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Category: How to pass

  • Medicinal Use: Marijuana Part 10

    Posted on September 6th, 2011 How to pass

    There are several conclusions to be drawn about the studies and research into Medical Marijuana. Currently, it’s still illegal on a federal level, and because of this, even a person who was given medical marijuana by prescription can be persecuted and arrested for possession. Though, luckily the law in this case is starting to catch up and several cases have been successfully defended because it was argued that the possession of marijuana for those individuals was a medical necessity. And even the National Cancer Institute is making medical marijuana available to all Chemotherapy patients that the doctors have specifically deemed eligible. What this means is that those individuals who are seriously ill and can benefit from the use of medical marijuana are beginning to find more and more legal means to access the “drug”.

    While cannabis is seen by many medical professionals as being a possible alternative to other therapeutic drugs on the market today, it’s highly unlikely that marijuana will ever actually be approved by the FDA as a safe drug for use. Their official stance on the issue stems from the fact that the chemical composition of the drug (as it is plant based and cannot be synthesized in its most potent form) is too variable. Unlike other drugs that are chemically made in a lab and can be regulated for their use, Marijuana is simply too finicky for that at this time. Should a time ever come when all marijuana plants grown react in the same way and have the same chemical composition there will be far less confusion on the matter, and many of the organizations currently barring the way for approval will be bowled over by the then approved research into the matter.

  • How Long Does This Stuff Stay In My System? Amphetamines

    Posted on September 5th, 2011 How to pass

    Okay, so you did a little speed, amphetamines, ice, crystal, black beauties or whatever you want to call it.  You cleaned the whole house, arranged all of your recipes alphabetically, written out all of your Christmas cards in September, changed the oil in your car and all of that only took about an hour. Now What? Oh yeah, you’ve got to take a drug screen for work. Uh Oh! Do you know how long the amphetamines will stay in your system?  Will you be able to pass your test?  What kind of test will it be? All of these questions are racing around in your head along with a million other thoughts.

    If you are required to take a urinalysis the chances are that the metabolites from the amphetamines will still be present in your urine from one day to up to one week depending on your history of usage, your body weight and your metabolism.  Other factors involved in the presence of the amphetamines in your system include:  a person’s age, the amount of amphetamines consumed, and even how it was ingested (i.e. injected, swallowed, inhaled, or smoked).

    Using amphetamines is a dangerous proposition since it can lead to irreversible health and mental problems and can also lead to addiction.  If you find yourself continually dependent on amphetamines then you have a problem and need to detox from them immediately in order to avoid serious problems down the road. Now back to the problem at hand.  If you think that the amphetamines are going to show in your urine sample then you should look into getting a detox drink or some detox pills to prevent your sample from testing positive for the amphetamine metabolites.

    (To Be Continued)

  • I need it yesterday

    Posted on September 2nd, 2011 How to pass

    Sometimes it is impossible to help a situation, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes, it is just too late…

    -         Hi, I saw you guys online and you look like experts, so I just wanted to ask a quick question – how do I pass a urine test?

    -         Ok, let us start with a few simple questions – when is your test? What kind of toxins you are concerned about and how you have been clean?

    -         Ah, you see, my test was yesterday, and I just want to know if I passed it.

    -         Oh, well, did you use any specific product to help you pass it?

    -         No, not really, I just drank a lot of water for the past couple days hoping that would do the trick. I should have looked you up then, but for some reason I figured water would work, and now I am reading all these stories and it looks like water does not clean out pot.

    -         How long have you stay clean before the test?

    -         I have not smoked for like four days or so. Do you think it was enough?

    -         Unfortunately, no. Marijuana is store in your fatty tissues; water cannot flush it out and by staying clean for few days will not make you clean.

    -         Oh well, I guess I can just hope they will screw up a test and I will have to go there again. Do you have anything that will get me clean permanently?

    -         Yes, we have a very good permanent body cleanser; let me set you up with it.

    -         Thanks a lot!

  • Medicinal Use: Marijuana Part 9

    Posted on September 1st, 2011 How to pass

    Thanks to public pressure the government stance on THC in medical use is beginning to change. It was believed for a long time that if we could administer THC in another way (other than smoking) that it would raise the bans and make it easier to research the drug. But most studies seem to support the fact that THC is best administered through smoking it as it raises the THC concentration in a person’s blood stream far quicker than any other means. Aside from that – it’s easier for patients using Cannabis as a treatment for nausea to smoke the Marijuana instead as their throats are generally inflamed from vomiting, and pill forms are less likely to stay down and be ingested. While this may not be preferable to many patients, currently it is the most effective way to medicate using THC.

    The main drawback to using Marijuana medically is that the amount of Cannabis necessary to create the desired medical effect in the patient (the decrease of unwanted symptoms for example) – is high enough that it almost produces quite a few undesirable effects that can be considered toxic to the patient, thus the large trepidation to prescribe it in certain delicate situations. Though, through research and development we may be able to synthesize a form of THC that combines the Cannabinoids that produce the desired effects, and without the Cannabinoids that cause the undesired ones. But currently research and development are heavily stunted by the governments’ outdated view of THC.

  • How Long Does This Stuff Stay in My System? THC In Saliva (Part 2)

    Posted on August 31st, 2011 How to pass

    So you have passed the interview for your new job and the next step to getting hired is a drug screen.  You’re so mad you could just spit. Well, guess what? That is exactly what the company that wants to hire you is going to make you do.  You have to submit to a saliva test.  You know that you just smoked a little marijuana with your friends, but what you don’t know is how long the marijuana metabolites can be detected in your saliva. Saliva testing for marijuana is just as accurate as urine testing but it doesn’t cover as long a period of time because your body is constantly producing saliva to keep your mouth and digestive system lubricated.  On average for a one time or light usage of marijuana, the THC metabolites can be detected in the saliva any where from 24 hours to a few days.  If you are a heavier smoker, it can be detected up to or over one week. Saliva testing for THC metabolites is just as effective as conducting a urinalysis for THC but it only detects marijuana use as far back in time as a few days where a urinalysis can cover back  as long as 3 months depending on your body weight and or your history of smoking.

    Many companies have turned to on-site saliva testing because of the convenience and quickness with which it can be conducted.  Also, these tests are routinely used for testing for THC and other substances immediately after an industrial accident or to test employees after a return-to-work absence or if the employer has reasonable suspicion of drug use by an employee.

    The saliva test has become very popular for immediate results because it is simple to perform and there is a decrease in the chance of the sample being tampered with because the sample is taken in the presence of the tester as opposed to a urinalysis where the subject can go behind closed doors and adulterate the sample.  With a saliva test the sample is taken with a swab that is placed between the cheek and gums for a few minutes until it is saturated and then standard marijuana testing procedures are implemented.

    If you think that not enough time has passed between the time you last smoked and the time you are required to give your saliva sample then you should look into using a detox mouthwash that will kill all of the THC metabolites or other metabolites in your saliva for up to one half hour after using it.  This will ensure that you pass your test and be able to keep your job.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Not sure what I’ve done wrong

    Posted on August 30th, 2011 How to pass

    In rare cases instructions for a product can be unclear. It may seem that you got it all, but if you miss one sentence out of twenty it will all go to waste. Almost like reading the manual how to assemble a computer starting from page 5.

    -         Hello, I need to speak with an expert on how well the product work.

    -         Would be glad to help you, sir. Which product are you interested in?

    -         I used this product that I got, it is a shampoo. It came in a little bottle and I used it all. I rubbed it in really-really good, I did not rinse it for five days, and when I finally had my hair drug test I was itching like crazy. They cut off my hair, but they were kind of suspicious. So I got my test results today… Needless to say, I failed my test. So not only I need my refund, but I also would like to know why your product did not work, because I have done everything it said to do, so I am not sure what I have done wrong.

    -         Sir, I am sorry to hear that, but normally the instructions on the product that we carry it clearly states that you need to apply the shampoo on the same day as the test.

    -         I read it all, I do not remember reading that part.

    -         Hair is a dead element, there is no blood flow in it, so it cannot be cleaned out permanently. And all the shampoos that we carry would not require that you do not rinse it. You always need to rinse it out.

    -         I see, looks like I got it all wrong. Well, let me try again – can I order one now?

  • Medicinal Use: Marijuana Part 8

    Posted on August 29th, 2011 How to pass

    One of the most popular uses of marijuana as a medical treatment is for Cancer patients. There are many reasons for this currently. The biggest reason for Medical Marijuana in use as a cancer treatment is as an appetite stimulant. The “munchies” as it’s often referred to is a common side effect of Cannabis inhalation. It is this appetite stimulation that causes weight loss to slow in Cancer patients as they’re effected by Chemotherapy.

    It is also the extreme effectiveness of THC against nausea and vomiting that make it a perfect treatment match for Chemotherapy patients. Most people don’t seem to understand that Chemotherapy is a form of radiation that is used to stop the growth of tumors in the human body. It also tends to destroy other cells in the human body, and cause severe nausea and weight loss in patients. THC fights the two biggest symptoms a patient will experience after a Chemotherapy session, and in animal studies THC was shown to also help retard the growth of tumors.

    These two most common symptoms are experienced by on average HALF of all Cancer patients. And in a large percentage of these patients the normal anti-nausea drugs don’t work. The discovery of Marijuana as a treatment came about in the 1970’s when some patients were using Marijuana recreationally and found that when they did use their symptoms would go away. This was of course illegal use, but it opened the book for the study.

  • How Long Does This Stuff Stay in My System? THC

    Posted on August 26th, 2011 How to pass

    So your boss told you that you have to give a urine sample for an upcoming drug test to keep your job.  You know that you smoked some pot at a party a few weeks ago but what you don’t know is how long does THC stay in your system.  That is the million dollar question!

    Everyone metabolizes THC at a different rate and it is hard to determine just when the THC metabolites will be gone from your system.  When you smoke marijuana, your body processes it and releases the THC metabolites.  These metabolites then attach themselves to your fat cells and they dissipate when you burn your fat cells.

    For a light to moderate smoker this process can take anywhere from fourteen days to eleven weeks.  Much of this has to do with your body weight and the amount of marijuana you have smoked over the years.  If you have not taken a break from smoking then your body has just been accumulating toxins with no breaks to release some of these metabolites.

    If you don’t think that enough time has passed since you quit smoking and when your test should be then you should get a home test strip to see if you will pass a test.  If you are failing the home test then you might need to purchase a detox drink or some detox capsules.  This will enable you to pass your test with confidence provided you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

  • How it came in our lives – Marijuana (Part 3)

    Posted on August 25th, 2011 How to pass

    Many historians attribute the spread of popularity of marijuana in United States to Prohibition of 1920s. When it became illegal to consume alcohol many people flocked to marijuana clubs that started to appear in every major city. At that time Mary Jane was not considered a social threat simply because people who smoked did not bother anybody as much as people who drank, and also there was no law officially prohibiting marijuana.

    Starting somewhere in the middle of 19th century and all the way until 1942, marijuana was prescribed in US for various conditions, such as labor pains, rheumatism, nausea, and so on. It was listed in the US Pharmacopeia until the campaign conducted by US Federal Bureau of Narcotics that started to portray pot as potent addicting drug that leads people into getting addicted to other, more powerful drugs; that started to bring an end to legal marijuana use. Even now some consider marijuana as a “getaway” drug.

    But still even then Mary Jane continued to be a part of some people’s life. It was an accomplice to beat generation in the 1950s; it became a symbol of rebellion for hippies and college students. Once it has been classified as schedule I drug in 1970 (along with heroin and LSD) the overall usage of marijuana started to decrease. However, the in the early 1990s it began to rise again. Right now, there are several states that had approved legal use of medicinal marijuana. We may not need to wait too much longer until complete legalization of marijuana all over the US.

  • Medicinal Use: Marijuana Part 7

    Posted on August 24th, 2011 How to pass

    Marijuana has been studied for use as a treatment for patients with Glaucoma. For those who don’t know Glaucoma is a sickness where the optic nerve inside of your eye gets damaged, causing your vision to slowly become clouded. This loss of vision is irreversible. Often times the sickness is associated with increased fluid buildup and pressure inside of the eye. The reason Marijuana has been approved as a medical treatment for patients who have Glaucoma is because Cannabis causes the pressure within the eye and other blood cells in the brain to drop, a decrease that tends to last several hours – no matter the extent of the Glaucoma of the patient. This result is not related to pain medications in general, or even sedation. This particular outcome of medication seems only to result by use of Marijuana.

    To be clear, Cannabis is not a cure for Glaucoma, it simply lessens the symptoms and discomfort of patients, while also retarding (or slowing down) the loss of sight for patients whom normal medications have failed, and surgery is no longer an option. While eye-drops containing THC have been developed as of yet they have not proven to have any results even comparable to smoking the Cannabis. Because of this the eye-drops were discontinued for research purposes back in 1981. Smoking it seems to be (for now) the quickest way for ingestion and the easiest for getting enough of the THC into the system to have an effect. The current downside is that many elderly patients dislike the side effects of THC, or rather, they’re uncomfortable with the feeling of being high.