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Category: How to pass

  • What is THC? A History Part 7

    Posted on July 26th, 2011 How to pass

    Finally, let’s take a look at what exactly THC does within your body. There are many ways to ingest the substance and different types of ingestion can cause different effects as each type of ingestion allows a different level of Cannabinoids to get into your system. In your brain there are in fact receptors for Cannabinoids, when THC is ingested and your brain’s receptors get a hold of the Cannabinoid molecules your brain creates the feeling of being “high”. At the same time that the brain’s receptors receive the Cannabinoid your body also releases Dopamine, which sends a message throughout the body that you’re feeling happy and good. The production of Dopamine is not increased or decreased by the use of THC which is one of the arguments behind why exactly THC unlike most other drugs is not addictive.

    THC is absorbed by Fatty Tissue Cells within our body and stored there. It can remain in the body for up to 3 months, and in some rare cases even longer. Your body has many ways to process toxins out. The liver to clean the blood stream, the Kidneys to clean your digestive tract and many other little ways in which your body excretes toxins. There are many products on the market today that can help you reduce your Detox time greatly, but be advised, if you don’t research a product properly, or speak with someone about the product you want to purchase you could end up with something completely wrong for your Detoxing Needs. Scientists generally agree that many of the Detox Products on the market today can be harmful to your body, so beware of the product you purchase and do your research.

    The products you can find here on our website are all natural herbal supplements designed to aid the body in its natural Detox process.

  • The Artichoke: Helping You Maintain a Healthy Liver

    Posted on July 25th, 2011 How to pass

    Is it a big pine cone or an oversized acorn?  It’s the artichoke! Whatever it is, it is good for your liver.  The liver is one of the most important organs in your body because it holds the responsibility of ridding your body of all the nasty toxins that accumulate in our system over time.  Detoxifying the liver is one of the best ways to improve your overall health.  There are many supplements that you can take to improve liver function and one of the best is artichoke extract.  To understand how artichoke extract improves liver function you must first understand the vital role that your liver plays in your overall well-being.

    The liver regulates normal glucose levels in the blood. Your body uses glucose for energy.  When the glucose levels in your blood run high then your liver changes the glucose to glycogen and conversely when the blood glucose levels are low, the liver breaks down glycogen into glucose so that your body can use it.  The liver converts amino acids and lactic acids into glucose and also sugars from fruits and dairy products are also converted into glucose.  The liver also converts glucose into triglycerides which are fats.

    Artichokes help with the secretion of bile and they contain antioxidants which help protect liver cells.  Bile is very important in the removal of dangerous toxins and the digestion of fats. One of the antioxidants that is found in artichokes is called silymarin which helps prevent the breakdown of the liver.  Silymarin helps prevent damage to the cell membranes of the liver.  It is also very beneficial to maintaining a healthy gall bladder and helping keep cholesterol levels down.

    People who suffer from gallstones should consult a physician before using artichoke extract as there could be a risk of gall stones getting lodged in the bile duct.  Artichoke extract is a wonderful supplement to use to maintain a healthy digestive system. It has also been found to be a successful remedy for hangovers, migraine headaches, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.  Artichoke leaves may also be dried and used to make artichoke tea for detoxifying.

  • How it came in our lives – Ecstasy

    Posted on July 22nd, 2011 How to pass

    The first time MDMA (Ecstasy) was mentioned to public is when it was first patented by German chemical company Merck in 1913. No intended usage was reported, but the drug was meant to be sold as a diet pill, but the company had no intentions to actually market it.

    The next mentioning of MDMA was in rumors that US army had possibly used it as a truth serum somewhere in 1953, however, there was never found any evidence to support this urban legend.

    The first record a human actually using MDMA was biochemist Alexander Shulgin who was working in a research department of Dow Chemicals. The scientist did a lot of research and his reports include pretty specific descriptions of over 170 different psychoactive drugs. Since MDMA was already patented, it did not present any interest for the company, so after parting with Dow Chemicals Shulgin went on to continue a legal research on his own. Many controversial discoveries that he made during the employment with the company went to become popular street drugs.

    In 1985 DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) tried to outlaw MDMA/Ecstasy by placing it on Schedule 1, but got sued by a group of protesters. During the trial one side argued that MDMA caused brain damage in rats, the other side produced proof that the drug could be used for beneficial treatment in psychotherapy.

    Meanwhile, the US Congress passed a law that allowed DEA to put an emergency ban on any substance or drug that was thought to be a danger to the public, so MDMA was permanently placed on Schedule 1.

    In 1993 FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the research into the effect of MDMA to continue on human volunteers. This is the first psychoactive drug to be ever approved for human testing by the FDA.

  • What is THC? A History Part 6

    Posted on July 21st, 2011 How to pass

    The true beginning of the crusade against Marijuana began back in 1906 in the District of Columbia. Here laws were passed that began restricting the use and distribution of Marijuana and Hemp. States began to follow in D.C.’s footsteps with laws being passed in the 1910s and 1920s. The early laws however went unnoticed by most of the general public. It wasn’t until Harry J Anslinger began his personal vendetta against the drug that the nation began to take notice in the 1930s. While laws and restrictions were in effect, the nation as a whole didn’t stand behind them until Franklin D Roosevelt stood behind Anslinger and his decisions concerning the propaganda about Marijuana.

    The final stage for THC within the states with 1937 when a law was passed that banned Hemp and Cannabis from within the country borders, making it from that day forward an illegal substance. The fight to legalize marijuana and repeal these laws has been ongoing for decades now.  And despite our best efforts, it looks like it’ll keep going for quite a few decades to come. Though it is nice to know that we have made some strides in the medical field, concerning THC and it’s medicinal uses.

    The effects of Marijuana are widespread, depending on a large number of factors. The cannabis in question can come in many different forms and potencies. The more potent the Marijuana (or the higher level of THC in the sample) the more effect there will be on the human brain. Some common effects of Marijuana usage are dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, slight loss of coordination, and poor sense of balance, as well as a slower reaction time.

  • Do Detox Drinks Really Work? Part 2

    Posted on July 20th, 2011 How to pass

    One of the most important steps to take when using any detox product to pass a drug test is to stop using any toxins at least two to four days before your test date.  When you smoke marijuana, your body uses up the THC and then releases a metabolite. The metabolites from THC attach themselves to your fat cells.  So the more fat cells you have or the more metabolites you have from frequent smoking, the stronger detox product you need to pass a drug test.

    Drinking a lot of water will make you go to the bathroom more but will do little to get rid of the metabolites because fat cells are not water soluble.  When you burn the fat cells then the THC metabolites are released into the blood stream. Once in the blood stream these toxins find their way into the bladder and the kidneys and then into the urinary tract and they appear in your sample.

    Most detox drink work by preventing your body from burning fat cells for three to five hours thereby preventing the release of the toxins into your urine sample.  In order for your detox drink to work more efficiently you should not overeat when using the detox product.  You should drink some additional water but not excessive amounts as this will lower your level of creatinine in your urine. Avoid excessive amounts of sugar and fatty foods when using the detox product as this will slow down your body’s ability to process the toxins out of your body. You should avoid using alcohol or any other intoxicating substance during the process as this will also inhibit the effectiveness of the detox product. Knowing what detox product is right for you and taking the appropriate steps will assure you success in passing your drug test.

  • Science and Marijuana

    Posted on July 19th, 2011 How to pass

    Marijuana has been studied by scientists for a larger part of our history as humans. Science is notorious for finding little to agree upon as much of science is based in a world of theory, and while to some a theory is seen as insane and maniacal in its birth, the study and potential for that science when theory becomes practice is enormous. What many scientists can currently agree on when it comes to Marijuana is the potential that the Cannabinoids in THC carry for clinical study. They agree that this potential is enormous and the implications within the scientific community could be endless. The scientific community believes that the study of THC could yield results for the treatments of pain and nerve injuries as well as an aide to those suffering with AIDS and Cancer.

    But none of this matters sadly as there are still far too many regulations and attitudes surrounding the research many scientists would like to perform. Despite the research being legitimate and the implications in science and medicine huge, there is still far too much red tape to cut through and hoops that someone need jump through before a clinical study in THC can begin. Today, Marijuana is still labeled as a Schedule-1 Drug. What this means that it is seen in the law as being potentially addictive and having no medical use. This stigma is continuing in our own society as research grants are turned away when they specifically state that they want to study the medical benefits of Marijuana. When a grant is re-worded to state that it’s researching the negative effects of Marijuana it suddenly finds itself flush with funding.

  • What is THC? A History Part 5

    Posted on July 18th, 2011 How to pass

    Also through these articles Anslinger and Hearst made it a racially equivalent drug. In many of these articles they would state that most of the 100,000 users at that time were Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and other entertainers. Equating the use of the drug with immigrants and migrant workers.

    They also equated the drug with music, specifically Jazz music. Calling the music Satanic, and associating the existence of Jazz music with use of Marijuana. Implying to readers across the nation that the only reason Jazz music came to be is because of pot smokers. Because they continued to relate Jazz music to Marijuana and evil they got away with making a lot of racially charged statements encouraging people nationwide (white people specifically) to protect their women and girls from the temptations of Jazz and Marijuana. “This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.” Other stories were circulated concerning black students at universities partying with young white female students, preying on them with stories of racial persecution, and imbibing them with alcohol and marijuana, resulting in the girls becoming pregnant, or getting STD’s.

    In later years Anslinger was much more reluctant to point to race or sex as being a cause or result of Marijuana use, but he never stopped blaming Jazz music. In his book he pointed out that Jazz began in areas where crime was rampant. And that it could only be heard in its beginning years in areas such as this.

  • Do Detox Drinks Really Work? Part 1

    Posted on July 15th, 2011 How to pass

    Boy, that’s the million dollar question?  Well, maybe not a million dollars, but how about your salary?  If the detox drink doesn’t work, you could be out of a job and in today’s job market there are plenty of people in line ready to take your place. The best way to pass a drug test is…you guessed it … don’t do drugs!  But if it is too late for that you need a reliable detox product.

    So let’s face it, you screwed up.  You were at a summer barbecue or out at the club and you fell victim to peer pressure and did something that you should not have done.  “It wasn’t my fault!  They made me do it!”  Try telling that to your boss.  You are not a kid anymore and those excuses don’t hold water any longer.  That is when you need a detox drink or other detox products.  There are a few things that you need to know before choosing the right detox product.  It is not like buying paint or a sandwich. One size does not fit all.  There are things that you need to consider or find out before you choose your method of detox.

    First, you must consider your body weight.  If you are a heavier person you will need a much stronger or more voluminous drink and maybe some capsules to go along with the drink because there is more ground to cover, so to speak.  Secondly, there is your history of usage.  If you have tried to keep up with major rock stars in the recreational drug intake department, then a sixteen ounce detox drink probably won’t be enough to help you pass a drug test.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Cannabis and Motivation

    Posted on July 14th, 2011 How to pass

    If there is a lot of controversy about a subject, you know it has to be something pretty interesting. With drug testing being a pretty much regular procedure when seeking employment, people forget some aspects of how it became so popular over the years. Of course, government standards and the war on drugs contributed a lot to raising safety and efficiency of production in the workplace, but there is also a negative attitude towards all drugs in general. Some people are convinced that everything that is called “drug” and the fact that it is illegal automatically make it bad. For instance, there is a belief that smoking marijuana makes you sleepy, dopy, unmotivated, and basically transforms a person into an apathetic human being who is unlikely to perform his or her duties and will not get the job done. This is a common belief, however, the facts prove otherwise.

    According to a recent study, people regularly exposed to high doses of cannabis over an extended period of time did not show any loss in motivation and their ability to perform did not suffer at all. When this substance is officially prescribed to a patient, it actually lists all that in the side effects, but let us not forget that some heavy prescription medications have much more adverse side effects than cannabis (but they are not labeled “illegal” at all.)

    Interesting enough, another study shows that marijuana smokers generally tend to have higher paid jobs than non-smokers, which proves that you can “climb the ladder” even if you choose this sort of recreation.

  • What is THC? A History Part 4

    Posted on July 13th, 2011 How to pass

    The actual campaign against Marijuana in the 1930’s, what was said?

    Using the media made available by William Randolph Hearst, Harry J Anslinger sent out misleading statistics and pieces of information stating that the use of Marijuana could easily cause extreme cases of violence. His main tool was to link the use of Cannabis to heinous crimes, using graphic language to depict violent offenses, most with no proof at all. He often would use police type language found in police reports to describe the acts and scene in which these cases took place. Some extreme examples of his exaggerations include the story of how an entire family was murdered by a young Marijuana addict in Florida. He had killed his father, mother, and three siblings with an axe and was found by police wandering around the slaughterhouse in a daze and obviously crazed. When he sobered up he had no recollection of the events, but did admit to regular usage of marijuana causing him to become crazed and violent towards his family.

    A direct quote from one of his articles about Marijuana and it’s effects is:

    “By the tons it is coming into this country – the deadly, dreadful poison that racks and tears not only the body, but the very heart and soul of every human being who once becomes a slave to it in any of its cruel and devastating forms… [Hash] makes a murderer who kills for the love of killing out of the mildest mannered man who ever laughed at the idea that any habit could ever get him”