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  • February 10th, 2010

    Get rid of toxins?

    A customer was a little worried. The situation was really simple, but difficult at the same time.

    - I’ve been told that THC toxins are stored in the fat cell, so I had my test yesterday and failed. Let me start from the beginning. I am a daily smoker, smoke on average twice a day, and I am 6’1’’ and 240 lb. I’ve quit about a week before the test and was fasting – I wanted to lose as much weight as I could. I barely ate anything and within a week I lost ten and a half pounds. I tried a detox drink at home and the test came up negative. I was really happy and all, but I failed my test at work. They are going to re-test me in two days, so what do I do? I need to test absolutely negative – my job is on the line!

    - Sir, just simple fasting will not lower your toxin level enough for you to pass the test on your own. You need to use detox drink ON THE TEST DAY, because it stays in effect only for three to five hours. It does not work overnight. Secondly, if you really want to clean your body of all toxins, you need to get herbal supplements to help your body detoxify, for example a 7-day cleansing program which would start to purify your entire body, and you need to eat, preferably healthy, and drink lots of fluids. Losing weight by not eating anything is not necessarily a good idea. For permanent cleanse try our detox kits, or get another detox drink to ensure your next urine test results.

    Not nourishing your body with any vital elements – food, minerals and vitamins – it not going to help your body to get rid of toxins. There are many ways to lose weight, fasting is not the best one, especially in detoxification process.

    How to pass
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