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  • June 12th, 2012

    Helpful Herbs Turkey Rhubarb

    One of the ingredients in many detox products is called turkey rhubarb.  The turkey rhubarb has been used medicinally in China for well over two thousand years because of its diuretic properties.  It is a strong laxative and may have some severe side effects so be sure to consult with your physician before taking any dietary supplement especially turkey rhubarb.  The roots and stems of the turkey rhubarb are edible however the leaves may be toxic.

    Turkey rhubarb may have strong gastrointestinal side effects depending on the dosage taken.  These include nausea, vomiting, colic, and a burning sensation in the mouth and throat area.  Taking turkey rhubarb in large doses may result in diarrhea and stomach cramps.  Some bleeding may occur if too much turkey rhubarb is ingested.

    Certain drugs like Lasix should not be taken while taking turkey rhubarb as a severe potassium depletion and electrolyte imbalance can occur and lead to urinary and digestive problems.  There is a substance in the turkey rhubarb leaves called oxalic acid and long term ingestion of this can lead to cell death in the liver and kidneys.  This particular substance is associated with kidney stones and people with liver or kidney stones should avoid taking turkey rhubarb.  Too much intake of oxalic acid may result in bone deterioration, kidney malfunction, seizures and irregular heartbeat.

    Women who are pregnant should avoid using turkey rhubarb as it may cause uterine contractions and jeopardize the fetus. The toxins can be passed through the breast milk to infants and may contribute to jaundice in the infants.

    Exposure to rhubarb leaves may cause rashes, hives and itchy skin.  Also associated with the handling of rhubarb leaves can bring chest pain’ difficulty in breathing, swelling of the tongue, swelling and tightness in the mouth and throat. Turkey rhubarb is a very powerful intestinal cleanser and is used as an effective colon cleanser.  It will serve as an excellent laxative and reduce constipation.

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