Need to pass a drug test ? That's the best website

Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • March 9th, 2012

    Coloring Mix

    Upcoming drug test is always an unpleasant surprise, but what can be even more unpleasant is when you try to fix what did not need to be fixed. While preparing for the procedure either with detox kits or just by abstaining, it is always good to keep in mind a back-up plan. Just make sure it is a working back-up plan.

    -         Hello, do you answer weird questions? I am not sure if that happened to anyone before, but here is the thing – I had a urine test last week, and I was kind of fully prepared for it: I got this super drink and the guy at the store told me it will make me clean in thirty minutes. I kind of had doubts about it, you know, I smoked for years, and then in half hour I will be clean? It sounded like a joke. I used it anyway, cause I needed to pass a marijuana test, and it made my urine bright pink. I did not know what to do, so I added a little bit of water from the stall. You probably know that they put something in that water to make it blue, but I figured blue and pink may make it yellow, but it actually turned purple. I felt like an idiot, but what was I supposed to do? So anyway, I need something that will keep my urine normal color – can you guarantee that?

    -     All our products are natural and do not alter the color of the urine. However, make sure to read instructions for a detox drink prior to consuming it – your should try not to overeat on the day of your test and stay away from acidic drinks and food as the interaction of them may lead to adverse effects, like changing of color, or the product not working altogether.

    How to pass
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