April 16th, 2012
Drug Testing Policy – Part 9
Many doctors seem to agree that the use of prescription medications as advised and within certain milligram dosages that are highly supervised by the doctors, that a person can and will operate even more efficiently because of the medicine allowing them to circumvent their own pain or other disability. The doctors have even gone on to say that the use of the medicine within these circumstances also will not cause sedative qualities in patients or any other problems with a person’s ability to think straight and without any difficulty.
Of companies that recently changed their drug testing policies and because of said changes did relieve a large number of employees from their jobs which have brought them under high scrutiny and in some cases has been taken to the courts to decide if it was legal or proper for the company to do this – many doctors agree that many of those relieved of their jobs were not in any way shape or form compromised because of their prescriptions. But that doesn’t alleviate a company’s very real concerns about having employees in their warehouses or operating sensitive equipment while under the influence of these drugs. Unfortunately the laws are bit to sketchy which makes many companies very afraid to put into place a new policy that does or does not include certain drugs. If they do then they are supposedly protecting the workplace from those that would abuse their prescription medications, but are also discriminating against those who simply have and need a prescription. Until the law gets more defined it’s a very thin line the company has to walk.