January 9th, 2012
Celery: It’s Not Just For Bloody Mary’s Anymore
Celery Seed is an ingredient commonly found in thousands of household recipes. It has been used for hundreds of years as an herbal medicine to treat a vast array of ailments such as arthritis, water retention, liver problems and flu and cold symptoms. Today, many herbalists use celery seed as a diuretic and also to treat urinary tract infections.
Celery seed has ingredients in it which are anti-bacterial and this is very helpful in fighting these types of infections. Studies done on animals suggest that celery seed may be helpful in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Also, celery seed has been thought to be a useful supplement to prevent liver damage. These tests are only in their preliminary stage and have not been substantiated in research in humans yet.
Adding celery seed to soups or gravy is a good way to introduce spice as well as a valuable herb with healing properties to your diet. Celery seed may also be found in capsule form which is usually filled with celery seed oil. This is a quick and much more efficient delivery system if you don’t like the taste or don’t like to cook with it.
There are some precautions one must take before using celery seed. There is a difference between seeds designated for planting and seeds meant for ingestion. Make sure you choose the right kind because the seeds designated for planting may be treated with fungicide or pesticide and may be harmful if ingested. Women who are pregnant should avoid using celery seed because they may cause contractions in the uterus. You should check with your physician or an allergist to see if you may have a reaction to this herb. Celery seed may also increase sensitivity to light from the sun on the skin so caution must be used there also.