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  • October 11th, 2013

    Home Testing ( Part 2)

    If you think that you will be subjected to a saliva test then you may need a detox mouthwash to pass your test. If you want to be sure then you can use a Saliva six drug home test kit. In the privacy of your own home you can determine if you will test positive for amphetamines, methamphetamines, cocaine, opiates, THC and PCP.
    The detection time for drug metabolites in saliva tests is much shorter than detection time in a urine test so you will be able to determine if you would even need to purchase a detox mouthwash or not.
    Using a home test first can save you a lot of money by giving you a little insight into the unknown. By determining your toxicity a few days before your actual drug test you can feel confident that you will pass a drug test without the aid of a detox drink, detox capsules or synthetic urine. Conversely, if you find that you are failing a home test a few days in advance of your official test then it will give you sufficient time to order some detox products and avoid a lot of unnecessary worrying and possibly losing out on landing or keeping a job.
    Taking the unknown out of the equation can provide an amount of relief that nobody can put a price on. Home tests are much less expensive than detox products so testing yourself you can keep more money in your pocket. Like the old adage goes: “A stitch in time saves nine.”
    (To Be Continued)

    How to pass