May 21st, 2012
A little too much
Asking for advice is always a good thing, especially when something as serious as s drug test is about to happen, but in some situations you have to be careful and think twice before actually following the advice you were given.
- Hi there! I have a question – how do they know if you used something in your urine? I mean – how can they tell? You see, the thing is – I went to get my urine test done, and I knew that I would not pass it on my own, so I used a little trick to make it pass. A friend of mine said I can try a detox drink, but they are kind of expensive. And he also told me that I can add a little bit of eye drops into the cup, and that will make the urine clean! I went out and got some right before I had to go pass a drug test, but now I am not sure if I poured enough, maybe just a couple drops was not enough? I was afraid that if I pour too much they will be able to tell there is something in it, you know? So, what is the deal with this? How much is enough?
- Unfortunately, such additive as eye drops is not a very good masking agent. It does not make your urine clean of toxins, but actually adds chemicals to the sample that can be detected during a drug test. In most cases, even a few drops can affect the test results and show up as a possible sample
- Oh, no! They can see that? Even if it is a little bit? Oh, man, I wish I knew that earlier. I am definitely going to have to retest now… Can you overnight me some detox products?