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  • October 1st, 2013

    Keep Your Machine Clean (Part 5)

    Your body is like a machine and you need to treat it that way. Anything that you put into a machine affects its functionality. If you constantly are putting toxins like THC, nicotine, cocaine, fats and sugar into you body it will affect your health. You need to offset the good with the bad. Taking dietary supplements should not be confined to just help you pass a drug test but to provide your body with essential nutrients that are lacking in our modern diets.
    Our bodies need certain enzymes to help with digestion and metabolism and things like stress, lack of exercise, fast food diets and various toxins that we put into our bodies diminish these enzymes over time. We need to replenish these enzymes to keep our bodies running effectively.
    At MB Detox we sell a product called Vale’s Herbal N Zyme that contains natural herbs like dandelion root, garlic, alfalfa, papaya leaf, and peppermint leaf among other ingredients that help replenish these essential enzymes to keep the body’s digestive system running smoothly. Elements in these herbs help our bodies metabolize proteins which in turn help with liver and kidney function. A healthy liver is what carries harmful toxins out of our system. A buildup of toxins in our liver can spread to other organs and cause great harm. Reversing this build up is possible by improving your diet and that may mean taking supplements that our bodies do not get enough of because we do not eat enough healthy foods.


    (To Be Continued)

    Healthy Lifestyle