Eventually, almost everyone has to take a drug test either for pre employment screening, court ordered or just random drug testing on the job. If you smoke marijuana it takes a while for the THC to clear out of your system so you had better be prepared for any contingencies. A random drug test could pop up just like those pop quizzes the teachers would surprise you with in grade school and high school so you had better be prepared. Whether it is a urine test, a saliva test or a hair test you should always have some detox products on hand for such an emergency. You do not want to lose your job because you were not prepared, do you?
If you are called upon to submit to a saliva test then there are detox mouthwashes that can give you a clean test result just minutes after rinsing with the mouthwash. The detox mouthwash will give you about one half hour to forty five minutes where no drug metabolites will be detected in your saliva.
If you need to submit a urine sample you should have on hand a detox drink and some detox capsules to use a few hours before your test to provide a clean sample. If you haven’t abstained from ingesting any toxins for at least forty eight hours before your test then always keep a bottle of synthetic urine in your medicine cabinet or glove compartment of your car. You never know when you will need it.
A hair test does not require a forty eight hour abstinence to be effective so some detox shampoo used a few hours before your hair test will assure you that your hair sample will pass the hair test.
Last but not least, if you do not remember the last time you smoked marijuana and want to be sure that your urine is clean for your urine test then invest in some home test strips to test your urine at home to determine if your sample is clean. Remember, always be prepared!