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  • February 10th, 2011

    Getting rid of it Part 2

    What else will help you to get clean faster? We have already established that body fat is an important factor in the cleansing process. Another vital point – keep your body well-hydrated. Significant part of our bodies consists of fluids, so maintaining high level of fluids intake will keep the body happy. When detoxing or cleansing, it is good to get into the habit of drinking more than usual – drink about a half a gallon more of liquids a day than normal. The more fluids that passes through, the better it is, since more toxin residue will be flushed out of your body. Also, keep in mind that some liquids are better than other: nothing beats water, but if you want to diversify it a little, green or herbal tea will nourish you, cranberry juice or any other fruit juices. Alcohol, including beer, is not something that helps (although it does make you urinate a lot), but in fact it is unfavorable and actually hurts you – not only alcohol dehydrates your body, but also places a bigger load on the kidneys, so less toxins are filtered out. Another thing to stay away from is salt – high salt intake makes your body to retain fluids which is the contrary of what you want to achieve: fluids should get in your body and leave it soon after, thus keeping the flow steady and continue the cleansing process without interruptions.

    These are just simple recommendations on how to improve the situation and to complement a cleansing program that you might get solely for the purpose of getting clean.

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