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  • December 30th, 2009

    225 lbs of marijuana

    Seven hundred fifty thousand (750,000) dollars worth of marijuana was confiscated by police in Oregon. Three people were arrested a week after an undercover police officer purchased 65 pounds of pot. Overall police confiscated over 225 lbs of marijuana, which believed to be connected to Oregon Medical Marijuana Program.

    In December of current year, an undercover police officer bought 65 pounds of marijuana in a restaurant parking lot in Oregon. Both people involved were arrested and that purchase led to three searches in Josephine and Jackson counties. According to police, all three locations are associated with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program.

    At the first location approximately 11 lbs of marijuana were acquired and one person was arrested. At the second location police detained approximately 131 lbs of marijuana and three firearms; one more person was arrested. Shortly after that arrest, another search in the same county led to discovering a “sophisticated indoor marijuana growing operation.” About 20 lbs of wrapper pot and 48 grown plants were seized, six firearms detained and one more person arrested.

    Investigators connect all the activity and above-mentioned arrests to Oregon Medical Marijuana Program.

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