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  • May 11th, 2012

    Fruits and Veggies

    For some people detoxification process is very serious matter, especially when a good job is on a line. When going through a cleansing process it is very important to do everything possible to keep up the healthy life style: a lot of liquids, healthy food, nothing fried or high in sugar. This may sound like a serious change in everyday life for some people, but certain sacrifices are necessary to get the best results.

    -         Hi, can you answer a question for me? I dunno if someone asked it before already, it is kind of weird, but I was wondering if I can eat apples? On the detox kit that I got it said that I need to eat healthy and stay clean and all those good things, but I just was not sure about apples…

    -         Sure, apples are fruit, you can eat them…

    -         No, I mean if the apple was smoked from. You know what I mean?

    -         Oh, wait – what?

    -         Well, you know when you smoke pot some people smoke it from a joint, or a blunt, or a bong, or you can do it from a fruit, like an apple. You know, make a little hole, turn the fruit into a little pipe?

    -         Ok, I would not recommend eating that apple afterwards. Even if eating fruits is healthy I think this would be an exception since it still may contain drug residue, and if you are trying to get clean it probably would be a bad idea to consume it.

    -         That is what I figured, but just wanted to check. Ok, no funky apples. Thanks!

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