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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • October 12th, 2010

    A Quick Review

    Sometimes it is hard to find a solution to a problem, and without an advice it can be truly impossible:

    - Hi, is this a detox place? I have a problem! I need to pass a urinalysis drug screening tomorrow and it is vital that I pass! I failed the first one and now I will lose my job if I fail it a second time.

    - Have you used anything to help you pass the first time?

    - Well, I tried… I had this drink that my buddy got for me, but I didn’t like the way it tasted and couldn’t drink it. I think I drank like half of it, but it only made me sick…

    - There are tablets that you can take instead of a drink, which is the same kind of product, but in a solid form instead of a liquid.

    - Oh, cool! So, I can smoke up to the day I take the test and then just take these tablets and be good to go, right?

    - Not exactly: it is recommended that you stop any toxin intake 48-72 hours before you use the product. Now, if you want to be 100% sure you are going to pass the urine test and do not want to stop smoking, your only choice would be the synthetic urine.

    - And I could keep smoking and not worry about failing the test?

    - Yes, that’s right.

    - Does it taste better then the detox drink I had?

    - Oh no, you do not drink the synthetic urine, you heat it up in a microwave and use the included heating pad to keep it warm while you wait for the test, and then just pour it in instead of your own urine.

    - Ok, that sounds pretty easy, but why do I need warm it up in the microwave?

    - When urine leaves you body the average temperature of it is between 94 and 100 degrees and they will check the validity of a sample by measuring the temperature.

    - And this is guaranteed to work for me?

    - The only way this product will not work for you is if you are taking a DOT test – they specifically look for the synthetics in urine; other than that – yes, it has a 100% money back guarantee from by manufacturers.

    - Awesome! That is exactly what I need! You might as well send me two so I have one around just in case.

    - You got it.

    - Phew, thanks again! I can’t tell you what a relief this is.

    How to pass