August 9th, 2012
When you are asked to take a drug test, whether it is for pre-employment screening, court ordered, or for insurance purposes the first thing that comes to mind is “Uh, Oh, am I clean or not?” You immediately go into panic mode wondering when the last time you did anything and if it is still in your system. The first thing you should do is to go and get a home test to see for yourself before submitting a sample. Fore warned is fore armed.
If you think you will fail due to smoking marijuana on a regular basis, one time use at a party or doing ecstasy at a rave or taking painkillers that you don’t have a prescription for then by all means TEST YOURSELF!!
Marijuana, in particular, stays in your system longer than any other substance that you may ingest. Because the THC metabolites adhere to the fat cells, it does take some time to shed those metabolites because you have to break down the fat cells in order to release those toxins. By testing yourself ahead of time you can be prepared for passing a drug test.
There are a few options open to you now. You can try to do a permanent cleanse and rid yourself of all unwanted toxins and go into your test confident that you are clean. You can get a detox drink that will enable you to pass a clean sample foe a few hours provided you give yourself a few days without using any substances or you could get some synthetic urine and have that on hand if you are asked to take a test with very little notice.
You probably check your bank account balance regularly to make sure that you won’t be overdrawn so you should probably also be aware of your toxin levels at any given time so you can pass a drug test and not have to worry about the consequences of failing.