right?! But riddle me this – I failed my first test like stupid, but then I figured I better get it straight and stopped using and all, and a eventually went out and got a body cleanser – you know, to clean out the blood. So I started taking it a few days before my second test, and it was not long enough so I failed the second one too, but – they said that they did not believe that I stopped because my levels were higher than on the first one! How is that possible? I mean I was cleaner than the second time around!

    - Oh, that is how your body is getting cleansed – when you start taking the program all the metabolites are coming out from deep inside your body and blood carries them out to the liver which is screening them and getting rid of them eventually. So when you first start the program the toxin level may actually increase in your blood.

    - Aha, I see now. That actually makes sense. I guess I got to stick with it and finish the whole thing before my next test. Thanks a lot!

  • Medicinal Use: Marijuana Part 11

    Posted on September 9th, 2011 How to pass

    Final Conclusions:  Because we cannot currently standardize the dosage rate of THC as it’s far too problematic at this time to regulate the growth of a plant, it’s is highly unlikely that this plant will ever be able to be marketed on a grander scale for medical usage. While this doesn’t stop us from researching a pill form, because that dosage rate could be regulated, the effects of a pill form simply aren’t as great as the direct smoke ingestion one would get naturally.

    However, with that being noted, it is because we can regulate dosage in other forms that the other forms of Cannabis medication have been dropped from the highest ranking of controlled drug substances into a slightly less formidable level. Schedule II is what the gelatin capsule form is now known to be at. Other forms are in hearings to determine if they too can be regulated and thus can be seen as a less lethal form of medication.

    Oddly enough it is the fact that the drug is used more recreationally by more cultures and races than it was when it was first discovered that has spurred on many in the medical community. When the drug was seen originally to be only used by the “Dregs of Society” the medical community was quick to jump on board with the governmental plan that turned users into hooligans. But now that it’s far more mainstream in today’s world, the medical community seems far less obstinate against the research and findings that this field could bring to the table in helping those in need.

  • How Long Does This Stuff Stay In My System? Amphetamines In Saliva

    Posted on September 8th, 2011 How to pass

    Speed Kills. That was an advertising slogan produced many years ago to convince people to drive slower and obey the speed limits.  It is also applicable to the use of amphetamines.  If you like rotten teeth and developing a psychosis then, by all means, amphetamines will give you guaranteed results in that department.

    Now you have found out that the place where you work will be giving random saliva tests and you are worried that the amphetamines that you have taken will show up and you will lose your job because of it.

    How long after taking amphetamines can they be detected in your saliva?  Detection times can vary depending on a few variables like your body weight, history of usage, the amount of amphetamines that you have consumed and even how you consumed them.  On average, for a single usage of amphetamines, they can be detected from twelve hours to twenty four hours.  For habitual usage the detection times may be greater.  Drug tests for saliva are becoming more popular because they are less intrusive, less expensive, and provide quicker results than other forms of drug tests.  For testing back further than a few hours or days, most companies would choose to implement blood or urine tests.  Saliva testing is more effective for opiates and methamphetamines than it is for THC.  It is also more effective for alcohol, cocaine, heroin and methadone.

    Usually after an industrial accident a company will run a saliva test because it can be done on the spot without having to send the employee to a lab and wait for the results.  Police may conduct a saliva test after a traffic stop or accident as it will provide them with an accurate and quick method of finding out if the driver was under the influence while operating the vehicle.  If you think that you are going to be subjected to a random saliva test, then you should purchase a detox mouthwash to assure you will pass a test with just a few minutes notice.

    (To Be Continued)

  • How to prepare for a random drug test?

    Posted on September 7th, 2011 How to pass

    -          Hello there! I wonder if you could help me – I got a situation here. I have been told they going to do a random drug testing starting next month. You see, my company got bought out and now they are changing everything, including drug testing policy. We used to have like a day notice and I would always get it together and buy some stuff, but now I do not know what to do – because how can you prepare for a random test?

    -          It is true, you do need some time to prepare for something like that. There are few products available that will work almost instantly, but you need to stay clean before your test in order for the product to work.

    -          Yeah, I know – that’s the problem…

    -          Let me ask you something – your company had given you a day notice before, how were those drug test description worded in the paperwork before?

    -          You know what – I think they had it as “random” tests before, too! Wow, I never noticed that before!

    -          They may call it random but that not necessarily mean that they will pull you out of the workplace right on the spot. In some cases it is true, especially for post-accident drug tests, but in many cases “random” just mean that there is no “schedule” when it is done, and they just want to reserve the right to do it if the necessity ever comes up.

    -          I think I am starting to understand now… I guess I can only wait and see how it is going to be – probably the same, because all my managers are staying, so… Thanks a lot for your help!