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Category: How to pass

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 4

    Posted on June 1st, 2011 How to pass

    There is a strong belief that exercise and dieting hardcore in the days leading up to a Drug Test will work to help flush the toxins from your system so you can provide a clean sample on test day. Not only is this a false myth, but it will work against you. THC as well as other toxins hide in your fat cells. Which means that not only does drinking tons of water not help you (as fat cells are not water soluble and thus don’t wash away with excessive amounts of water) but sweating will not remove toxins from your system at all. In fact, the opposite is true. When you work up a sweat you are burning your fat cells, and thus – releasing all the stored toxins into your blood stream and urinary tract. This makes exercise and dieting in the days before a test a bad idea.

    Diet pills for the same reasons do not help, especially as many of the ingredients in diet pills will cause the test to come back positive for other drug metabolites than you never intended for your sample to show.

    One of the only real advantages to exercising before a Drug Test is that as you burn up fat cells and release more of the toxins stored in your body into your blood stream and urinary tract you are in fact processing out more toxins then you would normally, so – if you are given advanced notice of an upcoming Drug Screen then this will work to your advantage, as you can start exercising and burning up fat cells and processing out more toxins everyday. Cutting down your complete detox time a great deal the longer you have and the harder you exercise.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Uva-Ursi Leaf Part 8

    Posted on May 31st, 2011 How to pass

    The Uva-Ursi leaf is a strong diuretic and is one of the main ingredients in our detoxifying tea blends.  This shrub is also known as the whortleberry or bearberry because it is a favorite food of bears. This answers the question “Does a bear… in the woods?  Now you know why.

    Uva-Ursi leaf helps in the healing of urinary tract infections and bladder infections and helps with urination.  It is also helpful in relieving symptoms and pain due to yeast infections. If you are suffering from chronic diarrhea then Uva-Ursi leaf is the supplement that will give you relief.  It has even been shown to relieve symptoms of arthritis when used in combination with prednisone because it contains anti-inflammatory agents.  It is a very effective diuretic and can be used to treat dermatitis and allergic reactions and even reduce headaches.

    Uva-Ursi will reduce water retention and bloating and therefore is an effective weight-loss supplement.  It can ease the pain associated with bladder stones and even help people who are subject to bedwetting and irritable bowel syndrome.  One of the primary reasons that the Uva-Ursi leaf is included in the detoxifying tea blends is that it contains elements that can bolster the functionality of an ailing liver or pancreas.

    Uvi-Ursi Leaf contains anti-bacterial properties that help fight infections of the urinary and digestive tracts.  These anti-bacterial agents also help with topical ailments such as rashes, cuts and bruises, and other dermatological disorders. It also helps with herpes and vaginal infections.   Because it is a diuretic it can help lower your blood pressure but it also will deplete potassium levels so caution must be taken when using this supplement.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Quality over quantity

    Posted on May 30th, 2011 How to pass

    It is easy to freak out when you suddenly find out that you need to pass a drug test, especially when you just used the night before. When faced with such a problem, it is important to stay calm and not over-think it, because it is always happens that when you trying to choose the best solution, you end up only harming yourself.

    -         Good morning, do you answer questions? I think I may have a problem here – I had to go for a urine drug test this morning, and I got a couple things that would help me pass, but I think I am doing something wrong. I will give you a little bit of my history – I am a daily smoker, and there is no way I can pass a test on my own. Naturally, I went and got this stuff to help me get clean – I was not sure which one was the best, so I got one of everything. When I got home and started reading the instructions, I noticed that all these capsules say “for light users,” and I do not think I am light at all. I did not know what else to do, so this morning I decided to take all of them just in case, one by one. There were three boxes and one jar, and altogether with all of them I ended up drinking almost two gallons of water, which now I know was not such a good idea – I can hardly move, and have to go relieve myself every fifteen minutes. My urine looks like clear water – do you think I can pass the test now, or would it be better to reschedule?

    -         If you drank so much water, your urine is diluted right now, so if you can reschedule the test – do it. And for the next time we can recommend you a detox product for heavy users, which is strong and does not require overdrinking right before the test.

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 3

    Posted on May 27th, 2011 How to pass

    Another old wives tale that people have been passing around for years is the belief that a high dose of diuretics will flush toxins out of your system. Diuretics are things that tend to make people urinate frequently. Things such as Coffee, Tea, Cranberry Juice, and other such substances will make you urinate frequently, and because they help to increase kidney function will help speed up the process of removing toxins from your system. But the only way that these alone will work to cleanse your system out is if your toxin level was very low to begin with.

    These items, and the method that employs them will only slightly lower your toxin level. They were not meant to be used by heavy toxin users, and cannot remove high doses of toxins from your system – no matter how much you may rely on them and use them. On their own they are simply not strong enough to help you, and thus would be useless. Even combining them with other methods may help to improve your chances, but again, the reason that premade Detox Products works so well is because they already have the winning combination of diuretic, fluid for dilution, and vitamins to prevent the sample from showing dilution attempts.

    A main reason why this particular home remedy tends not to work is because the tests are just too sophisticated to be fooled by what could easily fool the tests back when Drug Testing began. The labs and machines have advanced greatly since testing for employment and other things became the acceptable way.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Marigold Flowers Part 7

    Posted on May 26th, 2011 How to pass

    Marigolds are excellent flowers to plant around vegetable gardens to keep rabbits, squirrels and bugs at bay, but did you know that they have wonderful medicinal properties as well.  This is one of the main reasons that it is included in our detoxifying teas.  Marigolds have anti-inflammatory properties which mean that they are helpful in healing sunburn, cuts and scrapes, bruises, insect stings, sore throats, athlete’s foot and chapped or dry skin.

    There are compounds found in marigolds that stimulate blood circulation.  This will help to expedite the healing process of many ailments.  There are also ingredients in marigolds that help with gastritis, ulcers and inflammation of the liver and liver failures.  Pain from menstrual cycles can also be alleviated teas that contain marigolds.  Bathing in water containing marigolds can be beneficial to people who suffer from burns, acne, infected wounds and various skin ailments.

    An oily complexion can be treated by soaking marigolds in warm water and applying them directly to the face for about ten minutes per day followed by a thorough rinse.  There are a few varieties of marigolds.  The household variety of marigolds is called tagetes and these do not contain the healing properties that have been mentioned previously.  The calendula variety is the flower which contains all of the healing properties.

    The bright colors on the marigolds petals are provided by a substance called carotenoids which are anti-oxidants.  These anti-oxidants help protect human cells from damage caused by free radicals, molecules found in the body which are harmful to the cells and can lead to damage to DNA and can lead to diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Fast and cheap

    Posted on May 25th, 2011 How to pass

    When looking for an easy way to solve a problem, people usually hunt for the best price instead of quality. Most of the cheap products not only do not work, but also there is a chance that they will have an adverse effect and make you feel worse. Especially this is true regarding permanent detox products.

    -         O, hi! I am looking for this place I got this stuff from, but I am not sure you are them – the pills that I got were five bucks, your stuff is more expensive. Do you offer complete cleansing stuff? I am trying to entirely clean my body out so I can start looking for a job – I really need one.

    -         One of the best permanent complete body cleansers is this Premium Detox 7 Day Kit – it will purify your entire body…

    -         I see, do you have anything cheaper than that, but just as good? Last week I got this stuff that was supposed to get me clean in 5 days, but I do not think it worked because it made me so sick I had to go to the doctors. I guess I cannot pass a drug test unless I spend a lot of money, eh? Does this product really work? Will it make me sick?

    -         All the products we carry are completely natural and work very well. Make sure to check the ingredients list on the product before you start taking it to ensure you will not have an allergic reaction to anything in it.

    -         Oh, yeah, of course. Ok, if you guarantee it let me try this one out. I need to get clean fast.

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 2

    Posted on May 24th, 2011 How to pass

    The most well known, and commonly spoken of home remedy for passing a Urine Drug Test is dilution. Dilution is the process by which you take in a very large amount of fluid so that the metabolite distribution of THC in your urine sample is spread far thinner than it would be if you had taken in normal amounts of fluid.

    The main reason that dilution used to work, but no longer does is because Labs have gotten smart to this attempt to fool them. When a sample is analyzed in a lab a diluted sample will come back as inconclusive. The labs haven’t always had such sensitive equipment so they didn’t know that they were getting false negatives from diluted samples until more recently in the history of Drug Testing. Now, they can see clearly that there is far more fluid in a sample than all of the other things that should be present. They test a Urine sample now, not just for the drug metabolites, but also to see if it has a proper Creatine level (Creatine being a by-product of the normal digestive system producing an expected amount at regular intervals), a proper Ph Balance, and color, as well as temperature and many other factors. Simply diluting yourself by drinking large quantities of water will no longer help you to fool the labs into seeing your sample as anything more than a tampered with sample. When the labs detect this they assume that you were purposefully diluting your sample in order to falsify the results, and they give you an automatic failure.

    Often people will tell you that you can dilute yourself, but take supplements to increase the Creatine and color so that you can pass your test. What most people don’t seem to realize is that the list of vitamins and supplements that you would need to purchase separately in order to make up what’s lost with the increase of water is a lengthy list, and in the end would cost you more than a Detox Product that’s already got all those vitamins and supplements inside of it.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Rose Hips Part 7

    Posted on May 23rd, 2011 How to pass

    Rose Hips are one of the ingredients in our detox teas.  There are many medicinal benefits to rose hips, not the least of which is its disease fighting capabilities.  Roses are red, violets are blue. You should eat more rose hips because they are good for you. Bad poetry, good ingredient.  Rose hips are a wonderful source of vitamin C and are said to contain up to sixty percent more vitamin C than citrus fruit.

    When you look at a rose you think beauty and fragrance not vitamins, but rose hips are abundant in something called bioflavonoids which help build and strengthen body tissue which helps build a strong vascular system.  Rose hips also contain vitamin E and vitamin K which helps prevent infections and colds and flu symptoms.  It can also speed up the healing of skin irritation and bruises and inflammation of the throat.  Women will also find rose hips useful to help with uterine cramps and heavy menstrual flow.  Some of the other vitamins and minerals found in rose hips are: calcium, citric acid, iron, niacin, phosphorous, tannin, vitamin A, B1, and B2.

    Rose hips are a natural stimulant and help move the bowels and cleanse the urinary tract. It also helps with heart and lung problems and to strengthen other organs.  Rose hips have been found to prevent the development of kidney stones and diarrhea. It also acts as a blood cleanser by strengthening the thymus gland.

    (To Be Continued)

  • Not only pot

    Posted on May 20th, 2011 How to pass

    It is not a secret that they are not looking for drugs in the system during a drug test, but for drug metabolites – the by-products that are left in the body after the drug has been consumed. All substances have various, unlike structures, therefore, they all influence the body in its unique way, and of course, the by-products stay in the body afterwards different amount of time. It is commonly known that the presence of marijuana can be detected long after it has been consumed, in rare cases detecting up to three month. Other substances – like cocaine, heroin, amphetamine – do not stay in the body for too long, and detection time is counted in days instead of weeks. However, pot is not the only drug that can stay in the system for an extended period of time.

    -          Hello, I have a basic question regarding a drug test. I am trying to figure something out – I know pot stays in your system, like, forever, but what about everything else? I stayed clean for so long, and still tested positive, so now I am confused.

    -          It really depends on the drug itself, certain metabolites can stay in the body for quite some time, and they all stay in the hair forever – until the hair is cut off. There is a detection chart on our website if you want to take a look at it. What toxin are you concerned with?

    -          I think it is called benzos – I used to take Valiums every now and again, but I was clean for at least a couple weeks before the test.

    -          Benzodiazepines can be detected for up to six weeks after consumption. Let me recommend you a detox drink that will help you pass a test before you can get completely clean from it.

  • Myths and Legends Revealed: Part 1

    Posted on May 19th, 2011 How to pass

    There are so many different theories going around the world today about how you can pass any upcoming drug test you might have to face using things you would easily find at the supermarket or around your own home. But don’t fall for the myths and legends these supposed “Home Remedies” have created over the course of the years that drug testing has become the standard.

    Truth is that a large number of these so called “Home Remedies” simply do not work. They don’t even have any basis in scientific fact and have in some cases been known to cause illness in the person attempting to make use of it. Be careful before attempting any of these as not only cause they make you sick, but since most don’t work you could jeopardize your job with a failed drug test. While it is true that at one point a few of these remedies did help Labs have gotten smarter and more advanced in their testing techniques, so what might have worked say twenty years ago is now an outdated and very risky way to keep your employment.

    In today’s world just about everybody has to pass a drug test at one point or another. It’s become a very common method for employers as part of a potential or current employees background check. The most common kind of drug test being administered in labs all across the country is the urinalysis, or Urine Drug Test. Over the course of the series of articles to follow this one, we will be examining many of the myths surrounding the Urine Drug Tests, and why those home remedies do not work, despite what you may have heard.