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  • December 1st, 2009

    And the heating pad goes boom!

    Synthetic urine is basically a foolproof method. If you keep it at the correct temperature, there is no reason not to pass with it, unless it’s for DOT of course.

    A customer placed an order for a 2 oz bottle of synthetic urine. He is heavy marijuana and cocaine user and he needs to pass a urine test. He called and placed the order with me. I always ask the customer if they would like an extra heating pack, just in case something happens to the first one. He said no, and just ordered the urine package.

    A couple days later I get a phone call:

    MB Detox. How can I help you?”

    “I can’t believe that I just did.”

    It was the same customer. He was really panicking and I could not understand why.

    “I opened the heating pack and put it in the microwave.”

    Oh this cannot be good, I thought to myself.

    “I turned it on for 10 seconds and about 5 seconds later I heard a loud nose! Boom! I ran over to the microwave and the heating pack had exploded! It f***ed up my microwave!!!”

    I really just wanted to laugh because on the wrapping of the heating pack it does not say anything about microwaving and I’m sure if it happened to someone else he would he laughing too.

    “I don’t know what to do. How am I supposed to keep to urine warm now? My test is in 30 minutes!”

    “Since you don’t have an extra heating pad, I suggest you warm the urine right before you leave the house and try to keep it in a warm place. If your microwave does not work you can put the bottle under very hot water, but that may take a while to heat it up.”

    That’s a pretty funny story about a heating pad.

    How to pass
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