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  • December 21st, 2009

    An uncontrollable situation

    Every winter we get a lot of phone calls. These phone calls are from angry customers whose packages arrive late. We calmly explain to them that these packages are late due to weather conditions. Some customers are very understandable, and some are not. Last winter I received a phone call:

    MB Detox, how can I help you?”

    “I ordered a package yesterday for overnight shipping and it was supposed to be here at 10:30am. It’s already 11am and it’s not here”

    “Can I have your last name?”

    I tracked his package and saw that the package is late due to weather conditions.

    “Sir, is it snowing in your area?”


    “Is there a lot of snow?”

    “Yep, about 8 inches.”

    “Ok, well your package is late because of weather conditions. UPS cannot deliver your package because of the snow and delivery is rescheduled for tomorrow.”

    “What? I need my package today! I do not care about the weather! I paid for overnight shipping and I want my package!”

    “I am sorry, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do.”

    “What do you mean there is nothing you can do? I want my package TODAY! If I do not get my package today, I want a full refund for everything including the shipping.”

    He kept yelling at me like it was my fault that he did not receive the package. I had nothing else to say to him, but he kept screaming.

    Finally I raised my voice and said: “Sir, do I control the weather? Or do you control the weather? Or does UPS control the weather?”

    He became quiet.

    “That’s exactly my point. We cannot control what happens with the weather, so unfortunately we cannot give you any type of refund.”

    “Ok, Thank You!”

    In our lives we cannot control everything. This is a prime example of something uncontrollable. Unfortunately, we come across this problem every season when there is bad weather.

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