Today is President’s Day and we hope you are enjoying this great American holiday when we honor the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. It is a little known history fact that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both grew and traded various marijuana/hemp blends with other founding fathers and that the marijuana/hemp crop was an integral part of the United States’ growing economy. At that time, there were no detox products and passing drug tests was not an issue. Today, many states are moving towards legalizing casual and/or medical marijuana use. Our current president has taken a softer stance in regards to the federal government’s pursuit of casual pot users.
President’s Day is also known as a great day to catch a good sale. We to offer some great specials today so be sure to call and speak with one of our detox product professionals and get the product best for you! Our trained detox product professionals can review your exact needs and then suggest the detox product best to help you pass your drug tests.
The best anti drug test available is the synthetic urine. This product is only for pee tests and passing a urine drug test. It’s also what we strongly recommend if our customer has a history of frequent and heavy drug usage or has a high body weight. Many callers ask: will synthetic urine pass a lab test? The answer is yes. However, it cannot be used for DOT urine drug test or a medical physical preformed by a doctor. These tests actually do look for biological markers not in synthetic urine. Another great way to pass drug tests are our same day detox drink and detox pills combination. These are great urine cleansers and are most effective if used about two hours before a urine drug test and provides clean urine for about five hours.

These anti drug testing combination of detox drink and detox pills are very powerful and you should consult our detox professionals at 866-600-8820 before ordering.