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Category: How to pass

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Sarsaparilla Root (Part 6)

    Posted on May 18th, 2011 How to pass

    Back in the Old West there were two kinds of drinkers: whiskey drinkers and sarsaparilla drinkers.  Most of the good guys like the sheriff were sarsaparilla drinkers and most of the bad guys were whiskey drinkers.  There is no whiskey in our detoxifying teas but there is sarsaparilla.  You can add your own whiskey if you like but that is up to you.    Sarsaparilla is added to the tea blends because of the many useful qualities it brings to the tea.  Sarsaparilla contains vitamins A, C, D and B-complex.  There are also many minerals like iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, copper, zinc, sulfur, and iodine that are found in sarsaparilla.

    The female hormone progesterone and the male hormone testosterone are also found in sarsaparilla.  It can help to strengthen brain tissues and nerve fibers, lungs, throat, and spinal cord.  The most important reason that it is added to our detoxifying tea blends is that it acts as a very effective blood purifier and provides extra stamina and energy.  Because it contains testosterone it is believed that sarsaparilla will even make hair grow on balding men.

    Sarsaparilla is a vine that is found in the rain forests of Central and South America and the indigenous tribes of this region often used this herb for a cure for sexual impotence, skin ailments, and to increase strength.  When Europeans discovered sarsaparilla, they soon found it useful to treat sexually-transmitted diseases.  Because sarsaparilla promotes urination and sweating, it is an excellent detoxifier and helps relieve fever.

    (To Be Continued)

  • How do I make my urine synthetic?

    Posted on May 17th, 2011 How to pass

    In today’s market there is a great variety of products you did not even know existed, and, what is more interesting, the selection changes almost every day. Fast jump in technology lets us enjoy things we could not even imagine, say, twenty years ago. So of course, in order to benefit from such advantage to the fullest, one needs to be on top of everything – which is tough to accomplish; this is where explanations and directions come in handy.

    -          Good afternoon, can you answer questions? I have one about this product I see on the web, it is called a synthetic urine. I understand that this particular product can be used to assist passing a drug test. My question is – how does this work? This technology is a little confusing to me – how is it possible to turn human urine into something synthetic? Do they purify it in some particular way? If they can get rid of all toxins through that mechanism, why do I have to buy someone else’s urine when I can just get my own cleansed?

    -          Oh no, synthetic urine is made in the lab, it is not purified human urine. If you wish to purify your own we can suggest you several detox products for cleansing.

    -          No thanks, that looks like a lot of work. So what do they do – just color some water, bottle it up and sell it as urine?

    -          No, it is not water, but special formula that corresponds to all the characteristics of a human urine – it will pass creatine, pH and specific gravity level test, as well as testing negative for toxins.

    -          Ok, I think I am beginning to understand. Can you send me a couple of packs of that?


    Posted on May 16th, 2011 How to pass

    A few customers asked me recently about the viability of synthetic urine because it cannot possibly have blood particles in it. This gave me pause, I had never heard of blood particles in urine before, much less that they test for such a thing.

    After doing some research on the topic I realized that there was an urban myth surrounding the use of synthetic urine. The labs and employers attempt to stop people from using the synthetic by spreading the belief that your normal every day urine sample should contain blood particles particular to the person giving the sample. Should they test it they should be able to see that the blood particles match the blood type and other DNA factors of the sample provider. But this is only a rumor, a myth, a legend. Not a bit of it is true.

    You can rest assured that you’re normal human urine sample like a synthetic sample do not contain any sort of blood particles, not even in the tiniest amounts. If your urine did contain any traces of blood in it – this is an indicator that you are suffering from a disease of some sort. Usually blood in the urine – even in small amounts is indicative of poor kidney function. But if there is nothing wrong with your kidneys and you are not currently suffering from any other disease then there should not be any traces of blood – no matter how small in your urine sample.

    This is not the first time in history that labs and employers have floated out rumors and myths surrounding drug testing in an effort to deter people from using detox products. The worst of which is all the confusion currently surrounding any Home Remedies for cleaning yourself out and being able to pass the upcoming test. Look for our upcoming article series discussing different Home Remedies and why they should not be relied on.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Chamomile Flower Part 5

    Posted on May 13th, 2011 How to pass

    Detoxifying your body with a relaxing cup of tea is the easiest way to rid your body of harmful toxins that have been building up in your system for a long time.  Our detox teas contain a lot of different herbs and minerals that can help you cleanse your system.

    One of these ingredients is the Chamomile flower.  Chamomile is native to Europe and Asia and has been used for centuries both internally and externally to treat a variety of conditions.   Some of the benefits of chamomile are that it can be used as a sleep aid if you have trouble with insomnia.  It can help boost the immune system, relieve muscle spasms, soothe the nerves and stomach, reduce menstrual cramps in women, improve liver function and act as an anti-inflammatory agent.

    Chamomile also can help regulate blood sugar so it can help prevent the onset of diabetes, help with weight control and provide your body with more energy.  In the Middle Ages, people used chamomile to treat various medical conditions such as asthma, nausea, colic, fever and skin disease.

    Modern research has revealed that chamomile has anti-bacterial, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory properties.  Chamomile salve has been used to quell painful hemorrhoids and topical wounds.  Taken internally, Chamomile can help with morning sickness during pregnancy, facilitate bowel movements, treat diverticulitis and other gastrointestinal diseases and help with lumbago and rashes.  Used as a vapor it can alleviate allergies and act as an antihistamine. It is a wonderful stress reliever and can alleviate dental pain in children who are teething.

    (To Be Continued)

  • I can’t believe this happened to me!

    Posted on May 12th, 2011 How to pass

    It does not happen too often, but when it does – people get utterly surprised and frustrated. When you know you will need to get tested eventually, you quit everything and start preparing to pass a drug test. It does not seem fair that even if you stay clean as long as you need to your test results are still questioned.

    -          Hi, I have a problem, and I hope you can help me. I just came out of a drug testing place, and they did one of those right-now tests, so I already know that I have to come back and retake it, but I was wondering if you can explain something to me. Here is the thing that I do not understand: I have been clean for almost half a year – five and a half month – and I know I should have tested negative, but they said that they we not sure and asked me to come back and retake it. And they said it looked like there was cocaine in my system! I never used that stuff, I used to smoke pot, but never done any cocaine!

    -          There is only one possible explanation to a result like this if you have never used anything before – on instant tests like this a false positive results are quite common. Have you taken any prescription or over-the-counter medications in the past 24 hours prior to your test?

    -          Eh, I think so – I had a headache last night and I took an aspirin. Does that really matter? I thought they only test for illegal drugs?

    -          Yes, but such over-the-counter medications sometimes interfere with tests and cause a false positive on other substances. Aspirin normally exits the body in 12-24 hours, so if you will be re-testing tomorrow, make sure you do not take anything at all today, but if it is still an issue – list everything you have taken in the past month just to be on a safe side.


    Posted on May 11th, 2011 How to pass

    Continuing with the explanation of why synthetic urine is far and above the best product for most of your needs in passing a Urinalysis we begin with the most common concern for customers, temperature.

    How can you get the room temperature sample that you’ve ordered to be at the right body temperature? Obviously you cannot hand the lab technician a room temperature sample, or god forbid even a cold one. That would send up a red flag immediately. A liquid that has been inside your body mere moments before should still be about body temperature, around 98.7 degrees. And even then, how is it that you can know that the sample you’re about to pour out of the bottle and into the sample cup is even at the right temperature? Just because it feels warm or rather hot to you doesn’t mean that it’s correct.

    And this is why again synthetic urine is one of our best products. On every single bottle of synthetic urine there is a temperature gage strip. It indicates whether or not the liquid inside the bottle it is attached to is between 96 degrees and 100 degrees. So, now we’ve solved the problem of knowing that the sample is at the right temperature, but how do we get it to the correct temperature in the first place?

    And this is where this product truly shines. Every single bottle of synthetic urine also comes with a heating pad. A small square shaped warming pad that wraps around the bottle (using a rubber band that is also included in the box) and warms up the liquid inside until it is at the proper temperature. The heating pad is made to heat up a product or item to between 96 degrees and 100 degrees. This is its sole purpose. The heating pad can take up to an hour to get up to temperature, but afterwards will stay warm up to ten hours.

    The instructions are easily to follow, and the product is already done, all you need to do is activate a heating pad and wrap around the bottle at least an hour before you head into the little bathroom.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Burdock Root (Part 4)

    Posted on May 10th, 2011 How to pass

    Okay so you’ve got your morning newspaper. You’ve got your morning cup of coffee and you’ve got a drug test coming up soon.  What do you do now?  Well you can look in the want ads for a new job that you’ll need once you’ve failed your drug test because you smoked some marijuana and it is still in your system.  You could just substitute that morning cup of coffee for a morning cup of tea, detoxifying tea to be more precise.  These detoxifying teas contain many herbs that on their own help with ridding the body of toxins but these herbs blended together act as a super detoxifier ridding the body of harmful toxins in a much more rapid pace than if your body just naturally acted to rid itself of these toxins.

    One of these herbs is burdock root.  Burdock root is beneficial for a helping the body with a number of ailments ranging from acne to sinusitis.  It is a mild diuretic so it will help expel the toxins out of your system almost immediately.  Burdock root has a sweet taste and has been used throughout history by different civilizations to treat ailments such as measles, arthritis, tonsillitis, viruses, and throat pain.  Burdock root contains calcium, potassium, copper, iron and many other minerals and vitamins.  It also has antibacterial elements that are helpful with urinary infections and skin ulcers.  Because of its antibacterial properties, burdock root was often used to treat snake bites by ancient civilizations.  It was often used topically to treat eczema and psoriasis. The Chinese believed that Burdock root was an effective aphrodisiac.

    (To Be Continued)

  • I wanted to fool them

    Posted on May 9th, 2011 How to pass

    Dealing with necessity of passing a drug test can be quite stressful, especially when you are faced with a hair drug test. This type of test is not as easy and considered to be more accurate and fool-proof than other types of testing. But do not worry – there are specialized products invented even for a test like this – if there is a demand, there will always be a supply. Unfortunately, the existence of detox shampoo is not a well-known fact, and some people are still inventing other ways of trying passing a test.

    -          Hello there! I have a question that may sound stupid, but I am going to ask it anyway. I had a hair drug test last week, and I knew that I was not going to pass because I had some history in the past year, you know what I mean? In any case, I did not really worry about it because I have extensions. I figured I can give the pieces off of them instead of my own hair, but then I started worrying what if the person who donated their hair for it used drugs? By the time I got to the place I was a nervous wreck! But as it turns out – I do not get to choose which hair to give them because they take it themselves! They were trying to get my real hair so that the test is accurate, but I guess it was too hard to do, so they sent me home to take the extensions out and asked to come in for re-testing. What do I do now? Please help!

    -          You need to use a detox shampoo on the test day – that will make your hair clean and pure of any toxins.

    Sometimes a simple solution to a complicated problem is right there before your eyes, you just need a little guidance.


    Posted on May 6th, 2011 How to pass

    Synthetic Urine is one of our most popular products. It is used for many reasons, and is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to guarantee that you will pass your upcoming drug test. But there has been a lot of speculation as of late as to whether or not a person can use synthetic urine at all.

    Aside from the obvious reasons a person could not use synthetic urine (they will be watched and or supervised while giving their sample / they will be searched upon entering the lab / they are being tested by the Department of Transportation) a big concern amongst customers as of late is that the synthetic urine cannot be used because it does not contain blood particles, which is expected of a urine sample. This is a myth. This is something that labs and testing companies are putting out there in order to scare a customer away from using synthetic urine.

    In today’s market even the companies are trying to save some money if they can. And Urine Drug Testing is the cheapest form of drug testing because it is a simple test that does not have to be analyzed very much. To test the sample before them for synthetics – or any other agent to see if it is or is not a synthetic sample – would be a very expensive test that most companies and labs do not currently perform.

    While we understand that many of you simply are not comfortable with synthetic urine we would like to point out that it is the only one of our products that you would never have to worry about so long as you can check off the three main reasons a person cannot use synthetic urine then it is your best and easiest solution to the problem at hand.

  • The Tea Trade: Tea for THC Red Clover Blossoms (Part 3)

    Posted on May 5th, 2011 How to pass

    Another ingredient in our detox tea is red clover blossom.  You might recognize this herb from its reddish purple flower that usually has a few bees flying around the bud.  This blossom has many wonderful medicinal benefits.  It works well as an anti-inflammatory agent and also has antiseptic properties.  It serves well as a blood thinner.

    The red clover blossom has been used in traditional herbal medicine to treat inflammations of the skin.  The flowers are crushed and ground and applied to insect bites and bee stings to reduce the swelling and itching of the bite.  It has also been used to reduce swelling associated with gout and arthritis.

    When taken internally, red clover blossom is very helpful with the reduction of inflammation in the lungs and the liver.  It also helps alleviate problems from skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.  Red Clover is also very helpful in alleviating coughs. It is made into syrup and is used as an expectorant to quell dry, stubborn coughs.

    Red clover blossoms contain a substance called coumarin which prevents blood clotting.

    This is helpful to those who suffer from hypertension and atherosclerosis.  It has wonderful blood-cleansing properties.  Red clover leaves contain valuable minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.

    Red clover blossom has been used for centuries to help women with menstrual problems and for menopausal women.  It may help to regulate menstrual cycles and help with reproductive problems and fertility problems.  Red clover blossom contains a substance called beta sitosterol which helps with high blood pressure and reduces bad cholesterol levels.  It also contains something called genistein which removes intestinal parasites and tapeworms.

    (To Be Continued)