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  • December 29th, 2011

    Afraid of shrooms?

    Among the huge variety of mushrooms there are some that are served in plates for a dinner table, and there are others that can be used only for “virtual” trip to far away. This is not the most popular way of recreation, but it has been around for a while and does not seem to go out of fashion any time soon. However, some people experience general fear and some degree of uncertainty when the use of psychedelic mushrooms comes up in conversation – apparently, according to an urban myth, shrooms make your brain bleed causing hallucinations. Is that really so?

    As a part of a group of hallucinogenic drugs, any psychedelic substance works in a similar manner of altering cognition and perception of a person. Psilocybin is actually very alike in structure to the two natural neurotransmitters – serotonin and DMT. So instead of making a brain bleed (as according to the myth) it merely pushes serotonin away and “uses” the brain receptors making the body to break up momoamine oxidase enzymes.

    Other drugs, like stimulants and opioids, also induce similar states of consciousness, but only psychedelic drugs affect human mind in such a way that a person experiences something extraordinary. If you had one of such experiences lately and have a drug test coming up shortly, remember to protect your private life with the help of a detox drink or detox pills. Simple and easy to use, detox will keep your urine clean for several hours, offering you a possibility to successfully pass a test.

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