September 15th, 2011
Have to give it up
- Hello, I have a problem, can you help me?
- We will definitely try.
- All right, you see – I do not normally do anything, I mean a beer now and then, but other than that I am clean. For the most part. So anyway, I was at this party and somebody handed me a joint so I smoked some. I know I should not have, but I did. But that is not all – there was a string of birthdays, for some reason all my friends had to be born in one month, I mean not in the same year of course, but you know what I mean. So anyway, I ended up smoking for like two weeks in a row. May be more than that, I am not sure. I have a test coming up, and I need to pass it. So the questions is – since I have not been a daily user or anything, I mean, I do not consider myself a heavy smoker, can I pass it without taking anything?
- When was the last time you have smoked?
- Erg, this past weekend. But my test is not until next Monday! So I have like a week to stay clean, and then I have another party to go to on the weekend, but I do not have to smoke that much – only a couple hit would not hurt, right?
- Unfortunately, you do need to stop smoking well in advance before your test – with every use the toxins level builds up and makes it more difficult for you to pass a drug test. Moreover, you will definitely need some kind of product to help you pass – with this short period of time you cannot get clean on your own. Let me give you a couple options you can choose from…