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  • July 16th, 2013

    Science of Drug Test Detox

    We get a lot of calls from very anxious customers who are very afraid they cannot pass their coming drug tests or have to pass a court ordered drug tests or urine drug tests. The first thing we tell them is to relax; we then review the facts and science of passing drug tests. When our customers call we review their exact needs. First we need to know if they are taking a urine drug test, hair drug test or saliva drug test. This is important because each has different was how to detox to pass a drug test. Then we review the following facts which determine what detox product would be best for you.
    1. Frequency of drug usage. Rumor has it, that people who use drugs more frequently do not have prolonged detection time, since frequent usage builds high tolerance for drugs and heavy users get rid of toxins faster. However, the more toxins you put in your body, the more stays in it. That is especially true with such toxins as THC, metabolites of which are stored in fat cells.
    2. Metabolism. Metabolism rate varies in different people; it depends on body type and the how much physical activity one does every day. Metabolism is generally the amount of energy or calories your body burns. Some people have faster metabolism than others, and a faster metabolism can help your body to get rid of toxins faster.
    3. Tolerance. Again, it varies for each individual. Tolerance can be built by frequent usage, which increases the level of toxins in your body and makes it harder to pass a drug test in a short period of time.
    4. Amount of body fat. In general, metabolism rate is a reverse proportion to the amount of body fat, meaning, the more body fat there is, the slower metabolism rate. Some drug metabolites are also stored in fat cells (e.g. THC), making it difficult to get rid of in a short period of time, because it is impossible to burn all the fat cells overnight.
    5. Age. The older a person, the slower metabolism rate is. The time it takes body to get rid of drug metabolites increases with age.
    Everyone is different and the differences in age, weight and lifestyle can affect drug screening results. When preparing to take a drug test, make sure you know what can be a detection time for your specific situation and prepare yourself accordingly.

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