There is a strong belief that exercise and dieting hardcore in the days leading up to a Drug Test will work to help flush the toxins from your system so you can provide a clean sample on test day. Not only is this a false myth, but it will work against you. THC as well as other toxins hide in your fat cells. Which means that not only does drinking tons of water not help you (as fat cells are not water soluble and thus don’t wash away with excessive amounts of water) but sweating will not remove toxins from your system at all. In fact, the opposite is true. When you work up a sweat you are burning your fat cells, and thus – releasing all the stored toxins into your blood stream and urinary tract. This makes exercise and dieting in the days before a test a bad idea.
Diet pills for the same reasons do not help, especially as many of the ingredients in diet pills will cause the test to come back positive for other drug metabolites than you never intended for your sample to show.
One of the only real advantages to exercising before a Drug Test is that as you burn up fat cells and release more of the toxins stored in your body into your blood stream and urinary tract you are in fact processing out more toxins then you would normally, so – if you are given advanced notice of an upcoming Drug Screen then this will work to your advantage, as you can start exercising and burning up fat cells and processing out more toxins everyday. Cutting down your complete detox time a great deal the longer you have and the harder you exercise.