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  • November 16th, 2012

    How do they know when I smoked?

    Technology came a long way in the past century, but still even now it is surprising of some things that become possible thanks to technology and progress. In the detox field the advancements and overall changes happen pretty often, and if you are concerned with passing a drug test the right way, you would want to be aware of everything that is happening during a lab test.

    -          Hello, I am not sure if I am calling a right number, but have a question regarding testing for drugs – I hope you can help me out here. I have had drug tests before, mostly for my work, and they always used a dip stick to test me to find out if I was positive or negative. I used detox products before, and to make sure they work I always would get a dip stick and use it at home before my drug test. And those at-home testers were the same, positive-negative type. So now I got pulled over for DUI, and I was just wondering – if their tests just give you a yes-or-no answer, how do they know when I smoked? Maybe I smoked yesterday, so I am testing positive, can they still give me a ticket? How can they prove that I smoked just now?

    -          Well, normally for DUI’s they do not even have to test – a smell in the car confirms that illicit substance was used recently, and it gets the driver to confess. Also, a blood test can give more comprehensive reading on the amount of metabolites in the system – the levels will vary drastically if you smoked an hour ago, or a day ago, so science is pretty accurate in those questions.

    -          Ok, got it. Well then, can you send me some detox pills to get me cleansed? I am going to need to pass quite a few drug tests in the upcoming months.

    How to pass