The matter of decriminalization of marijuana in United States has been a matter of public attention for a long time. Being different from the actual “legalization,” this would allow a somewhat easier access to the drug by people who truly need it. However, the issue of abuse of the substance is also in focus, as easier access could create the possibility of unauthorized usage that is feared to spread immensely. Since there has been so much research done that actually proves that cannabis is not that harmful to a person’s body, people wonder how come alcohol is legal, but pot is still not? In order to realize that no such problem as over-usage will occur once cannabis is decriminalized, we need to look at the example of Holland. For over twenty years Dutch government kept this substance easily accessible for anybody who is over 18 years old. Busy streets are lined by coffee shops, bars and marijuana smoking joints – yes, everything is separate: you cannot drink where you can smoke and vice versa. When the law had passed did it make more people want to smoke? Statistics shows that over the years the general number of people using marijuana did not grow, and the rates of smoking population are similar if not lower to the ones in US. Freedom of choice does not push you to try something you do not want, whereas the forbidden fruit being the sweetest – illegal marijuana status does not necessarily stop one from using it.
Category: How to pass
Different Legal Perspectives
Posted on June 28th, 2011 How to pass -
Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 10
Posted on June 27th, 2011 How to passThrough research we have come across one final home remedy that many people seem to believe in, though we haven’t heard of it being used or referred to in recent years. It’s Sure Jell, sometimes referred to as Certo. The Certo Method for passing a Drug Test. These are brand names for a chemical called Pectin – a gelling agent used in Jams and other products to thicken them up. The chemical, derived from plants, is actually a fiber that passes through your system intact as your body doesn’t process or absorb it.
The myth surrounding this particular product is this: The Sure Jell coats the stomach and intestines, preventing the metabolites from THC and other drugs from finding their way into your urine. This theory breaks down very simply; most toxins we bring into our body are carried in by smoke to the lungs. Meaning they never pass through your stomach to begin with. Beyond that it’s as liquids pass through your kidneys that the metabolites are actually removed and processed out of our bodies. As far as home remedies go this one isn’t as dangerous as some of the others can be to your internal systems, but it is by far one of the silliest out there.
This may have helped people in the past with certain drugs, but most places you can find instructions that include a Certo program it’ll also be coupled with instructions to drink copious amounts of water. Meaning in the end you’re not passing the test because of the Certo, but because your sample is diluted. Years ago when it wasn’t common place for labs to test for dilution this could have actually helped, but nowadays a lab that doesn’t test for dilution is rare indeed. Beware this myth.
The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Anise Seeds Part 13
Posted on June 24th, 2011 How to passAnother ingredient that is found in our detoxifying tea blends is the spice anise. Anise is a spice that many people are familiar with as it is found in alcoholic beverages like anisette or ouzo. It is often used in baking cookies or pizzelles but it is used in our detox teas for a much greater purpose. It has many medicinal benefits which help the body deal with a wide variety of problems.
For centuries, many civilizations have used the anise seeds to relieve indigestion, colic, bloating, bad breath, abdominal cramps and nausea. The anise seeds are mild diuretics and will increase urination as well as sweating when ingested. In addition to being an effective diuretic, anise seeds work well as an expectorant to help remove mucus in people with conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough and your everyday common cold. Because of this it is often found as an active ingredient in many cough medicines and throat lozenges.
Anise seeds contain substances called diantheole and photoantheole which help with lactation in women who are breast feeding. It is also believed that these substances provide relief for premenstrual symptoms and also increase the libido. Anise is very effective in treating oily skin so it is often found in many acne medications. It is also poisonous to many insects so it is found in treatments for lice infestation as well.
Anise should be used carefully because it is not without side effects. If taken in large doses, anise oil may cause nausea, vomiting and in some cases seizures or pulmonary edema. Some people may become allergic to anise and develop skin irritation or swelling of the skin or tongue and difficulty breathing. People who suffer from high blood pressure should avoid ingesting anise as it may cause complications with this condition. As with all natural products, consultation with a health care provider is recommended to determine if the product is safe for consumption by the user. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult their doctors before using anise.
(To Be Continued)
Weird situation
Posted on June 23rd, 2011 How to passSometimes questions are answered by the same people who ask them.
- Oh, hi! So good that you answered – I thought I would be on hold for a while. I have a question for you. I have purchased a product and have called many times before to get a clear understanding of directions of use, but now my question is a little bit different. I am trying to completely clean out my body, I do not have a test coming up or anything, but I just want to permanently get clean for personal reasons. I mean, I am sure I am going to have to pass a drug test sometime from now, but not anytime soon. So anyway, I have been taking these pills, the cleansing system, and I got the one at first, but then when I was done with it, it did not work. I mean, it worked but I still tested positive. So I got another one. And now I finished the whole second box and I got another home kit test and I think it says “positive” again! I only get one line on it – it means “positive” right? So anyway, now it got me thinking: I have been taking this product for so long and I do not really have that much of a body fat, so now I’m thinking maybe I should try quitting smoking altogether? I already cut back a lot on it, but do you think I should completely stop? I probably should, just to eliminate all the contamination and all so I can completely get rid of it. Yeah, that is what I will do. Thanks a lot for your help!
Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 9
Posted on June 22nd, 2011 How to passNiacin. Niacin is an herb and a home remedy that has been spread far and wide, but does not work. The myth about Niacin helping someone pass a drug test goes back a long way. After some thorough research, it is believed that the origin began with a book written by L. Rob Hubbard in the Seventies called Clear Body, Clear Mind. For those of you wondering why the name of the author is familiar, that is because he is the man credited with being the founder of the Church of Scientology. In that book, Hubbard talked about a Detoxification program to help people rid their bodies of all toxins, which included prescription and non-prescription drugs. Hubbard had absolutely no medical or nutritional training, but was advising people about what herbs would be best used to remove unwanted toxins.
Niacin was a big part of the program he laid out, and while we cannot be sure of this, we believe that somewhere along the way someone made the connection that Niacin equals Detox, and so the legend began.
Truth about Niacin is that taking high doses of Niacin in an effort to Detox your system is by far the most dangerous home remedy there is. Our bodies require Niacin, but only at 15 milligrams per day. Those using this home remedy are known to take 50 or 100 times more than the daily requirement. This herb in such high doses, can cause permanent damage to your liver. Niacin poisoning is very real, and very dangerous, and as the herb only helps aid liver function to begin with it’s completely useless in helping someone pass an upcoming Urinalysis, or Swab Test, or Hair Test.
The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Clove Sticks Part 12
Posted on June 21st, 2011 How to passCloves aren’t just for baking ginger bread and pumpkin pie anymore. They are an important ingredient in our detoxifying tea blends. The clove is an unopened flower bud from the evergreen clove tree. The clove itself resembles a tiny carpenter’s nail which is where the name clove comes from. It is derived from the Latin word clavus meaning nail.
Cloves are included in the detox teas because they contain an ingredient called eugenol which has been found to have great medicinal value. Eugenol has often been used in modern dentistry, especially in root canal, because it and other components found in cloves form a mild anesthetic and anti-bacterial agent. Because of this it is often used to treat dry socket or general gum pain or in a temporary filling. Cloves can also be found in some over-the –counter sore throat sprays or mouth washes.
The eugenol found in cloves is also a very effective anti-inflammatory agent. Cloves are filled with many important nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin K, dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. The eugenol that is found in cloves has been found to be an effective anti-fungal agent and is very effective against ringworm. Clove oil is used in dentistry to form a paste for dental cement used in fillings and restoring bad teeth. Eugenol has also been shown to prevent blood clots. There have been some studies that suggest that cloves may have some benefit to regulating insulin activity in people with late-onset diabetes.
Cloves have long been thought of to be an aphrodisiac and recent studies have shown that cloves have been shown to enhance the sexual behavior of mice and lab rats with no adverse side effects. Cloves provide a natural mosquito repellent and can be effective for up to 5 hours. Cooking with cloves can also relieve flatulence and improve the operation of the digestive system and metabolism. Many herbalists recommend the use of cloves for relief from diarrhea and nausea and other disorders of the stomach and digestive tract. In certain parts of the world cloves are used to treat cholera, scabies and malaria.
When placed in an ointment, cloves have anti-spasmodic properties that can help relieve muscle aches and pains. When used as an antiseptic, it is an effective remedy for cuts, burns, athlete’s foot, fungal infections and other skin ailments. Cloves boost your immune system and help to purify the blood and fight disease.
(To Be Continued)
Cocaine and crack – what do we know?
Posted on June 20th, 2011 How to passOne of the most used drugs in the US today is cocaine.
This substance presents a fine white powder. If you taste some of it you would find a bitter unpleasant taste. It is consumed by inhalation or injection, and the effect that it causes can be described as numbing. The high achieved by sniffing or snorting cocaine powder lasts for approximately 20-30 minutes.
There is also another form of cocaine – a derivative form of “crack” that is smoked instead of snorted. This substance presents a form of small “rocks” that is produced by processing cocaine powder with water and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). This form of drug is considered more dangerous and highly addicting since the inhaled smoke enters the blood stream very rapidly and brings large amounts of the drug directly to the brain, since the lungs spread it with the oxygen. Therefore, if substance reaches the brain much quicker, its effects are much more intense but last only for 5-10 minutes. The effects of this method of consumption can be compared with the effects from intravenous injections.
The history of cocaine is quite interesting. Since 1980s cocaine in the US became much cheaper and easier to get. In 1850s cocaine was first isolated from cocoa leaves by scientists, and until the beginning of 20th century this substance was used in various medicines that treated a variety of ailments. Cocaine was referred to as “wonder-drug” and was also widely used in health tonics such as Coca-Cola. It was not until 1970 when cocaine officially became a controlled substance in the US.
Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 8
Posted on June 17th, 2011 How to passTips that can help you pass your Urinalysis.
First – don’t ever give a urine sample from the first or second urination of the day. As you sleep toxins build up in the urinary tract as your kidneys continue to process things. The first urination of the day is the dirtiest. It is the heaviest concentration of metabolites present in your system. Try to urinate at home a few times before giving a sample if at all possible, and do your best to schedule a test at a later time then first thing in the morning. The earlier in the day it is, the fewer toxins you’ve already removed from your body. Your body has many natural defenses for removing toxins, but you have to work with it.
Second – try not to give a sample from the beginning or end of the urination stream. The beginning and end of the stream also contain a higher amount of toxins then the middle of the stream. If at all possible, begin urinating and then try to stop the flow, urinate into the cup, and try to stop the flow again to finish urinating into the toilet.
Third and final – though most of you won’t like to hear this, the easiest way to pass your test is to simply quit using. The longer a period of time between your last use of drugs and your test date the lower the toxin level of your system. All Detox products have a suggested 48 hours at least between use of a toxin and the use of the product. And all these products at their core are helping hands for your body. There is no magical cure that will instantly wipe the slate clean and remove all toxins from your system in just a few hours or days. The best Detox Products are the ones that help your liver and kidney in doing what they already do for your body. So, if you have a test coming up any time soon, quit using.
Of course, should you choose not to quit using, then you can find any and all products you need here on our website.
The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Yarrow Flower Part 11
Posted on June 16th, 2011 How to passThere is an herb found in our detox teas called Yarrow Flower. Yarrow is found throughout Europe, North America and Asia and has been used for centuries in many herbal remedies for fighting fever and gastrointestinal conditions. It has also been used as a topical treatment to stop bleeding and also blended in teas to improve circulation and lessen menstrual bleeding. People would also chew the leaves to ease pain from toothaches. More recently yarrow has been used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, flatulence and bloating.
The oils found in yarrow have strong anti-inflammatory properties and have been shown to reduce muscle spasms. The yarrow plant is often referred to as bloodwort, milfoil, nosebleed, old man’s pepper stauchgrass and carpenter’s weed. The flower tops and the leaves are the main parts of the yarrow plant that have any medicinal value. Yarrow is usually blended in tea or compressed and oil is extracted. Yarrow functions as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, astringent and a sedative.
Yarrow improves the cardiovascular system by regulating blood pressure. It purifies the blood and helps regulate the menstrual cycle. It can help improve your appetite and improve the flow of bile through your system. It removes toxins from the body and stimulates the circulatory system. Yarrow will also repair worn out or damages body tissue. Yarrow will also help alleviate symptoms related to hay fever and the common cold and flu. It will help with chest and respiratory congestion and chronic cough. It helps regulate blood pressure so it can be useful to people with high blood pressure. It helps the body absorbs nutrients and alleviates diarrhea.
(To Be Continued)
Use It Right
Posted on June 15th, 2011 How to passOne of the common mistakes people make when preparing to pass a drug test is not researching enough beforehand, so they do not know what to expect and not sure what type of test it is going to be. Getting a good product but using it for a wrong reason is very frustrating, especially when you really count on it and are completely confident in the results.
Besides getting a wrong product, some people also make a mistake of misusing the correct one. Thinking they are all the same, some individuals “forget” to read the instructions or “do not notice” the big letters on the label. A standard drink works for up to five hours – where do people get the idea that once you consume one you will be forever clean? Flushing products can only last for certain period of time since body does not stop creating urine. Same story with saliva – it is constantly produced, so make sure to note time restrictions for any product you might use for a swab drug test.
As far as using a product “completely not as instructed” is concerned, please keep in mind that synthetic urine that is a clean sample packed in a bottle, and is not intended and cannot under any circumstances be drunk. Set your priorities straight when preparing for a drug test – knowing everything there is to know about the test and the product can help you tremendously.
Every single product has its own purpose; you just need to be careful enough to read the instructions.