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  • November 4th, 2011

    False-positives – what you need to know: Moxifloxacin

    When submitting a specimen for a drug testing, you are required to disclose all the medication that you are currently taking or had taken in the past week or month. The reason why it is important to provide all the prescription names is that sometimes drugs interfere with each other and a test results comes up “false-positive” for something you had not taken. The detailed list of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that may influence the drug test results follows below.

    Last time we spoke about Fluoroquinolones.

    Today we will talk about Moxifloxacin.

    General drug information:

    Moxifloxacin is prescribed when there is a treatment required of such serious infections as pneumonia and bronchitis, and sometimes for sinus, skin, and abdominal infections that were caused by bacteria. In some cases Moxifloxacin can be used to treat tuberculosis and endocarditis (when other antibiotics cannot be used), and also it can be used to treat or prevent anthrax. Moxifloxacin is an antibiotic and it works by killing the bacteria that cause infections. It is administered in a tablet that is taken orally on daily basis for the time period suggested by a doctor. Normally, a patient should begin to feel better during the first few days of treatment with Moxifloxacin.

    Possible side effects:

    Treatment with Moxifloxacin may increase the risk of developing tendinitis (swelling of fibrous tissue) or having a tendon rupture (tearing of fibrous tissue), that may persist for up to several months after the treatment is over. These problems may affect tendons in shoulder, hand, the back of an ankle, or in other parts of body.

    For more details and how to prevent or treat possible side effects, discuss your concerns with your primary physician.

    Since treatment with Moxifloxacin can be a reason for a false positive reading on a urine drug test, make sure to appropriately prepare yourself if you have one coming up. A false-positive drug test results happens only once in a while, but it is better to play it safe if you have taken Moxifloxacin recently. False positive reading occurs when another substance (medication) present the body has a similar structure to the drugs being that are being tested for. Something as simple as detox pills suitable for your body weight can make a great difference in the test results.

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