April 26th, 2011
How do you use it?
When you think you know something, make sure you know it right.
- Hello, I was on looking on your web site and I need something to help me pass a drug test. I want to buy this human pee thing I saw advertized here, but I am not exactly sure what it is and how to use it. My friend told me he passed his drug test and that I can pass my test with it too, but it was too weird to ask him all the details about it. Can you tell me more?
- Absolutely. First of all, it is not human but synthetic urine. Each sample was specifically created to have all the characteristics of human urine – color, consistency, gravity, normal Ph and creatine level; but it does not go bad in a short period of time, and there is no need in refrigerating it. Shelf life lasts for up to two years.
- Oh, I see. I was wondering where you get this stuff from if it was human. Does it come with a special thingy? You know what I am talking about?
- No, synthetic urine comes in a small flask-like bottle. There is a pouring cap included for easier disposal of a sample, but no other devices.
- I see. But how do I keep it warm then?
- There is a heating pad included with each kit, and there is a temperature strip on the bottle to tell how warm it is. Heating pad keeps it at normal body temperature for up to ten hours.
- Oh, wow, they thought of everything, didn’t they? Ok, let me get this thing. My test is tomorrow so I need it fast…