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  • November 18th, 2011

    Drinking Bleach: Fact or Fiction?

    Can I pass a drug test by drinking bleach?  There have been many unfounded rumors going around on the internet about people being able to pass a drug test by drinking bleach.  The only test you will be passing by drinking bleach will be a stupidity test.  The rumor probably started because bleach will kill just about any bacteria.

    Some people suggest that adding bleach to your sample will help you pass a drug test but this will only throw the pH level off and it will register out of the body range for a normal sample and will trigger red flags that you have tampered with your sample.  Some bleach will leave a residue which will also indicate that the sample has been tampered with.

    Bleach contains a chemical known as sodium hypochlorite.  It is a chemical that is commonly found in many household cleaning products and can be lethal, especially if mixed with ammonia as it will produce a toxic gas that may lead to severe respiratory problems.   You may experience coughing from the fumes and a gagging sensation in the mouth as well as throat pain and possible burns in the esophagus.  You may also experience burning of the eyes and nose from the fumes.  Chest pain, low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat will also occur.  If it comes in contact with the skin it may result in burns or blistering.  If ingested it may cause severe stomach pains and vomiting.  If swallowed you should contact the Poison Control Center immediately.  If it comes in contact with the skin or eyes then you should flush with water continuously for approximately fifteen minutes.

    So if someone tells you that they passed a drug test by drinking bleach, they probably are not telling the truth.  They obviously did not try this method or they are just being cruel and this is not a very funny practical joke.  If you need to pass a drug test then either stop doing drugs or use a detox drink or detox capsules the next time you are being tested.

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