January 19th, 2012
Coloring lesson
Every now and again someone asks how to detox with water. Being as wonderful as it is, unfortunately, water alone cannot detoxify the body as good as a specialized product can.
- Hi, can I ask you a quick question? I have a test coming up in a couple of days, and just wanted to hear your opinion on this – I have been drinking water like crazy, I mean, I drink several gallons a day, I go to the bathroom like ten times a day. I am hurting from all of this, but just want to see if there is anything else I can do.
- There are a couple products you could use to assist the cleansing of your body. When id your test? How much time do you have?
- Well, the test is tomorrow, and I figured if I drink a lot of water and take some vitamins with it to get the color come back – cause you know if you drink a lot of water it makes the urine itself clear – and I can just pass with that. You know, cause it will be clean water I am peeing out!
- Unfortunately, it is a little more complicated than that – each sample is analyzed and checked not only for color and temperature, but also for pH level, specific gravity, etc. Excessive fluid consumption will not only alter the color, but also all the other readings will be off, that is why a line of specialized products was created – to help you pass the test without raising a dilution flag, or messing up any other readings.
- Oh, ok. How do I get one of those things?
Check out a urine drug test products – there is a great variety of sizes, styles and flavors to satisfy everyone, and assure successful drug test results.